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The Peng Challenge: Now, With Retsyn!


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Originally posted by JC_Hare:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Anyway, listen here young fellah....

you have to pick one and insult them, not the entire board. and not a senior Kanniget for Peng's sake. If, that is you can even find a squire or serf about the place, we need some new blood I say.

Sure is nice to be referred to as a "young fellah", haven't heard that in years... so potentially interested new individuals should challenge individual serfs or squires for a duel? .. sounds like the feudal system.

As I recall, serfs were poorly armed peasants, while squires were young lads who were usually paralysed by fear in their first battle, sounds more like target practice than a duel.

sure is hard to get a PBEM game going around here.. ;) </font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo. And I dont mean like he scary kind.

"...like he scary kind..."?


One has hopes. One actually has hopes that people can grow wiser with age.

But then, one runs across a total, bug-eyed ninny like Panzer Leader (Unbolded because you didn't bold me, dontchaknow)and the hopes are dashed all over the floor like a bottle of wine left too near the edge of the kitchen table.

And in the same way, one is left shaking one's head in disgust.

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Originally posted by SSgt Viljuri:

Thanks to Grog Dorosh, the Flames lost 4-1 again.

I think he has jinxed the team. You better get him post that 20.000th post or else the Flames loosing habits will continue.

And the Wings are flying high, even without McCarty. ;(
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Befitting my status as a serf of the Cesspool, I have been toiling long and hard, devising ways to help the MBT in any way I can. My latest discovery regards the missing Grog Dorosh. I have found a way to summon him. Say "Mamma Mia" three times, spin around, and he will appear. With this tool, we can hold him accountable for his actions and bring him to justice.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

Befitting my status as a serf of the Cesspool, I have been toiling long and hard, devising ways to help the MBT in any way I can. My latest discovery regards the missing Grog Dorosh. I have found a way to summon him. Say "Mamma Mia" three times, spin around, and he will appear. With this tool, we can hold him accountable for his actions and bring him to justice.

And in what way does summoning Grog Dorosh help the MBT????
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo, my large and amusingly thuggish henchman, as it was long since been proved that you were, in fact, wrong, I must insist that you CHANGE YOUR GODDAMN SIG LINE, YOU DYSFUNCTIONAL MUTANT!

Ah, you must not have heard me the first time I said this, so allow me to repeat myself.


You want it changed? Challenge me to a Blood Hamster (I realize that I have a pending Blood Hamster match going with Peng, but we're waiting for Rune to pull his head out of the commode and, well... I'm not getting any younger.). Then, if you do well (Better than you're doing in our present game), you'll be able to change my sig.

Personally, I don't see it happening. What with your usual Zen-like method of returning moves once every couple of weeks, I'll probably change my sig voluntarily long before you could ever defeat me in another game.

If you could defeat me.

So, until said time, you'll just have to whine and bluster and pound your tiny, pointy toed shoe on the table.

Do we have a deal?

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

The point isn't actually to play a game here son, although we do that as well, it is in the art of the challenge, the witty repartee, the back and forth, the intellectual excercise.

Hah yes, the art of the challenge ... but is'nt that a bit of an oxymoron, to be effective, a challenge must be a threat, brutish and to the point, like a punch in the face, not very artful.

To be an art, it has to be rythmic, like a dance, or a Muhammed Ali fight where your opponent does not know what is going on until you land the knockout punch.

The true art of the challenge would be to get your potential opponent to agree to a rousing, good PBEM game without him realising that he is being challenged... that is the canadian way.

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Originally posted by JC_Hare:

The true art of the challenge would be to get your potential opponent to agree to a rousing, good PBEM game without him realising that he is being challenged... that is the canadian way.

Put your aluminum foil hat back on and ask the nurse for your 5:00 dose.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JC_Hare:

The true art of the challenge would be to get your potential opponent to agree to a rousing, good PBEM game without him realising that he is being challenged... that is the canadian way.

I thought wearing black socks while having sex was the Canadian way. </font>
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Almost 6 months until Baseball! Now what the hell am I supposed to do with myself? DON'T ANSWER THAT.

Glad the Texian team lost. Hate em. Hate em a lot. Texians that is. Feel kinda bad that the Junior League team won it. More of a National League fan, but my deep and abiding hatred of all things Texian outweighs my loyalty to the Nat League.

Now, if the Phluphia Iggles would just get their collective arses in gear and beat the Dallas Assassins* in the second meeting, I'll be somewhat less miserable than my usual miserable self. If there's anything I hate more than the Houston Astros its the Dallas Assassins. I wish them ill in all of their endeavors. Although I suppose I could stand to be roughed up a bit by the cheerleaders... Anyway, I think it would be a good thing for everyone if we just gave Texas to Mexico. I mean GIVE our amigos in that fine country Texas lock, stock, barrell and Bushes and make Puerto Rico the 50th state. Be best for everyone involved. Yup.

* The old man's name for The Dallas Football Cowboys... He seemed to think they had something to do with J.F.Kennedy's demise. Or somfink. Bit of a nutter my old dad. But I think the name has a certain ring to it, and hating all things Texian, I choose to continue the tradition. Also, I'm a bit of a nutter myself. But you knew that.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Anyway, I think it would be a good thing for everyone if we just gave Texas to Mexico. I mean GIVE our amigos in that fine country Texas lock, stock, barrell and Bushes and make Puerto Rico the 50th state. Be best for everyone involved. Yup.

I'd vote for that. And while we're at it, how about giving Alaska back to the Roooooosians? It'd give the Canukistanians something new to worry about.

Also, I'm a bit of a nutter myself. But you knew that.
If there is anything we know about you, it's that.


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