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Once Upon A Peng Challenge

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Originally posted by Bugged:

That's cuz Stuka is being kept busy with waxing dalem's back. There are only so many hours in the day.

If only he'd use the wax. But no, he insists on pulling out every single one with his teeth.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bugged:

That's cuz Stuka is being kept busy with waxing dalem's back. There are only so many hours in the day.

If only he'd use the wax. But no, he insists on pulling out every single one with his teeth.

-dale </font>

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So...Rune is now top poster?

And people wonder why I attempted to redeem Dorosh.

Rune, I witnessed your dudgeon in the dead thread. Having played a number of your CM scenarios (before ShockForce, of course), I can only say that if someone insulted your Scenario Designing Abilities, even if that someone was Grog Dorosh, you should send that person flowers, buy them a drink, and quite possibly fall on your knees before them in token of the thanks you owe them for leading you back into the light.

Your scenarios, in my experience, involve moving across the map as though it was a hamster habitrail, reinforcements appeared like clockwork as all previous units exploded, and, everything exploded.

If there was an objective, it wasn't immediately apparent to anyone who hadn't re-configured a piece of home exercise equipment as a beer dispenser.

You should regard anyone who trashes the horrors that you call 'Scenarios' as being bathed in a Holy Light. You should sit at their feet, and take the NDA off vibrate long enough to let your mind focus again, or at least long enough for your eyes to refocus.

Once you regain enough brain function, not to mention the ability to piss again without smiling, you should address whoever finally reached you with their insults as 'Master'.

I'm pretty sure that I'm the only one who might, if I exert all my abilities to lead minds back into the light, be that person.

So, get busy and sweep this place up. It looks like hell.

Don't miss that ****e around the windmills.

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Well said Seanachai and quite true BUT ... I see no harangue against top posting in your reply, only a comment on the quality of his scenarios ... as if we needed to be told that.

But it's a START and that's good.

Now on to more important business. As some of you are aware (or at least as aware as you're likely to get considering the quantities of alcohol and Gawd knows what else that makes it down your throat) I recently went to Dallas on business and whilst there I arranged to meet MrSpkr for his Quasi-Annual Review, Audit and Inspection.

It was sad, really, to see the degree of preparation he went to in order to impress your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread. Well, just look at the photo that we had a Waitperson take of us ...


You can see the fear in his eyes can't you? I was gentle with the lad and gave him the benefit of my wisdom as well as some suggestions for improvement but really, was "The Justicar roolz" necessary? Is your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread to be swayed from his appointed duty by a mere shirt? Hardly.

Pity that MrSpkr had an accident on the way and spilled that mustard on the shirt but I'm quite sure that MrsSpkr will be able to get it out. Odd though, he knew we were going to dinner so why was he messing with mustard? Oh well, the ways of the Okie are difficult for the rest of us to understand ... unless you're Australian I suppose and then you might have a shot.

But once we got past the understandable hero worship on his part and the necessary review of his performance it was a grand evening and we were able to regale each other with tales of the 'pool ... and it doesn't get any better than that.


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Joe, Joe, you know me. I come here because the bars aren't entertaining enough, and I won't meet the same quality of idjits.

I'm all about the quality of the idjits.

Now, I have a question. Is that really MrSpkr in the photo that is, probably, immediately above my post?

He looks so...so...like he should be in jail. For election-rigging, voter fraud, influence peddling, and short-paying $1,000 a night hookers.

Also, I can't help but notice that you two look like..brothers.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Joe, Joe, you know me. I come here because the bars aren't entertaining enough, and I won't meet the same quality of idjits.

I'm all about the quality of the idjits.

Now, I have a question. Is that really MrSpkr in the photo that is, probably, immediately above my post?

He looks so...so...like he should be in jail. For election-rigging, voter fraud, influence peddling, and short-paying $1,000 a night hookers.

Well ... he IS an attorney so it's a pretty safe bet.

Also, I can't help but notice that you two look like..brothers.
I see no cause for you to insult me ...


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If Jay Leno were a lesbian, she'd look like MrSpkr.

That's kind of... weird.

Seanachai - your vmail message, much like yourself the last time you tried to drink in a public venue, was cut off.

Call me, if you dare.

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Bah! I'm back.

Boo! Fetch me a cooling drink!

closes eyes, and visualizes that this time...this time, it will happen. A boisterous, booming voice will respond 'Yes sir! Fast up with it!' and that when he opens his eyes, a Singapore Sling will have metaphysically, or at least, metaphorically have manifested itself in has hand, in a tall, frosted Collins glass.

I was away, for some days here and there. I've returned, and there are emails. Some fell off the radar, here and there. I will respond to them, hopefully as soon as Boo brings me that cooling elixir.

Saturday is Smaller Nora's Second Birthday Party. I will be there, of course. She has learned to say 'Grandma Steve', if I prompt her. She says 'Grammmmaaa Geeessss'.

I'm not sure how the geese feel about this. But she hugs me about the legs, when I arrive, and about the neck, if I pick her small but vicious frame up.

I continue to work on building that link between her and her sister Small Emma, that will allow them to attempt to completely circumvent their parents for the next 5 years (with two 5 year options to renew...and my dead father thought I wasn't ever paying attention, eh?)

And do you lot know what? I got older. I got older a fecking week ago. And no one, not one, had the fecking ballocks to tell me:

I hope you die, soon, Seanachai!

I became...older...last week.

I'll hire some immigrants to hose off the foam that arises from your attempts to explain why you didn't abuse me about it.


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When a man gets closer to death, he wants everyone to rally round. He wants to know where he stands: Who's with him, who's against him and who's waiting on a court decision or a release of funds from a numbered Swiss account, so that he knows what level of Hell he's going to be in.

I really, really want to be in one of the Higher Levels of Hell. One with a view. One without so many Republicans. Or Democrats. One with a view of America where we were still the envy of the World.

Where we screwed the Indians over, but made of this country the Greatest Place On Earth.

One where we didn't have to lie about our motives, and postured like whores to excuse it.

I'd like something like that.

But with bagpipes.

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Originally posted by dalem:


If Jay Leno were a lesbian, she'd look like MrSpkr.

That's kind of... weird.

Seanachai - your vmail message, much like yourself the last time you tried to drink in a public venue, was cut off.

Call me, if you dare.

Our friendship remains my penance. Denny Crane.
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Originally posted by dalem:

Seanachai - your vmail message, much like yourself the last time you tried to drink in a public venue, was cut off.

Call me, if you dare.

Perhaps if you fixed your sodding answering machine, you feck, so that, if you didn't pick up, I wasn't greeted with the message 'the answering log is full', you'd know I called.

Fecking pillock.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well, just look at the photo that we had a Waitperson take of us ...


You can see the fear in his eyes can't you?

Actually, it looks more like misgivings about having wasted the effort of meeting with you. You, on the other hand, look like you are priming yourself to indignantly refuse to pay your share of the check.

BTW, just to look at him, you'd never suspect MrSpkr of being a spawn of Satan, would you? I mean, he looks so innocuous, so clueless. Well, the clueless part is right enough but...


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


You two look like you've both to face an impending IRS audit.

Couldn't you both at least make an effort to smile, or have those associated facial muscles atrophied from lack of use?

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


You two look like you've both to face an impending IRS audit.

Couldn't you both at least make an effort to smile, or have those associated facial muscles atrophied from lack of use? </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

When a man gets closer to death, he wants everyone to rally round. He wants to know where he stands: Who's with him, who's against him and who's waiting on a court decision or a release of funds from a numbered Swiss account, so that he knows what level of Hell he's going to be in.

I really, really want to be in one of the Higher Levels of Hell. One with a view. One without so many Republicans. Or Democrats. One with a view of America where we were still the envy of the World.

Where we screwed the Indians over, but made of this country the Greatest Place On Earth.

One where we didn't have to lie about our motives, and postured like whores to excuse it.

I'd like something like that.

But with bagpipes.

You want some abuse Olde Man ...how about the fact that you never responded to the email I sent you some months ago....I let you slide for that, but no longer....why dont you email me back.

We need to discusss some things.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Bah! I'm back.

Boo! Fetch me a cooling drink!

closes eyes, and visualizes that this time...this time, it will happen. A boisterous, booming voice will respond 'Yes sir! Fast up with it!' and that when he opens his eyes, a Singapore Sling will have metaphysically, or at least, metaphorically have manifested itself in has hand, in a tall, frosted Collins glass.

I was away, for some days here and there. I've returned, and there are emails. Some fell off the radar, here and there. I will respond to them, hopefully as soon as Boo brings me that cooling elixir.

Saturday is Smaller Nora's Second Birthday Party. I will be there, of course. She has learned to say 'Grandma Steve', if I prompt her. She says 'Grammmmaaa Geeessss'.

I'm not sure how the geese feel about this. But she hugs me about the legs, when I arrive, and about the neck, if I pick her small but vicious frame up.

I continue to work on building that link between her and her sister Small Emma, that will allow them to attempt to completely circumvent their parents for the next 5 years (with two 5 year options to renew...and my dead father thought I wasn't ever paying attention, eh?)

And do you lot know what? I got older. I got older a fecking week ago. And no one, not one, had the fecking ballocks to tell me:

I hope you die, soon, Seanachai!

I became...older...last week.

I'll hire some immigrants to hose off the foam that arises from your attempts to explain why you didn't abuse me about it.


A Singapore Sling? Will you be wanting a little bamboo parasol in that, or should I just put it in your usual sippy mug?

And I'm so sorry I missed your birthday! I even had it written on my calendar "Clean out gutters", so I don't know how I could have missed it!

Sorry about that, Olde Man.

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


You two look like you've both to face an impending IRS audit.

Couldn't you both at least make an effort to smile, or have those associated facial muscles atrophied from lack of use? </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Was it Seanachai's birthday then ... odd that the news wasn't full of it ...

An earthquake, a typhoon, and a lawyer and a banker together in Dallas.

I'd say the gods took notice.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Was it Seanachai's birthday then ... odd that the news wasn't full of it ...

... because you sure are.

Oh, did I say that out loud? Imagine that... </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... bask in the warm glow of the presence of the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.


Gee, I dunno. Your "warm glow" kinda sends a cold shiver down my spine. Your look is a little too reminiscent of the time I spent in the Principal's office as a child.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Oh Boo Radley I KNEW this would happen ... I knew you'd be jealous that MrSpkr had HIS Quasi-Annual Review, Audit and Inspection before yours came about.

Fear not lad, or rather DO fear in light of the abysmal performance of your duties, I hope to be able to meet with you IN PERSON soon and allow you also to bask in the warm glow of the presence of the Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

As you're in advertising I expect you to do better than that lame shirt MrSpkr wore ... to be sure your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread DOES rule (in the vernacular of the day) but something with more snap could well raise your grade above the wavetops that it's currently flirting with.

Although, to be fair, a dip in the waves couldn't hurt your grade on Personal Hygiene ... if you get my drift.


Guess I'll have to dig out my old "I'm with Stupid ->" shirt...
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Was it Seanachai's birthday then ... odd that the news wasn't full of it ...

An earthquake, a typhoon, and a lawyer and a banker together in Dallas.

I'd say the gods took notice. </font>

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