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Seized Nuclear Material In Syrian Raid


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Fact as Fiction? Pretty lucky on that fictitious Strike Force background story:

(How about a North Korea expansion!)

Israelis Seized Nuclear Material In Syrian Raid (Mahnaimi, Baxter, LONT)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Times of London

By Uzi Mahnaimi, Sarah Baxter

Israeli commandos seized nuclear material of North Korean origin during a daring raid on a secret military site in Syria before Israel bombed it this month, according to informed sources in Washington and Jerusalem.

The attack was launched with American approval on September 6 after Washington was shown evidence the material was nuclear related, the well-placed sources say.

They confirmed that samples taken from Syria for testing had been identified as North Korean. This raised fears that Syria might have joined North Korea and Iran in seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.

Israeli special forces had been gathering intelligence for several months in Syria, according to Israeli sources. They located the nuclear material at a compound near Dayr az-Zwar in the north.

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Let's try to find a confirming source on this other than Faux News. Those guys couldn't have a worse track record on getting their facts straight. The story's not currently being reported by BBC news or MSNBC. ABC News has it buried as a rumor halfway into a report about Israel welcoming talks with Syria.

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Actually, the story (as a whole) IS reported by the BBC, and has been developing for some time now. Just like is typical of american politics in world war 2, welcome to the party lads.. just a little late.. again.

The commando raid isnt reported yet, but everything else is:

It started with Syria complaining to the UN about an airspace violation, but neither side admitted to the true extent what happened (for obvious reasons) - Sept 6 -



With a great story


There are plenty more on BBC, as this story (was and is) being updated every couple days. Again, people are obviously trying to keep this secret, but I love how no one in the US is really reporting this for how truly amazing this is. This is almost on the same scale as Israel's operation to take out the Iraqi nuclear plant a decade or two ago.

New York times reported on it too


I don't have time to do everyone's google work for them.. its just sad that if its on Fox News, it cant be right. I guess Dan Rather is the voice of truth then? Oh thats right, he doesn't have a job because he made up crap about Bush.

But back to the issue- the implications are amazing:

-a syrian nuclear facility was destroyed, with the samples and equipment

-14 north korean nuclear specialists-operatives were eliminated in the strike. We are led to believe the strike was held until all the elements were in the same place so that everything could be dealt with in one blow.

But thats okay guys ! Lets crawl back into our little isolationist hole and pretend nothing is going on. I suppose the BBC, NY times, and dozens of other news agencies (which have reported this story) all could be wrong. But then again, I guess everyone claimed the holocaust didn't really happen either until the tanks rolled through the camps and saw it first hand.

Again, welcome to the party, boys..

[ September 24, 2007, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: drtechno ]

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"-a syrian nuclear facility was destroyed, with the samples and equipment

-14 north korean nuclear specialists-operatives were eliminated in the strike. We are led to believe the strike was held until all the elements were in the same place so that everything could be dealt with in one blow."

Where do you get this? I didn't see anything that specific and definite in any of the coverage, and what rumors have come out have all been spread by the Evil Empire--and specifically, by people in the Imperial capital with a long history of lying and warmongering. At this point, we don't really have any information at all.

A question nobody has asked yet: why would the Syrians want to go to North Korea for help with a nuclear weapons program, when North Korea is the one country we have seen evidence _doesn't_ have working nukes. Why not Pakistan? Or for that matter, Iran (with which Syria has much closer ties), if Iran really is working on nuclear weapons...

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Originally posted by MikoyanPT:

Funny, it kind of reminds me, the " Oh no Saddam got the A Bomb" histeria that preceded Iraq invasion.

The fact is, that Syria a sovereign country was attacked without justification under international law, and nobody seems to care. :confused:

"and this is the really loud message -- the Arab world, taken as a whole, has responded with... silence. No other Arab government complained about the raid, forcing Syria to take its protest to the United Nations alone. No mobs poured into the famous "Arab street," no flags were burned, no cars torched, and no "rage boys" screamed into television cameras. The message to Syria and Iran could not have been more clear: The Arabs are far more worried about Iran and its satellites than they are about Israel."
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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Let's try to find a confirming source on this other than Faux News. Those guys couldn't have a worse track record on getting their facts straight. The story's not currently being reported by BBC news or MSNBC. ABC News has it buried as a rumor halfway into a report about Israel welcoming talks with Syria.

So if this story is confirmed will you begin to suspect the Mainstream Media and their leftward tilt?
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