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Seanachai Challenges Peng to the Inappropriateness of Shock Thread


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

two excellent movies, Zulu Dawn...

Ack! Piece of junk. The original Zulu, you know, the one with Michael Caine?, is much better. ZD is just a disappointing ripoff.


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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

I'm sick, so no turns for a while, and that's why I haven't been sending for a bit. I know how stoat worries about such things.

You know I thought I was the only one here capable of getting sick… I just kinda assumed you lot made people sick... not vice versa.

Either way this revelation has given me a newfound respect for the 34B_Juan and also given me an idea.

Considering how suicidal Seanachai appears to be this week and also taking into account the unfortunate nature of rleete… in addition to which must be added the almost unheard of inadequacies of much of the FISA panel (I’m talking about Boo & NG Cavscout here… oh & Mr 34B) I feel it necessary to claim for myself stoat.

If only to add another missing arrow to my quiver.

So here goes… I Sir Sir 37mm leading light of the house of JD Morse do propose the fool known as stoat be raised to the lofty position of Squire of the Cesspool. He will serve me…

I mean he will serve me, I’m thirsty & I like ice with my spritzers Pengdamnit!

Other than that I also hereby declare I will take upon myself the responsibility of training the daft buggar to some semblance of usefulness… I barely need to point out that both of the other suitors are ill suited to this, most vital, task.

… oh and most importantly of all can stoat now get me a beer from the fridge? I sprained my ankle a wee bit & don’t feel up to the trip.

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Considering how suicidal Seanachai appears to be this week and also taking into account the unfortunate nature of rleete

So here goes… I Sir Sir 37mm leading light of the house of JD Morse do propose the fool known as stoat be raised to the lofty position of Squire of the Cesspool. He will serve me…

Suicidal? Were you vomiting in the loo when God was selecting which twelve Englishmen were going to get a brain the month you were born?

The day I'm 'suicidal' is the day that the Anglican Church celebrates rapprochement with the Papacy. The day when I don't concentrate every molecule of my being into hanging onto this planet is the day England apologizes for fecking over Ireland since Elizabeth I: murdering, oppressing and exploiting the inhabitants simply because they wanted everyone to think they had a pair, and because they could. The day I contemplate taking my own life is the day I will fraudulently withdraw Dalem's life-savings from the bank, steal and load up his guns, and charter a private plane to England in order to SLAUGHTER YOUR ANNOYING ****ING ASS LIKE A TOAD UNDER THE HARROW, YOU LIMEY BASTARD!

Did you see how I made an effort to put what I said into terms that your British arse could follow? I'm lovable that way.

Suicide. You know any suicides, Sunshine? You ever accuse me of contemplating suicide again, I'll show you my Dark Side.

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Bored with your existence’ or ‘suicidal’ same difference.

As for England “murdering, oppressing & exploiting” no I don’t think you’re ever gonna get an apology… certainly not from me

We’re just not like that you see… I suppose we're rather irritating in that way

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

The original Zulu, you know, the one with Michael Caine?, is much better.


I concur. 'Zulu!' was/is a modern epic/classic. It was a well acted, fairly historically accurate, and well filmed presentation of the Battle of Rourke's Drift.

It was straight-forward, as well. No 'evil nigger savages'. No 'Imperialistic British war-mongers'. It didn't judge. It was told from the perspective of the Brits, who are our heroes (Christ, it was a 60s film; it's 40 years later and we're still not ever going to see a Hollywood movie from the perspective of the 'evil nigger savages'), but it didn't demonize anyone. It was a war film.

People fought and died. Unless you're familiar with the history, the viewer would never know why, or wherefore, or what.

At the end, the seemingly unstoppable horde of Zulus simply give up. Both sides have suffered horrific casualties. And there's absolutely nothing strategic about what they've fought for. And there's nothing tactical that could justify the casualties.

It's a brilliant depiction of the aimlessness of Modern War.

It's a lot like playing a game against Boo Radley, who is a big, big whore. I like Boo. He makes me feel better about the world.

But before they give up, the Zulus honour 'the nut that was too hard to crack', and give them their lives. Which is nothing like Modern War. We don't honour those who oppose us. We demonize them. And they now demonize us. Politics, religion, economics...

Nowadays, we want what we've always wanted. Simple heroes, simple villains. The guilty, and the innocent. Good guys, bad guys. White Cowboy Hats, Black Kaffiyeh. Us and Them. Our Fears, Their Anger. White. Brown. Christianity. Islam. West. East.

Until the twain can meet, Democracy is just another word for Subjugation.

Kipling should be a poet, not the Imam of the West.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I was thinking of it, my wife is not good on smaller boats though...I have a hard time geting her on the giant cruise ships.

Those three-masters might be too much like sailing for her liking. I would hate to plan something like that and have her sea sick all the time.

We took a caribbean catamaran cruise for a week once back in the early 80s, but that was when we were much younger. She really tried to have a good time, but she just doesnt do well on boats.

I really loved it, I enjoy the sea and being around boats.

Why not leave the wife at home then? She can vacation in the comfort of her home, playing bridge and drinking mai tais with her buddies while you get it on with the Tahitian wahines.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's a lot like playing a game against Boo Radley, who is a big, big whore.

Is that because I make you pay and pay and pay some more?

(And being called a whore is nothing to me. Water off a duck's back. I work in advertising. I know I'm a whore. I'm comfortable being a whore. I also realize that it's a stupid, pointless, unimportant, ridiculous job*, but by Gawd, someone's got to do it!)

(*Not unlike them that works in a government office. But we have a bit more nobility of spirit.)

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Admen should go the way of telephone sanitizers.


Oh, to be sure, but whenever one of my subliminal concepts can separate a surly, curmudgeon like you from some of his fixed income, so that he buys something he doesn't need (or want, actually) and is then forced to consume an inferior grade of cat food for his dinner...

I know I done good.

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I rather enjoy Kipling. White mans burden and all that, what?

I should be able to get turns out tonight, finally got a breather, things have gotten "interesting" around here lately.

Seanachai, I wouldn't of expected you to use "gamey" reinforcements, I am so disappointed..... Hardly Gnomish of you at all now is it? Stiff upper lip and all that!

37mm, Never Apologize, that is the way. Hmmpfh, next thing, they will want you to give up the Empire, hardly proper, what? Sun never sets and all that rot.

I still haven't tried the Vegemite... It frightens me, did I mention that it smells like sadness?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I was thinking of it, my wife is not good on smaller boats though...I have a hard time geting her on the giant cruise ships.

Those three-masters might be too much like sailing for her liking. I would hate to plan something like that and have her sea sick all the time.

We took a caribbean catamaran cruise for a week once back in the early 80s, but that was when we were much younger. She really tried to have a good time, but she just doesnt do well on boats.

I really loved it, I enjoy the sea and being around boats.

My advice.


"No honey, the sails keep it stiffer so it doesn't roll".

"They only sail in the lee of the islands".

"It's 230 feet, much bigger than the cat we were on"

Lie like a rug. Lie, lie, lie.

Then stick a scopamine patch on her once you get there.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

The original Zulu, you know, the one with Michael Caine?, is much better.


I concur. 'Zulu!' was/is a modern epic/classic. It was a well acted, fairly historically accurate, and well filmed presentation of the Battle of Rourke's Drift.

It was straight-forward, as well. No 'evil nigger savages'. No 'Imperialistic British war-mongers'. It didn't judge. It was told from the perspective of the Brits, who are our heroes (Christ, it was a 60s film; it's 40 years later and we're still not ever going to see a Hollywood movie from the perspective of the 'evil nigger savages'), but it didn't demonize anyone. It was a war film.

People fought and died. Unless you're familiar with the history, the viewer would never know why, or wherefore, or what.

At the end, the seemingly unstoppable horde of Zulus simply give up. Both sides have suffered horrific casualties. And there's absolutely nothing strategic about what they've fought for. And there's nothing tactical that could justify the casualties.

It's a brilliant depiction of the aimlessness of Modern War.

It's a lot like playing a game against Boo Radley, who is a big, big whore. I like Boo. He makes me feel better about the world.

But before they give up, the Zulus honour 'the nut that was too hard to crack', and give them their lives. Which is nothing like Modern War. We don't honour those who oppose us. We demonize them. And they now demonize us. Politics, religion, economics...

Nowadays, we want what we've always wanted. Simple heroes, simple villains. The guilty, and the innocent. Good guys, bad guys. White Cowboy Hats, Black Kaffiyeh. Us and Them. Our Fears, Their Anger. White. Brown. Christianity. Islam. West. East.

Until the twain can meet, Democracy is just another word for Subjugation.

Kipling should be a poet, not the Imam of the West. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Anyway the Zulus spent way too much time singing and dancing in that movie.

Are you crazy? (I know, I know, why ask a question that was settled in the affirmative ages ago?) The singing and dancing was the best part. Even had titties, didn't it?


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Anyway the Zulus spent way too much time singing and dancing in that movie.

Are you crazy? (I know, I know, why ask a question that was settled in the affirmative ages ago?) The singing and dancing was the best part. Even had titties, didn't it?

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

I was thinking of it, my wife is not good on smaller boats though...I have a hard time geting her on the giant cruise ships.

Those three-masters might be too much like sailing for her liking. I would hate to plan something like that and have her sea sick all the time.

We took a caribbean catamaran cruise for a week once back in the early 80s, but that was when we were much younger. She really tried to have a good time, but she just doesnt do well on boats.

I really loved it, I enjoy the sea and being around boats.

My advice.


"No honey, the sails keep it stiffer so it doesn't roll".

"They only sail in the lee of the islands".

"It's 230 feet, much bigger than the cat we were on"

Lie like a rug. Lie, lie, lie.

Then stick a scopamine patch on her once you get there. </font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

Where is my gorram Gnome?

Sae, did ye rreceive tha turrrn Ah saint tae ye last Monday, laddie? Eh? Waill? Did ye? </font>
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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:


*snort* It's a little piece of foreign outerboard earnestness in good ole Cesspool home counties.

[waving a stick in a vague, half-hearted Assegai sort of way] </font>

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