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Question about sounds

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Hope i'm not asking too many questions lately :D

But what about unit voices? will we have Syrian voices? :D Also, how are weapons sounds handled? Directly recorded from the real thing? What about vehicles and sound-distance delay? (Artillery landing 2km from the position should take about 6 seconds to reach your 'camera')

Any info on this or is it still too early to ask for this kind of stuff?

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Originally posted by Gryphon:

What about vehicles and sound-distance delay? (Artillery landing 2km from the position should take about 6 seconds to reach your 'camera')

This came up way back in CMBO days. IIRC, it was stated then that trying to work out the delay for all the possible camera positions was just too complicated. Of course it's possible that Brain-in-a-Jar may have worked all that out by now.



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If it's not too late, a toggle for language selection would be appreciated. Were I a Syrian, I'm sure I could understand the various yells, commands, etc., uttered by my Syrian counterparts. For flavor, the local language is a boon to the game. For simulation, it's not. Allow me to toggle local language (or "true language"?) off. When it's off, all the wav's, or whatever file type is used, defaults to a second wav - in English. (Obviously, if someone wants a different version of the game, then all the wav's could be copied from the "true language" into that preferred language.)



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We do intend on having the Syrian voices be Syrian (or as close as we can find). We would also like to have a swap in English set as an option. But if you guys knew how time consuming it is to do a full set you'd understand why we have put this towards the bottom of our immediate list. It is something that can be added later if it doesn't make the first cut.

Simulating sound based on camera position is easy in theory. The problem is executing it and doing so without chewing up many CPU cycles. Sound is dampened, amplified, and even interruped by terrain. So it isn't as simple as x distance = y volume. Not if it is done right, that is. So we'll see. It isn't a high priority and might in fact be bad from a gameplay standpoint. Imagine hearing a boom and turning the camera to see nothing because you missed the fireball. Could be really frustrating.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Simulating sound based on camera position is easy in theory. The problem is executing it and doing so without chewing up many CPU cycles. Sound is dampened, amplified, and even interruped by terrain. So it isn't as simple as x distance = y volume.

Of course, the problem is even more complex than that, since it involves not just volume but delay as well.


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What I am most interested in sound wise is how firefights will sound.

With 1:1 modelling I guess we will see 1:1 sound too? That would be great. Instead of the on/off fits of gunfire as in CMx1, will we might be treated to more fluid small arms fire? What I mean is varied intensities of firing: From the occasional shot to a cacophony of automatic fire as the fighting get more intense.

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In lieu of a swap-in English set of the Syrian voice sounds (which modders will do within a couple of months anyway), IMHO, even better would be a toggleable "subtitle" option, that would show a translation of what the Syrian soldiers are saying in text, either at the bottom of the screen (good enough, IMHO), or near the unit (even better, but probably more work to implement).

This makes it sort of an educational tool. Eventually, you'll learn what all the Syrian phrases mean, and won't need the subtitles anymore.

Even better, if you allow this option for all units, it would make gameplay easier when I'm sneaking some playtime at work, and have to leave the sound off.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Will we hear lots of shouts of "Allah Akbar" from the Syrian side? I'm showing my ignorance here but I'm not even sure if the Syrians speak Arabic.

Even if they do, would Syrian regulars be more disciplined than Iraqi insurgents and not yell Allah Akbar at every opportunity?

After all the bloodshed we've all seen on the news from Iraq, I can imagine the first time in CM:SF I see a Humvee blown up followed by "Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar" from the Syrian side it's going to make me a bit uncomfortable. Then again, perhaps it would be unrealistic to leave out these victory chants?

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Originally posted by YankeeDog:

In lieu of a swap-in English set of the Syrian voice sounds (which modders will do within a couple of months anyway), IMHO, even better would be a toggleable "subtitle" option, that would show a translation of what the Syrian soldiers are saying in text, either at the bottom of the screen (good enough, IMHO), or near the unit (even better, but probably more work to implement).

Great idea YankeeDog.
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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

After all the bloodshed we've all seen on the news from Iraq, I can imagine the first time in CM:SF I see a Humvee blown up followed by "Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar" from the Syrian side it's going to make me a bit uncomfortable. Then again, perhaps it would be unrealistic to leave out these victory chants?

I totally agree. Every time I hear "Allahu Akhbar" because someone just got hurt or killed, I just want to commit acts of violence toward those sick bastards. Can't they just say "woohoo" or sumfink.

So hearing that in game is not cool, but as you say, maybe realistic.

p.s. A quick google search revealed that arabic is indeed the main language of Syria.

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Originally posted by Gryphon:

Also, how are weapons sounds handled? Directly recorded from the real thing?

This is what interests me aswell. Shouldn't be too hard recording the 'real thing'.

Proper weapons sounds do a lot in increasing the 'feel' of the game.

When an MG fires it has to sound like a proper MG. :mad:


Also, should be easy to find speakers of Arabic for the Syrian voices for this game.

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Being in the sound post business, I can tell you that we rarely depend exclusively on the "real things". Sure, we do use them as a base, but if you want that "big" movie sound, that is always by some means augmented. However, this is simulation, so it should be about real things. Not that they are easy and cheap to record, on the contrary, only high budgets can allow themselves to record all guns in reality, the rest must resort to sound libraries.

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I know we are talking about a simulation game rather than a movie but I for one would not complain if the sounds were "beefed up" a bit if this is necessary for immersion and added drama. In any case, perception is a strange thing, and I'm sure someone actually firing a weapon or being shot at would perceive the sound to be louder and more threatening than someone just watching from a distance. There is a good reason why movies use augmented sounds, and I see no reason why games shouldn't follow their lead to a certain extent.

In any case, I'm sure there will be umpteen sound mods available shortly after release if the sounds aren't sufficiently nerve-shattering!

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Originally posted by Cpl Steiner:

In any case, I'm sure there will be umpteen sound mods available shortly after release if the sounds aren't sufficiently nerve-shattering!

Yeah, CMx1 was a bit skinny in sound department, I hope this imrpoves in CMx2, not that I think that is one of their major concerns right now.
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