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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I think Elton John should come out with a song for Sturmy, "Please let your son go down on me"

There, fixed that for you. </font>
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It was quiet in my office ... too quiet. The kind of quiet that sends the hairs on the back of your neck straight up, the kind of quiet that seems to force the whole world to hold its breath, that kind of quiet.

I'll never know what made me look up from my work, maybe it was the slight scritching on the floor, maybe the infinitesimal sound of a small gasp of surprise, but look up I did ... and that's when I saw him.

The grey-brown coat, the long tail, the whiskers, the beady little eyes ... we called his kind ... MICKEY! Yeah, I know, I know, it wasn't very politically correct but this was WAR damnit.

As I looked into his pitiless eyes and he gazed back at me we both knew that it was him ... or me. We must have stared at each other for five seconds, hardly daring to breath ... then suddenly, he turned with inhuman speed and dashed beneath the credenza.

I vowed, then and there, that one day very soon one of us would end up face down, with a mouthful of cheese and a broken neck over a sign that said "VICTOR" ... AND IT WOULDN'T BE ME!


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Thanks for letting me sleep on the sofa.

But it looks like Prancing Eunuch is settling down and I really do hate seeing a bunch of half-brained TNT chuckers running amok without their token socialist to keep things sociable.

Plus things are getting a little too "rainbow" in here... Next thing you know there'll be a Peng Pride Parade...

*sod off*

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Originally posted by Lars:

You're still repressing about everybody wanting to touch temple guy in Vietnam and ignoring you, aren't you?

Actually it all stems back to Mom (doesn't everything?), because deep in my heart I knew that she longed to be a Gold Star Mother....and once again I disappointed her.
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Dear galumphing and shambling Boo:

It's a blessing I can ride again so readily. 'Tis a pity that you can not quite yet saddle-up after the last spanking <small>(draw)</small> I handed you. Now that I've gained the reins of Deutschland, you can kiss your little pixel-souls goodbye, you scaborous rat-handler with hand washing phobia!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Alright, dammit, here I am, right in the middle of my personal universe, and no one has sent me a turn. I blame Joe Shaw.

I sent you one you mouth breathing, knuckle dragging zwei beiner, you really can't control routed and panicked troops so it shouldn't take you too long to play it and send it back.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Wait a minute!!! Did someone say something....?...no it's just the wind blowing, or an AUSSIE!!!

That wind noise is the sound you hear of the air passing between your ears... covers the tinnitus, no doubt.


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Wait a minute!!! Did someone say something....?...no it's just the wind blowing, or an AUSSIE!!!

That wind noise is the sound you hear of the air passing between your ears... covers the tinnitus, no doubt.

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Wait a minute!!! Did someone say something....?...no it's just the wind blowing, or an AUSSIE!!!

That wind noise is the sound you hear of the air passing between your ears... covers the tinnitus, no doubt.

Noba. </font>

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Roight then!! You shall have it.....and remember you agreed under your own free will....well, as free as can be expected from a lower primate.

I will set it up when I return home from work this evening, my time.

Hmmmmm...Lycra, you say???? What is this sport again???...it involves women...adult women I hope?

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Roight then!! You shall have it.....and remember you agreed under your own free will....well, as free as can be expected from a lower primate.

I will set it up when I return home from work this evening, my time.

Hmmmmm...Lycra, you say???? What is this sport again???...it involves women...adult women I hope?

Gawd you are thick. If they're not adult, they'd be girls.

I know you came from the same lineage as Boo Radley. You 'mericans are all knuckle-draggers from way back.


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We were escorting a convoy northbound about 30 miles south of Tikrit at about 3 in the morning. There had been reports of small arms fire all up and down the MSR all night long, so we were a bit on edge. I was TC'ing the trail gun truck with a medic filling in as my driver and, lets call him P-Dizzle, my normal gunner. The lead gun truck called in small arms fire observed from the right side of the road, but not incoming, so I told P-Dizzle to cover that side.

We come up by the area where the gunfire was spotted and no one else had called in anything else yet. Suddenly I see these little reddish-gold lights floating in front of my windshield from right to left, about 10-15 feet in front of the truck. I think there were about 6 of them. I realize they are tracers and I yell out "contact right" over the intercom and start reporting it up on the radio. I realize after about 2 seconds that I am not hearing our trusty 240C machine gun firing. I look up in the turret, and there is P-Dizzle looking down at me, hunkered down to about 3 feet from his normal 6'2", with eyes as big as saucers. "What the F*** are you doing?" I yell. "You wanted me to shoot?" he asks.

I could of choked him. Of course at that point, whoever had emptied the magazine at us was about 2/10ths of a mile south, so, that was that. They didn't hit anything, probably just some scared kid stuck his AK over the berm at the side of the road and pulled the trigger. We just pressed on. That was the closest I ever came to being in a real fire fight with guns and bullets over there.

[ March 09, 2007, 06:50 AM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Yeah ! Welcome home! Close to real fire fight or not, you deserve just the same amount of respect !

Can i ask a personal question? Do you "regret" in a certain way not having to go through a real firefight? I know it's a weird question and i guess everybody wants to stay out of trouble, but still ,as a soldier, would you have "liked" to have had the experience?


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

We just pressed on. That was the closest I ever came to being in a real fire fight with guns and bullets over there.

Lucky for us. Welcome home, troop. smile.gif </font>
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