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  1. The more I hear about CMBO demo it seems to be more like a public beta than a demo. I think CMSF would have benfited from a short term public beta.
  2. I agree with Steve Gamers always whine. More over when you add in the grogs you add in a whole new seris of complaints. Luckly The grogs are happy so far. To the whiners, I say Excuse me wtf are you doing it has scarcly be out a day, be patient and chill out.
  3. I second that however for BMP-1 vs bradley reason
  4. You know the Abrams has Canister now too Coolest shotgun ever EDIT:grammer opps again
  5. I sincerly hope that karma catchs up with you. For exsample your Internet cable gets pulled out by your Roomate acidentaly when your 99% done downloading. I only thought of this because it happened to me once when I posted a simaliar thread. Now i allways use a dowload manager.
  6. Dont they have to have Internet access to get v1.01 in that situation EDIT: Bad grammer is my shame
  7. This may be slighty off topic but how is supression/Pinning repsented and by chance would a squad take cover at the sound of enemy artillery.
  8. Since you cant recall the 4 rounds are HEP(High explosive Plastic) HEAT, APFSDS, and Canister
  9. I herby declare Sergei he reanimator of 2 year old threads.
  10. Sergei I have to say thats a interesting way to bumb a 2 year old thread. I admit I am also curious as well. A man wont just fall down or slump from an artilery strike like he would from a bullet.
  11. I just thought of another question. However it is gameplay related this time 5.what would be a typical ratio of different warhead types
  12. Thanks for the info however I have 2 follow up questions 1.b. How many round can it hould outside the autoloader 2.b. Does anyone know where i can find a technical decription of the autoloader M8 a competitor?!?!?!?! If I remember right the M8 program was killed 10 years in FY 96 or 97(when i was still not a teenager)
  13. Do you Really mean a 10 GB hardrive? That seems tiny to me. I think you would be hard pressed to install much else with that little space.
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