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Seanachai, you knob, why'd you challenge Peng?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Yes, yes, yes,

Heh. I believe you misunderstand. Your "cool table" comment momentarily took me back to High School days. No one I knew hung out with the "cool guys" we were busy getting into mischief or trouble and going to work. Not to say that the “cool guys” are bad folks, they just didn't last to long around the un-cool guys. What you may be taking as unusual antics or bragging is not that. It is just silly everyday life for a country boy. I imagine Lars , Dalem , Joe , Nidan and a few others Boo ? May have some stories they could tell along similar lines. Dumb, harrowing or just down right dangerous things that have been lived thru and laughed about. If you want to know the truth these days I am half cripple and in constant pain but I am to busy laughing to sweat the small stuff.

How is it that you get your head thru doors?

That is not my attitude or intent Boo . If that is how you are taking my comments it is probably my lack of writing skills. What may be the issue is the fact that I come from a different side of life then many of you seem to. In no way do I think that makes you a bad guy, just different. You have always seemed ok to me.

Edit to add a Marine to the list.

[ June 22, 2006, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Something that just came to mind while I was having breakfast may help explain: (two-eggs scrambled, an English muffin with raisins, some applesauce and a glass of milk) It was good.

I stopped by a friend of mine’s house a while back, knocking on the front door he opened it and said; “hold a second I want to show you something”. He then stepped thru the doorway with a Black Bear hide hanging from his shoulders. I said “Wow, nice, did you know it was that big when you shot it? He replied “I didn’t know how big it was when I was in the same cave it was in”.

He wasn’t bragging or being cool. He was just stating a fact. What I find extremely impressive about the man and the story is knowing the way the guy hunts for bear. He carries a single-shot muzzle loading black powder rifle and a hatchet in his belt. That is what he crawled into that dark cave after that bear with.

I am not much of a bear hunter, I would rather watch them walk thru the woods the couple of times I have been quite enough and fortunate enough to see them. By the way there is a Cougar who has taken up residence not to far behind my house on Masten butte, they are hunted here but I would rather just see him/her water in the morning in the Deschutes River, I like Cougars too. But I do know some folks who do not share those same thoughts on the subject. I do know that bear meat isn’t to bad if you cook it long enough, it tastes quite a bit like goat meat.

Of course some may now go on to say “What an ahole, braggert, bull****ter” none does the kind of stuff Abbott talks about. I just smile and think “cool”.

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damn ... Chariot of the Justicariate ... DAMN! It just sends CHILLS doesn't it.


... trying to hitch it up to Yeknod... </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damn ... Chariot of the Justicariate ... DAMN! It just sends CHILLS doesn't it.


... trying to hitch it up to Yeknod... </font>
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Originally posted by Bugged:

I'd shoot a cougar that was hanging around my home. No question.

I didn’t write very descriptively Ladybug . Masten Butte is about 5oo feet higher then our property and a few kilometers away. I have yet to see the cat myself (I have three dogs that keep wild animals away at night). I have seen its tracks about 75 meters from our place near the river. They are quite large which leads me to believe it is a male. I have no reason to shoot him but would not hesitate to do so if need be. I would rather just let him be, they are incredible creatures one of my most favorite on the planet.
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

I was wondering has anybody yet claimed the title of OFFICIAL Spam Sandwich of the Cesspool?

Heh, kind of makes you say to yourself "C'mon Shock Force " shut this guy up. However I would ask what the feck you think you are doing when you post your prattle here? Maybe consider just a posting, kind of Rubber Stamp like thingy saying "I Sir 37mm lost another PBEM game to my betters (inset name here) as usual”. That would save us all quite a bit of Spam as well. However BFC seems to put up with us so who’s to say eh.
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With Sir Sir 37mm he follows a set of four criteria:

Is it incomprehensible tripe?

Is it worth the space it's displayed on?

Will it excite Sturmsebber?

Will it make his parents weep in shame?

If the answers are yes, no, HELL YES, and yes he posts it.

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Originally posted by stoat:

With Sir Sir 37mm he follows a set of four criteria:

Is it incomprehensible tripe?

Is it worth the space it's displayed on?

Will it excite Sturmsebber?

Will it make his parents weep in shame?

If the answers are yes, no, HELL YES, and yes he posts it.

Thanks Stoat, that explains a lot. In the last week or so I haven't been able to tell if Sir 37mm is a nice guy or a beotch in heat.
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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

I'd shoot a cougar that was hanging around my home. No question.

I didn’t write very descriptively Ladybug . Masten Butte is about 5oo feet higher then our property and a few kilometers away. I have yet to see the cat myself (I have three dogs that keep wild animals away at night). I have seen its tracks about 75 meters from our place near the river. They are quite large which leads me to believe it is a male. I have no reason to shoot him but would not hesitate to do so if need be. I would rather just let him be, they are incredible creatures one of my most favorite on the planet. </font>
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Originally posted by stoat:

He's nice enough, and certainly is not harmful to anything, but he is limited by his intelligence. Then again, we expect nothing more from an Aussie.

Though he may have the mental capacity of a six-year old, Sir 37mm is a Knight of the Pool, and you are but a serf. While I would never think of telling you to not insult him or some such nonsense, at least get your facts straight. Sir 37mm is from Merry Old England, not the land Down Under. I suppose this means he hasn't got an excuse, though.
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Originally posted by stoat:

He's nice enough, and certainly is not harmful to anything, but he is limited by his intelligence. Then again, we expect nothing more from an Aussie.

Hey, wash your mouth out. He's not good enough to wear that badge of honour.

<font size=-2>Bloody young 'uns nowadays..</font>


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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

...at least get your facts straight.

Since when has this ever been a requirement?

After all, when has it ever stopped the likes of seamless (he's missing something, but seams are probably the least of them) or Kettler or Hortlund?

stoat, your latest entry is pushing it. Editing might be a good idea if you'd like to ever be promoted.

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Originally posted by stoat:

With Sir Sir 37mm he follows a set of four criteria:

Is it incomprehensible tripe?

Is it worth the space it's displayed on?

Will it excite Sturmsebber?

Will it make his parents weep in shame?

If the answers are yes, no, HELL YES, and yes he posts it.

I follow criteria?!

Nonsense me fine feathered friend I utter from the heart… example

I once knew a fellow called stoat,

He really was a prick,

I know this doesn’t strictly rhyme,

But I don’t give a ****.

You see?

That cannot possibly excite Sturmsebber… though it probably qualifies for the other criteria.

As to that ‘freak on a bike’ I will not respond to anyone who does not bold my gawd awful name… except with that response… and that one… and again...

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