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It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Ever been chided by your friends for playing 'wargames'? Ever been mocked for your interest in 'history'? Ever wondered where the hairy men go to smoke cigars, spit, call each other all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names, and tip each other a nod?

No? Probably not. No, not you. You're perfectly willing to sit there at your computer, stroking your 'Lord of the Rings' action figures and sweating over whether your next post on the Combat Mission: Shock Force forum will make you seem sufficiently manly, while wondering what shade of 'desert grey' will make your Stryker model look realistic enough to win the acclaim of the other military buffs on the internet.

Ever wondered what that whole 'Peng Challenge' thing is about? Ever popped in for a moment, and then left, head swimming, and decided to sniff and dismiss it all as 'a bunch of bull****?'

Of course you have. It's not for you, laddy! It's not for anyone who doesn't rise to the sound of bagpipes, it's not for anyone who doesn't like to get together with his friends with a glass of single malt in one hand, and a museum quality replica of a rapier in the other, and send at least one friend to the hospital that night with a clipped ear!

It's a Man's Life in the Peng Challenge Thread!

Have you ever spent a night abusing your friends, insulting their abilities and intelligence, and telling them that you will piss on them all from a considerable height?

If you have, then the Peng Challenge Thread is for you!

What do we bring to the Combat Mission games, you ask? Well might you ask! We bring to this otherwise tired forum of military gamers the Big Three:

Wit! Insouciance! Intellect!

Oh, and the right to trash talk, pose, brag, posture and carry on as if you were buying!

But we're not for little boys, genital-posturers and fools. No! Would you like to explain your latest victory in the terms of a Norse Saga? Would you like to curl your mustache, and contemplate Cyrano de Bergerac? Would you like to beat a drum and pretend you are Cochrane, recruiting for your next privateer expedition against the Spanish?!

Have you got a storyteller in your soul? Do you want to strut like a cockerel? Do you despise Australia, and all of its works?

Then the Peng Challenge Thread is for you!

Prepare your insults, ready your wit, un-sheath your intellect!

Join us in the Peng Challenge Thread!

But leave your prejudices at the gate. Hate all, or hate none. Respect women, because they are the first law-givers, and that's where you came from. Everyone's got a penis, and we're not particularly interested in yours, however much it might fascinate you.

Come one, come all! This Circus goes on 24/7, and once you're accepted here, even your stupidest remark will be treated with the gravity it deserves: gibberish spewed from the lips of a halfwit ass!

At last! You'll be accepted! And treated like the dregs of society that you are, by your peers!

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Well, Cavscout fought the good fight. He was valiant, tough, resolute. He defended his positions as if he was backed to the very brink of hell and battled with gusto and elan, never asking for quarter, nor giving any!

Nah, who am I kidding? He folded up like a cheap aluminum law chair and I thwacked him mightily about the ears until he crawled away mewling like a whipped chipmunk!

Final score: 78-22.

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Seanachai you're RECRUITING again I see. Still trying to find SOMEONE to "be your friend" when, in fact, you've never had friends the like of those already here and never will for all the reasons you set forth above.

It will end badly, with recriminations and tears and likely enough more than ONE puddle of vomit on the floor ... and that's just in YOUR house. You've never once listened to my INFALLIBLE judgement on the suitability of a candidate for this, the one, the true, the catholic Mutha Beautiful Thread. Now, of course, we are beset with vile "Others Recognized" who pollute and defile the purity of our precious bodily fluids.

As to Australia you are, of course, quite right. As I've said many times, the Great Barrier Reef was not created by man but by the Gawds and it wasn't to keep people OUT but rather to keep the Australians IN.

It didn't work ... pity.


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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:


A man of peace driven wild!

His Mountain. His Peace. His Great Hunts. His Young Bride. With All That, It Should Have Been Different.

Some say he's dead...some say he never will be.

Did you copy that off the Rambo Movie poster?

It looks more like Red State America to me. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Ever been chided by your friends for playing 'wargames'? Ever been mocked for your interest in 'history'? Ever wondered where the hairy men go to smoke cigars, spit, call each other all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names, and tip each other a nod?

At last! You'll be accepted! And treated like the dregs of society that you are, by your peers!

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Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

[QBHere? [/QB]

While we all appreciate the presence of a Lady in the 'pool, I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that you do not have to endear yourself to us by providing "little peeks" of the late night activities at 'The House of Abbott'.

I, for one, can do without seeing that last link which you obviously copied from his favorites list in Internet Explorer. That little item definitely falls into the category of "Too Much Information". No need to see the websites that he visits late at night after the blackout curtains have been drawn.

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Originally posted by Wisbech_lad:

Am always amused by Mr Joe Shaw's ramblings on, well, nothing in particular. As as far as I know, his sole claim to authority, and, indeed, sole achievement is that he manages to remain continent, until, oh, at least elevenses.

Mmm, elevenses. An under-rated meal break.

And yet we have an email address, no doubt as bogus as the location which has managed to change to yet ANOTHER unlikely spot of the globe.

Still, you've managed to comply and therefore allow me to be the very first to offer you a hearty and heartfelt ... <large>SOD OFFFFF!</large>

SSNs ... there should be a bounty, not quite as high as that offerred for Australians as there are more of them but enough to make it worth the trouble to go after them.


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For one thing, why in the name of all the gods is anyone still using a screen name with an 'underscore' joining the words?

I mean, seriously, what the hell is that all about? I know the sod has been hanging around in the more disturbing Pacific fringes of the Third World, but how far are we going to be into this century before he figures out that DOS is no longer a valid operating system?

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You know, Lars, there's a question that, if I haven't asked it already, I know I've been meaning to ask for some time now.

What the hell is going on? You're the third most prolific poster on the Forums. Third?! You're right behind Grog Dorosh and Emrys, for the love of God.

You need to explain this to me.

At length.

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Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

At last! You'll be accepted! And treated like the dregs of society that you are, by your peers!

Here? </font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lady Redneck:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

At last! You'll be accepted! And treated like the dregs of society that you are, by your peers!

Here? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Well, Cavscout fought the good fight. He was valiant, tough, resolute. He defended his positions as if he was backed to the very brink of hell and battled with gusto and elan, never asking for quarter, nor giving any!

Nah, who am I kidding? He folded up like a cheap aluminum law chair and I thwacked him mightily about the ears until he crawled away mewling like a whipped chipmunk!

Final score: 78-22.

You are just mad because I actually killed your 105 Sherman with a skulking flamethrower, and I got a 3-0 kill ratio on vehicles.
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