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The 'What's so great about the Peng Challenge Thread' thread


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"What's so great about the Peng Challenge Thread" I hear you ask young snooblings. And thats a very good question for a SSN to ask, probably the best question you've had since you were first weaned off superglue and aerosol paint.

The answer of course is "piss off! work it out fer yerselves ya feck'in idjits! Ya fink I got nuffink better to do than explain the MTB to ya, ya mob of drooling halfwits?"

So in the time honoured tradition of the Cesspool...


No, do it...do it now...just sodd the hell off coz if you think you have the goods to handle the 'Pool and its inhabitants you probably actually DON'T!


Still here?

You just don't get it do you? Gad you must be thick and believe me I've seen thick before. Why I've met NGCavscout and I thought there could be none thicker but I see you're still here so I stand corrected.

Now seeing as you are too thick to go away and so delusional as to imagine you might be able to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune that might fly your way on wings of barbed pterodactyls whilst perhaps being able to parry the odd thrust or two with a witticism of your own, you are clearly a candidate for Seanachai's school for the orphaned outerboarder. He takes all sorts you know and it really gets up the nose of Joe but thats a good thing cept'in of course what he does take in, or attempt to take in is generally utter lackwit ****e.

So what say you young snoobling? Best you run back to your godawfuller thread or the 742nd whiney-biatch thread on why CMSF don't work so good and how you've been cheated by BF. Oh yeah ain't those beaut threads? I can never get me enough of them but one purpose they do serve is to highlight the mental actualities of you bunch of spotty, teenage, one-handed keyboardists. If every incarnation of the MTB could turn up just ONE promising recruit that would be a fecking miracle but the truth of the matter is it don't.... sure there are the odd drifters who might limply wave their wrists in our direction and if we even notice their presence, they are generally dispatched accordingly. Of course there are the really odd ones who we just can't shake off fer luv nor money so for them (ie YOU) it's Coventry! A place of eternal exile and near silence where the only sound is the whistling, icy wind of IGNORE. So mind you don't go there, speak not of your dangly bits or their abilities lest you offend a Lady of the Pool which is of course an instant Coventry card. Challenge someone, not the Pool as a whole, make your challenge witty, clever, or at least not a 'I know you are, but what am I?' of which we do seem to attract a disproportionate number of contestants. Challenge only someone of your station which for you means SCUM SUCKING NEWBIE. Don't even bother with a Kniggett of the Pool, if you're lucky you may get a fart in your general direction but more likely it'll be a fat, juicy IGNORE. You getting the drift of things yet? Somehow I don't think you are. As for Olde Ones, HAH, don't get me started on Olde Ones, you just forget about them and concentrate on handling the piss bucket should you be so lucky as to be honoured with the duty of swilling out the Cesspool.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, you'll need a profile with an email and general location in order to provide ammunition on your ancestry and animal husbandry leanings. (can't have enough dirt on a SSN you know)

Theres a swag of other rules as well but I'll leave you to stumble over them as you go. A really dedicated 'Pool debutante would have spent many a night poring over past threads to get just a glimmering idea of what it is all just actually about and of course then be perfectly prepared when Old Foul Joe comes waltzing in with his three volume ledgers of Da Rules under his flabby chicken wings to inform you of some minor discretion. More likely you'll have no idea of what to do here let alone what not to do so will in all likelihood stumble about, talk potty mouth to someone above your station, get hammered for it, get offended and start crying about the Nazi bully-boys of the 'Pool like so many who have gone before *cough* Paul AU *cough*.

So THAT is what's so great about the Peng Challenge Thread. I trust you have no clearer idea of what goes on here now than a shaved hamster with it's head up it's own bum and thats a good thing coz we don't really want you geddit?


Is that clear?

Sorry, forgot how thick you are so i'll type slowely...


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I don't know Michael, other than the fact that it was written by an Australian and therefore subject to the distressing lack of education and ability they all possess, it wasn't half bad.

I mean he certainly hit the high points of the major rules and managed to show contempt for the SSNs which is more than Seanachai can seem to muster.

So I say well done Stuka, clearly you've put your lesiure time over the holidays to good use by "crafting" this set of rules ... how many days did it take?


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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai is a tyrant!!!

Please note that Seanachai is CLEARLY identified as the tyrant (and pissant ... though that was Stuka's addition and he's hardly a credible source) here. This just lends further credence to MY role as BELOVED Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Of course it was Nidan1 who wrote it and he could easily be going through another of his spells again I suppose.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Turns will be delayed while certain driver and Direct X issues are resolved.

(This message is for those of you who actually have been sending me turns. As for those of you who have been neglectful... Nuffink to see here... move along.)

Picked up that new monitor, eh?
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Turns will be delayed while certain driver and Direct X issues are resolved.

(This message is for those of you who actually have been sending me turns. As for those of you who have been neglectful... Nuffink to see here... move along.)

Hmm, I must get one out forthwith!
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Turns will be delayed while certain driver and Direct X issues are resolved.

(This message is for those of you who actually have been sending me turns. As for those of you who have been neglectful... Nuffink to see here... move along.)

Now that's just a fecking hoot, ain't it? I finally get my new computer stoopid (or stoo-pod if'n you be Peng) enough to play CMAK in a jerky-sort-of-way (sit down,bauhaus), and it's all "Oh, I'm very sorry, but I can't come to the keyboard right now, please leave a message."

What a maroon! What kind of feckless bastige is Boo, anyways? The nerve, the unmitigated gall. I might just have to stamp my foot and load up CMSF. See if'n I don't!

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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Turns will be delayed while certain driver and Direct X issues are resolved.

(This message is for those of you who actually have been sending me turns. As for those of you who have been neglectful... Nuffink to see here... move along.)

Now that's just a fecking hoot, ain't it? I finally get my new computer stoopid (or stoo-pod if'n you be Peng) enough to play CMAK in a jerky-sort-of-way (sit down,bauhaus), and it's all "Oh, I'm very sorry, but I can't come to the keyboard right now, please leave a message."

What a maroon! What kind of feckless bastige is Boo, anyways? The nerve, the unmitigated gall. I might just have to stamp my foot and load up CMSF. See if'n I don't! </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So I say well done Stuka, clearly you've put your lesiure time over the holidays to good use by "crafting" this set of rules ... how many days did it take?

Pah! Such an epic opening post simply rolled off my toungue like a sonnett on a Victorian enchanted summer evening.

It was merely the several days spent drumming up the energy to actually bother that took the time. To hate so much yet care so little is indeed a weighty conundrum.

Oh and Michael, it concernes me that your devotion to the visual of rats and genitals has followed you from one thread to the next. May I suggest you go outside, take a walk, read a book or buy a dog? Your fixations are......disturbing.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So I say well done Stuka, clearly you've put your lesiure time over the holidays to good use by "crafting" this set of rules ... how many days did it take?

Pah! Such an epic opening post simply rolled off my toungue like a sonnett on a Victorian enchanted summer evening.

... {snipped}...</font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai is a tyrant!!!

I think it would be better for everyone, but most especially for yourself, if you were to call me 'Beloved Chairman of the Peng Challenge Thread for Life'.

I plan to put the entire Peng Challenge Thread on an austerity program so that I...that is, 'we' can develop a nuclear capacity.

It will only take two years for us to have a deliverable (I'm thinking 'FedEx') nuclear bomb, if all of you go on a 400 calorie a day diet, and allow your wives, children and other loved ones to die of starvation.

Or we could have the same capabilities in 8 months if the Aussies simply give up alcohol.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Or we could have the same capabilities in 8 months if the Aussies simply give up alcohol.

Well clearly thats not going to happen, how do you expect us to think clearly and rationally and provide a shining example of leadership, humility and global domination if'n we ain't tanked to the eyeballs?
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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So I say well done Stuka, clearly you've put your lesiure time over the holidays to good use by "crafting" this set of rules ... how many days did it take?

Pah! Such an epic opening post simply rolled off my toungue like a sonnett on a Victorian enchanted summer evening.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai is a tyrant!!!

I think it would be better for everyone, but most especially for yourself, if you were to call me 'Beloved Chairman of the Peng Challenge Thread for Life'.

I plan to put the entire Peng Challenge Thread on an austerity program so that I...that is, 'we' can develop a nuclear capacity.

It will only take two years for us to have a deliverable (I'm thinking 'FedEx') nuclear bomb, if all of you go on a 400 calorie a day diet, and allow your wives, children and other loved ones to die of starvation.

Or we could have the same capabilities in 8 months if the Aussies simply give up alcohol. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai is a tyrant!!!

I think it would be better for everyone, but most especially for yourself, if you were to call me 'Beloved Chairman of the Peng Challenge Thread for Life'.

I plan to put the entire Peng Challenge Thread on an austerity program so that I...that is, 'we' can develop a nuclear capacity.

It will only take two years for us to have a deliverable (I'm thinking 'FedEx') nuclear bomb, if all of you go on a 400 calorie a day diet, and allow your wives, children and other loved ones to die of starvation.

Or we could have the same capabilities in 8 months if the Aussies simply give up alcohol. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Seanachai is a tyrant!!!

I think it would be better for everyone, but most especially for yourself, if you were to call me 'Beloved Chairman of the Peng Challenge Thread for Life'.

I plan to put the entire Peng Challenge Thread on an austerity program so that I...that is, 'we' can develop a nuclear capacity.

It will only take two years for us to have a deliverable (I'm thinking 'FedEx') nuclear bomb, if all of you go on a 400 calorie a day diet, and allow your wives, children and other loved ones to die of starvation.

Or we could have the same capabilities in 8 months if the Aussies simply give up alcohol. </font>

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