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The F-22 will be the last generation of manned fighter aircraft. Beam weapons, UAVS, and missiles that cannot be dodged without crushing the pilot to jelly due to G forces are all maturing rapidly. In at most a couple of decades, and maybe a lot less if one DARPA's little projects makes a breakthrough, anything that come high enough out of the ground clutter to appear on a radar scope is going to smoking wreckage very quickly.




and these are just some of the programs they will admit to. By 2040 at the latest manned aircraft are done.

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So either Russia is right and the rest of the world is wrong about technology and Putin, or Russia might want to take a harder look at its belief system.

Steve [/QB]

Err... Steve is this really you? smile.gif

How can you mix the two things anyway? That's like saying - my Ford salesman says that Ford cars are a lot more reliable than Japanese cars. Also he says that he belives Earth is round and it rotates around the Sun. But because of his first statement about cars I won't even belive his second statement.

Also, where did you get the idea that Russia thinks US weapons are crap?

And where did you also get the idea that Putin is NOT having the support of vast majority of population? Hopefully not by correlation of the two facts? Or from Fox News?

Or did I misunderstand your whole point?

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How can you mix the two things anyway? That's like saying - my Ford salesman says that Ford cars are a lot more reliable than Japanese cars. Also he says that he belives Earth is round and it rotates around the Sun. But because of his first statement about cars I won't even belive his second statement.
The survey is what it is. The Russian people were asked what they thought about a large number of things and they answered the questions "what do you think about American technology" and "what do you think about President Putin". Overwhelmingly the Russians responded:

1. US technology isn't impressive

2. Putin is awesome

The rest of the world answered the same two questions in the exact opposite way. They said:

1. US technology is very impressive

2. Putin is bad

Everybody agreed that Bush is usless, and everybody (including the Iranaians) think that Ahmadinejad is downright dangerous.

Also, where did you get the idea that Russia thinks US weapons are crap?
See Unsobill's comments on the previous page. I took it to be that he is Russian. If he isn't, then I stand corrected. Well, except there is the survey results to consider :D

And where did you also get the idea that Putin is NOT having the support of vast majority of population? Hopefully not by correlation of the two facts? Or from Fox News?
You got that backwards. I said the entire world has a negative view of Bush and Putin, but Russia think's Putin "is da bomb, baby!" :D

Or did I misunderstand your whole point?
Perhaps you misunderstood the context.


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Hi Steve, nice to see you got interested in our flame wars - lets face it rest of the world can't stand Russian's tech - it's top of the cream, cheap, reliable, independent and easy to deploy unlike any other's country weaponry... on Putin - they simply squeeze their ballz in pain when hear about new Bulava quasiballistic missile with 10,000 kilometers successful test - Russian Federation is hot right now - not the same Russia in 90's - with economic boom and right people-PATRIOTS of their country in the government - not controlled by special israel lobby like it used to(good luck on same result in Washington)... its NOT about RF being "wrong" or "right" - it's about RF doing what best for their country and their ability to fuk the rest of the world, if they want - criticism will always be there - doesn't mean the fact that government must take that criticism in consideration. - so whatever u hear something controversial in the news about anyone - Putin, Chavez, Castro, Ahmadinejad or anybody else - just don't believe the hype - dont repeat some projected bias that you getting brainstormed with - believe the approval ratings - nobody would want him on 3th term otherwise - its so hard to find patriots these days in Russia.

[ June 29, 2007, 12:22 PM: Message edited by: unsobill ]

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The problem I have with putin is that his approval numbers are artifically high. This is do to that a strange curse affecting anyone in the press that critizes him. He doesnt face the same investigative scurtiny that Bush does. I personally hate bush with a vengance snd take a lot of pride in that my first ever voting cycle i got to vote against but I would rather have him than putin.

(damn it this doesnt bode well 3rd post and im allready in a flame war sorry)

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Originally posted by dima:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

So either Russia is right and the rest of the world is wrong about technology and Putin, or Russia might want to take a harder look at its belief system.


Err... Steve is this really you? smile.gif

How can you mix the two things anyway? That's like saying - my Ford salesman says that Ford cars are a lot more reliable than Japanese cars. Also he says that he belives Earth is round and it rotates around the Sun. But because of his first statement about cars I won't even belive his second statement.

Also, where did you get the idea that Russia thinks US weapons are crap?

And where did you also get the idea that Putin is NOT having the support of vast majority of population? Hopefully not by correlation of the two facts? Or from Fox News?

Or did I misunderstand your whole point? [/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

[QB] Dima,

The survey is what it is. The Russian people were asked what they thought about a large number of things and they answered the questions "what do you think about American technology" and "what do you think about President Putin". Overwhelmingly the Russians responded:

1. US technology isn't impressive

2. Putin is awesome

The rest of the world answered the same two questions in the exact opposite way. They said:

1. US technology is very impressive

2. Putin is bad

What does it mean Putin is "bad or good". That's like asking poor if it is good to raise taxes. And like asking rich if it is good to raise taxes. What answers do you expect from different group? In the case of Bush and Putin - bad is really misleading term. Putin is bringing russia back (slowly and who knows how far) to the old days where it has more power and influence. That is good for russians and bad for the rest. So what reaction will you expect?

See Unsobill's comments on the previous page. I took it to be that he is Russian. If he isn't, then I stand corrected.

So you are taking the opinion of some guy (probably in his teen years) who may or may not be russian to reflect opinion of the rest of russians? And you mention some survery? We have a joke in russia. "According to recent survey it appears that 100% or russian population has access to Internet. The survey was conducted on the main web page of Izvestia news agency.

You got that backwards. I said the entire world has a negative view of Bush and Putin, but Russia think's Putin "is da bomb, baby!" :D

Again, this is like my neighbour thinks I am bad because I have more money and drive nicer car. And my wife thinks I am good because of that.

But you can't mix with the same reasoning the capabilities of weapon system to destroy intended target. Because unlike Bush and Putin opinion this capability can be objectively measured and determined.

The reason I am writing all this (as you know I rarely post here at all) is that it doen't really matter what the average Joe thinks about Bush or Putin. In Russia, in USA, in Nigeria. But to be honest it matters to me what you guys think about Russia and its weapon systems and more importantly, where you get your information from. Because you are the guys that are making CMSF and that will reflect russian technology. And I want you to try to reflect those capabilities as close to the reality as possible. Not cripple it, not make it look good. And although I fully understand that you guys may generally dislike Russia I really don't want this to influence the game to skew the balance.

As you probably remember, I am a beta tester for LockOn: Black Shark. The devs are russians, many of whom have just as much dislike of USA. Yet they never try to enhance Ka-50 capabilities or cripple USA capabilities. Because above all is the correct simulation. Granted we (russians) probably have more info about USA weapon capabilities than you guys about russian capabilities (and (!) deficincies) for one simple reason - language barries. Well, plus the fact that historically Russian capabilities are kept secret a lot more than USA.

So it is important to me what kind of info you have about russian weapons and where your sources are from. And I sincerely hope that they are more serious than guys like usobill or some bogus survey.

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Dima LMAO so far i kept my mouth shut on REAL situation in RF army gave not a single statement on real situation there :D no worries comrade i can keep the secrets =))

As for devs theres one of soviet probably there otherwise both of us would be banned ages ago ;) ) they just :D love good old commie bastards here :D

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You know guys, the advantage of the internet is that any human being can go and write anything about anything. And he can claim to be anybody too.

This is also its problem. People who read that stuff and are not critical can take the written info for granted. Just like I am sure will happen with this dude unsobill. The guy is either

a) 10-year-old russian

B) 50-year-old russian old fart

c) 10-year-old american having fun

d) maybe even Rune or MadMatt having fun after hard work day.

But what it will create in many members on the forum is they will think he is real and is really serious representation of russian population. And in the end it hurts you guys, not the russians.

The only reason he has continued to troll here is that poeple (and to my huge surprise Steve himself) has taken his troll bate. That's why I asked, and ask again - Steve, is it really you ?

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Dima don't worry nobody think im real representation of russian population simply because I'M NOT RUSSIAN.... IM SOVIET :D

p.s i take a hike - you go represent the "good and intelegent "all knowing" unbiased, centered" side of Russian Federation and i represent whaever left :eek: :D

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Originally posted by unsobill:

Henry Ford was some REALLY wise AMERICAN - he was REAL AMERICAN patriot - he tried to open American eyes but if too late :(

published few books beside building American future in his garage

* Volume 1: The International Jew

* Volume 2: Jewish Activities in the United States

* Volume 3: Jewish Influence in American Life

* Volume 4: Aspects of Jewish Power in the United States

resulting in libel lawsuit brought by San Francisco lawyer and Jewish farm cooperative organizer Aaron Sapiro in 1927 - so much for american citizen freedom of speech you ask :eek:

take a read you might open up your eyes - but it WILL scare you and unrest you so think twice before you set your mind free :rolleyes: - theres no going back after that.

QFP. Here we go again. This board does seem to bring 'em out of the woodwork. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by dima:

People who read that stuff and are not critical can take the written info for granted. Just like I am sure will happen with this dude unsobill.

I completely agree, and that's why I think the trolls, when they post crazy stuff, need to be answered. Otherwise what's stopping some impressionable kid from getting his head stuffed with BS?

Granted, a few of my commments haven't been completely constructive ( ;) ), but I don;t think trolls will just go away if they aren't fed. I think they will just continue to post and post until it gets out of hand.

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Based off of his grammar and inability to stick to a single thought even for one single sentence I would vote either A or C. Most likely C since a 10 yr old russian kid would want to show off his ability to speak english, but the american kid wouldn't give a crap how idiotic he sounded or how little sense he made. I miss the days when idiots like this got banned.

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Originally posted by Normal Dude:

I completely agree, and that's why I think the trolls, when they post crazy stuff, need to be answered. Otherwise what's stopping some impressionable kid from getting his head stuffed with BS?

Granted, a few of my commments haven't been completely constructive ( ;) ), but I don;t think trolls will just go away if they aren't fed. I think they will just continue to post and post until it gets out of hand.

OK, imagine you are walking in downtown New York and some homeless person in ripped clothing and no teeth starts to shout some weird stuff - like "aliens are here", or "Men In Black are going to kill us". Whould you get into argument with him, trying to discuss his views and give him your opinion? I think not. The same thing is going on here.
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Originally posted by dima:

OK, imagine you are walking in downtown New York and some homeless person in ripped clothing and no teeth starts to shout some weird stuff - like "aliens are here", or "Men In Black are going to kill us". Whould you get into argument with him, trying to discuss his views and give him your opinion? I think not. The same thing is going on here.

Actually. . . When I've got the time to kill, it's pretty entertaining to bait those guys.

'Spose same logic could be applied here. :D

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Originally posted by dima:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Normal Dude:

I completely agree, and that's why I think the trolls, when they post crazy stuff, need to be answered. Otherwise what's stopping some impressionable kid from getting his head stuffed with BS?

Granted, a few of my commments haven't been completely constructive ( ;) ), but I don;t think trolls will just go away if they aren't fed. I think they will just continue to post and post until it gets out of hand.

OK, imagine you are walking in downtown New York and some homeless person in ripped clothing and no teeth starts to shout some weird stuff - like "aliens are here", or "Men In Black are going to kill us". Whould you get into argument with him, trying to discuss his views and give him your opinion? I think not. The same thing is going on here. </font>I don't think this analogy (while funny to visualize) is accurate for this situation. It would be more like the same person crashing a meeting and doing the same. Is everyone else just going to sit there and let him rant?
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I don't think this analogy (while funny to visualize) is accurate for this situation. It would be more like the same person crashing a meeting and doing the same. Is everyone else just going to sit there and let him rant?
OK, imagine, you are in a meeting with your buddies discussing different nation's weapons capabilities and suddenly a kid in huge jeans, pearced nose, ears, lips comes in and starts saying this stuff. In a familiar manner like today's teenagers talk. Are you going to interrupt your fairly serious discussions and start to argue with him on his level? Or will you call his mom and ask politely to have him taken away? Trouble on this forum is - you have no way to call his mom smile.gif
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