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dodger bullet

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  1. Devs. I really apologize for bringing this up again. But could you at least acknowledge if the HOTKEYS for: //toggle through command panels backwards //toggle through command panels forwards -- will be back, or not, in the next patch? Please, thank you for yer time. Merry holidays.
  2. Another animation that irks me is when they put their gun down during a firefight, or after a shot. Another thing, would be nice and proper for HUNTING animation that they have their guns raised all the time. Instead of just walking warily.
  3. Can I have the good dev's thumb-up on this, will it be back on the next patch? Please bring back: And the PAUSE button to be bindable as SPACE button? I never took a shine for the command panels to be put on the F5 buttons. Don't understand why this ability was omitted, it may seem insignificant -- but the fluidity of the game is marred with all the finger-twister mapping going on. Please bring it back.
  4. Yes, I've seen it on the readme. But what I wrote, my request, was just having them back to be bindable. I hope that's doable.
  5. Why was the ability to move to and fro the COMMAND PANELS -- omitted in the last patch? You know, these: The very day I played the game -- I instantly changed the WASD keys to ESDF. I'm those type. It's always intuitive, and with your LEFT typing index-finger always on E -- you practically know the rest of the LETTERS are. So the W and R acted as MOVING THE COMMAND PANELS. While the corresponding/relative commands were: q, a, z, x, c, t, g, b, v. Etc. Needless to say, I was pretty much a hotshot in my own little e-warring, in terms of quick, versatile command swiftness. Yet now, as insignificant as the omission maybe -- I'm prone to PAUSING all the time, and clicking the little TABS to change the command panels. Hope you bring back bindable MOVING COMMAND PANELS, because otherwise the game's relegating to a clickfest, or a pause-fest. If you will. Thanks yous for your consideration. P.S. And I hope you can make the game-world PAUSE command -- bindable. Instead of ESC, I'd recommend to have it in SPACE instead.
  6. Crashes every time I go into OPTION. It's available via linked email they're sending out. Am I the only one enduring this unfortunate bug? I wanna play badly.
  7. Nice, Slow mo, talk about a penetrating rear entry. Wait, nevermind.
  8. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt </font>
  9. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt </font>
  10. Which is why we now give you freedom to reassign them at will using the hotkeys.txt file. Madmatt </font>
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