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BUYER BEWARE...you may have overpaid!


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i dont feel bad for paying $45 for the download, and you shouldnt feel bad about paying full price whatsoever - thats just how it goes. I agree that the game is not half of what i expected, but that doesnt have anything to do with the price. There are no take-backs in life. If you think you got ripped off, then you are a sorry sorry person. It's like a bunch of spoiled little brats took over the forum and said "But Mommy, its not fair" Boo-hoo children.

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Exactly. If you were happy to pay the price at the time you bought it, you were happy to pay the price when you bought it. If it didn't live up to your expectations as a consumer, that is a different matter. But it isn't exactly headline news that you pay a premium for being an early adopter of high-tech consumer goods.

Hey, I've an idea. Buy another one of these cheap items, than your average price for each will drop massively, thereby saving you a bunch of dollars on your original purchase!

Lies, damned lies and statistics....


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I would have paid $100.00 or more at the time and feel the same way now. This sort of reminds me of people who bought Westcoast Chopper wear back in the day when it was pricey and very cool to wear, then bitched when they found it at Walmart and Zellers a year later and everybody and their dog was wearing it. Hey if you still like the game then any dollar amount is worth it.

Lets hope Ed Hardy wear is not about to suffer the same fate. ;)

[ September 28, 2007, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: whaco ]

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Originally posted by whaco:

This sort of reminds me of people who bought Westcoast Chopper wear back in the day when it was pricey and very cool to wear ;)

The decline of Western Civilization is what I call the "garage drama". A show about men who have to build something in so many days and then argue and fight like chicks in an office until the thing is built. I will gladly call myself a nerd for being hooked on war games, Survivor Man and military history but these chopper t-shirt wearing, tattooed ingrates are the lowest common denominator.
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The only thing I feel bad about in this whole thing is that CMSF went into the bargin bin so fast
Actually, it didn't. Play.com was selling it below cost, and no we aren't at all happy about it. They apparently just did this to get rid of a few remaining copies since I've been told they aren't selling it any more. We're doing what we can to make sure it stays that way :D Some of you might remember that they were the ones selling CM:SF at below market rate (i.e. their direct cost) for preorders. I don't understand how they can survive with a business model like they have (selling for no profit or a loss!).


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

I don't understand how they can survive with a business model like they have (selling for no profit or a loss!).

Because that isn't their business model. Sales of CMSF amount to relative peanuts (no offence), as do the vast majority of games but they do get those who want them to visit the site. Where they will buy the big selling games (Halo 3, WoW etc) and DVDs which, while discounted, are usually no more so than people like Amazon. The trick is that, being Channel Islands based, they don't have to add on or account for the 17.5% VAT (sales tax) they so they actually make more on each sale than UK/mainland Europe competitors retailing at the same price. If it's any consolation that's a loophole about to get closed.
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Because that isn't their business model.
Oh, I wasn't being totally serious :D The concept of "loss leader" has been around in commerce for... well, probably since things were traded and people were clubbed over the heads if a trade went wrong :D But loss leading is a difficult thing to do when your competition doesn't do it, or at least doesn't do it to the same extent. You've reminded me of one of the competitive advantages Play.com enjoys that enables them to do this and not die as a result:

The trick is that, being Channel Islands based, they don't have to add on or account for the 17.5% VAT (sales tax) they so they actually make more on each sale than UK/mainland Europe competitors retailing at the same price. If it's any consolation that's a loophole about to get closed.
I have NEVER understood how they could be exempt from VAT. I know it's a bit off topic, but could you quickly explain how this came about and why (after all these years) the loophole is finally closing up? I'm curious smile.gif


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

I have NEVER understood how they could be exempt from VAT. I know it's a bit off topic, but could you quickly explain how this came about and why (after all these years) the loophole is finally closing up? I'm curious smile.gif

You have to go back into the depths of history for that one.

Play.com is registered in the Channel Islands, but the Channel Islands aren't actually part of the UK; they are a seperate possession of the Crown. Strictly speaking they are ruled by the Queen not as the Queen of the United Kingdom but as the heir to the Duchy of Normandy (i.e their status goes right back to William the Conqueror). They have their own government and are not represented in, or under the authority of, the British parliament.

The point of all that, in a nutshell, is that they never signed the relevant treaties and are not actually full members of the European Union, from whence comes VAT law. In fact they have a rather unusual status all-round which led to similar problems with 'offshore' banking and associated tax revenues (or lack of them) which were only resolved fairly recently.

How the loophole will be closed in practice I don't know, but Gordon Brown (the Prime Minister) has recently announced it will be.. the DVD and CD retailers in particular have been upset about the 'unfair' competition for some time.

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Clearly, just by even asking the question, you have obviously been labouring under the misunderstanding the the British government over the last few decades has been based on common sense, fairness and a desire to do what is best for the people.
I lived in London, so I don't think that way :D Oh, like the fact that the UK has national health but the ambulance drivers were able to go on strike for the better part of a year. Not much good comes of health coverage if you die in a taxi cab on the way to the hospibal :D


Thanks for the explanation! I knew the Channel Islands were unique under British law, but until you just said this I didn't understand why. I'm just surprise it took this long to go after them seeing as the British government has spent so much time hunting down "pirate radio" broadcasters and people who haven't paid their tele tax ;)


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Clearly, just by even asking the question, you have obviously been labouring under the misunderstanding the the British government over the last few decades has been based on common sense, fairness and a desire to do what is best for the people.

I lived in London, so I don't think that way :D Oh, like the fact that the UK has national health but the ambulance drivers were able to go on strike for the better part of a year. Not much good comes of health coverage if you die in a taxi cab on the way to the hospibal :D


Thanks for the explanation! I knew the Channel Islands were unique under British law, but until you just said this I didn't understand why. I'm just surprise it took this long to go after them seeing as the British government has spent so much time hunting down "pirate radio" broadcasters and people who haven't paid their tele tax ;)

Steve </font>

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