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Hallowed is thy name Peng, as is thy challenge

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

Even though all of you should be locked up, have a good Freedom Day.

FREEDOM DAY? Did I miss another Homeland Security proclamation? Did the President decide that there's something wrong with the number FOUR ... perhaps a traumatic childhood episode in grade school that he's covered up?

IT'S THE <BIG>FOURTH OF JULY</BIG> By Gawd and may it ever be so! On this day I stand shoulder to shoulder with EVEN THE LIKES OF YOU Lars and proclaim to the world that this is <big><big>INDEPENDENCE DAY</BIG></BIG> !

It was also, and not by coincidence, the day GooberNations were created.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Sound of toilet flushing...

Your Beloved Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread will most likely be absent for the next few days.

And this differs from the norm... how?

During that time I shall rely upon the good offices and rapidly firing synapses of the Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justiciar of the Peng Challenge Thread.

In other words, it's party time, boys and girls.

Mind you I said I MIGHT be absent so no lollygagging damnit ... I may be able to drop in and check up on things. The Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread is ALWAYS WATCHFUL ... except when Boo Radley has the helm and then it's SOMETIMES WATCHFUL.

Yeah... whatever. We'll be on our "best" behavior, just in case you peer myopically in our direction.

Sure we will.

TURNS WILL BE DELAYED HOWEVER ... oh wait ... nevermind that last.

Yeah. No fooling, Baron Von Bails-A-Lot!


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Happy belated "Warmonger Rhetoric of the Day" day to any of you cesspool yanks who slept through the 4th as a result of consuming too much Colt 45 on the 3rd. I'm talking at you Mr Peng (do you need a towel or a mop?)

For the rest of you freedom loving 'mercans, remember George Cockburn and fear me! The (true) north will rise again!

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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Your Besotted Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread will most likely be absent for the next few days.

Quick someone start a new thread maybe we will lose him. </font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

All the live long day.

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

You cannot get away.

Do not think you can escape him,

If you stay in the M.B.T.

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

Until the day you flee!


Steal that one from Walker: Texas Ranger?
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Originally posted by stoat:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

All the live long day.

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

You cannot get away.

Do not think you can escape him,

If you stay in the M.B.T.

The eyes of Joe Shaw are upon you,

Until the day you flee!


Steal that one from Walker: Texas Ranger? </font>
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Originally posted by stoat:

As if a curmudgeony old man from the State of Delusion would know anything about my not knowing about anything!

And I'm sure Walker would have something to say about an ancient Justicar keeping an eye on a minor.

He wouldn't say anything. He'd just hit him with a board.

Something I'm sure we all fantasize about on a regular basis.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stoat:

As if a curmudgeony old man from the State of Delusion would know anything about my not knowing about anything!

And I'm sure Walker would have something to say about an ancient Justicar keeping an eye on a minor.

He wouldn't say anything. He'd just hit him with a board.

Something I'm sure we all fantasize about on a regular basis. </font>

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Lord love a duck! Is this thread still active? Given the quality ****e posted, its probably a good thing y'all haven't posted more.

I have returned.

I just checked the "Care-Factor Meter".

It wasn't turned on, so I switched it on and when I typed in your name, it didn't even register. You might as well Sod Off. Again.


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Originally posted by J Ruddy:

Happy belated "Warmonger Rhetoric of the Day" day to any of you cesspool yanks who slept through the 4th as a result of consuming too much Colt 45 on the 3rd. I'm talking at you Mr Peng (do you need a towel or a mop?)

For the rest of you freedom loving 'mercans, remember George Cockburn and fear me! The (true) north will rise again!

Feh, I am in the midst of a systems upgrade, as PM, with all the attendant horror that brings. Why they trusted a project of this size and importance to me is a question for someone more cleverer, or just plain stoopit. But regardless, there ain't been no alkeehal around here for many an age. and we ain't been able to declare victory on the upgrade yet either. Seems a piece of the software that tested out ok pre-go-live is doing some unexpected stuff, ruining my day, the 4th, this week and this weekend. I just thought I'd stop by here for a moment to see if it sucks worse or better than work. It does. Suck.
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by J Ruddy:

Happy belated "Warmonger Rhetoric of the Day" day to any of you cesspool yanks who slept through the 4th as a result of consuming too much Colt 45 on the 3rd. I'm talking at you Mr Peng (do you need a towel or a mop?)

For the rest of you freedom loving 'mercans, remember George Cockburn and fear me! The (true) north will rise again!

Feh, I am in the midst of a systems upgrade, as PM, with all the attendant horror that brings. Why they trusted a project of this size and importance to me is a question for someone more cleverer, or just plain stoopit. But regardless, there ain't been no alkeehal around here for many an age. and we ain't been able to declare victory on the upgrade yet either. Seems a piece of the software that tested out ok pre-go-live is doing some unexpected stuff, ruining my day, the 4th, this week and this weekend. I just thought I'd stop by here for a moment to see if it sucks worse or better than work. It does. Suck. </font>
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