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Dr Goodale, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cheery Waffles

J Ruddy

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What a horrid state this place has degenerated into. Hell, not even Softball will post here. Looks like it's a commie, a Canuck and kook. I will let you sorry sacks sort it out*.

I can't even believe you loathsome bags of maggot droppings are even still playing CM. One would have thought that one whirl with 'Inferno' would have put you entirely off the whole mess.

*hint: Eugen, you are neither the commie nor the Canuck.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

And a future Penger is born.....four of them in fact.

Oh, please. If anyone is going to nail his own sister and get her with child, it's going to be a Cheery Waffler. You fecking people are the poster children for a bias against incest, given that your combination of annoying anarchism, out-spoken stupidity and dedication to spewing down your own fronts makes the 'Madness of King George' look less like a cautionary story about in-breeding than it does an explanation of where Goodalers come from.

Our goddamn founders are still here, and actively posting. Yours? You couldn't tell us. You don't know. But I imagine that a short search of the Federal prison system could probably get you the last known address of your Founder, as well as an 8x10 glossy of his most recent colonoscopy.

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Seanachi, I never meant to lump you in with the rest of the sludge in the Cesspool. You are your very own, special kind of sludge. The kind of sludge that they other degenerates aspire to be. No sir, you are in a class by yourself. I would prefer you in a glass case all by yourself but one can always dream.

No Sean, I wouldn't think that you would be one to saddle up to your sister, if one even exists. Your horrid presence would be enough to put most parents off mating for life, so I suspect that you are an only child. And since most females shriek in horror at the mention of your name, getting one close enough to tease some life into your shriveled bits is akin to Mose's parting of the Red Sea. If you are to spawn it will have to asexually.

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Our goddamn founders....

Never truer words spoken. Coulda stopped right there.

...are still here, and actively posting.
Where else would that pack of senile twats be? :mad: The nursing home must be quite a dull place, judging by the sheer volume of drivel that is put out by your Flounders. :mad:

BTW, how is the weather? It is positively FREEZING here. It must be down in the 60's and I think that I might have seen a cloud this morning.

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I've got to renew the special permit the Finnish Government gave me to wield my <font size=15>GIGANTIC SHLONG</font size=15>. A <font size=15>HANDLE</font size=15> as <font size=15>MASSIVE</font size=15> as mine is a big responsibility not to be abused !

Goes without saying that the person of the senile bard as a whole is dwarfed (pun intended) by my <font size=15>MASSIVE TODGER</font size=15>.

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:mad: :mad: :mad:

If you were like a bitch, I'd slap you like one, but I'll just have to slap you like the Godless Liberal God-rejecting POOF you are ! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Hallelujah and praise the Lord who hates all them POOFTAS !

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Ok, the world has gone all kinds of wonky. PseudoSimonds is offering love advice on the GF and gawd-dam iff'in it don't make sense.

What the hell happened over the last year on this site? Is this even the same moose-humper who's idea of 'tactics' was charging over open plains, plastic-forks fixed, only to die on the wire in front of fixed positions? :mad: :mad: :mad:

And did Dave H finally expire? Or does it always smell like that in here?

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

Ok, the world has gone all kinds of wonky. PseudoSimonds is offering love advice on the GF and gawd-dam iff'in it don't make sense.

Well I'd offer it here but it looks like Sturmy and the Prinzessin are already getting along fabulously. :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

When the hell is CMSF coming out? I can't even put any of the old CM disks in my computer without feeling an overwhelming sense of 'been-there-kicked-Pseudo-and-Axe's-sorry-bums-too-many-times-it's-not-even-amusing-any-more'.


Bah, we never even finished our one and only battle, maggot!!!! IIRC, I was in the process of smiting your pitiful rabble when you ran away screaming for mercy. :mad: :mad: :mad:

And now Steve is on the verge of drop kicking the Prinzessin. Ahhhhh, things are coming along nicely.

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Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Bah, we never even finished our one and only battle, maggot!!!! IIRC, I was in the process of smiting your pitiful rabble when you ran away screaming for mercy.

Which game was that? It's been so freakin' long ago. If you still have a turn, resend and I will proceed to stomp on you walnuts. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by PseudoSimonds:

Bah, we never even finished our one and only battle, maggot!!!! IIRC, I was in the process of smiting your pitiful rabble when you ran away screaming for mercy.

Which game was that? It's been so freakin' long ago. If you still have a turn, resend and I will proceed to stomp on you walnuts. :mad: :mad: :mad: </font>
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Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

And did Dave H finally expire? Or does it always smell like that in here?

My son, I'm with you always. Keeping a safe distance from you, of course, but I'm around.

I wondered if anyone from Battlefront was paying attention to this thread. Our newspaper boy really stunk it up. On the brighter side we know he has already figured out how to use large type and bold letters. Well done, young man. I'm sure your whole family must be terribly proud.

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Hey Dave H, I hope your lovely bride is doing well...hopefully having left your sorry ass long ago and now enjoying the life she was entitled to for all those years stuck with you. :mad: :mad:

If things work out, I may be doing some consulting in Nebraska. Just think, I will be THREE STATES CLOSER TO YOU.


Wouldn't it be great if I could finally realize my dream of pissing on your front door? That only would be worth the extra drive time. Take that thought to bed with you. Nighty-night. :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Our newspaper boy really stunk it up. On the brighter side we know he has already figured out how to use large type and bold letters.

I don't know about my family but this episode will be throughly discussed in my memoirs, to be sold at selected stores. :mad: :mad: :mad:

The very first occasion of being close to ban, that's quite an accomplishment. Which one of you weasels has had the same ? :mad: :mad: :mad:

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