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Fox Pee, Peng, and Other Personal Hygiene Challenges


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You must be a Jean Claude Van Damm fan...dan... fam... wossname... fandancer!

You lost it again, didn't you? They say that's an early sign of Alzheimer's. I bet you often find yourself in a strange part of town wearing only a dressing gown and slippers, and not knowing how you got there.

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:


And I suspect your intentions. Because, as everyone knows, it's Myself that suffers from Gout on this Thread. Oh, and Leeo, but he's easily overlooked.

Not as easily overlooked as you...

by the way


thembtstrikes3hb.jpg </font>

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I brought it down with a photo of Vin Diesel. Pilot took one look at it and ejected. Didn't do him any good, Vin sensed his near escape and made his head explode, just by thinking it. So, I rode the pilotless plane down, just like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove, and branded it with the great and holy mark of the MBT.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Not as easily overlooked as you...

by the way

only....too cool!!!

Haven't you guys been reading the Forum? You can't shoot at anything with a .50cal you might hurt somebody!
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

I think we will be ok as long as we don't use WP rounds for the Ma Deuce. Hey, what about tracers?

Tracers are chemical weapons! You might upset the Italians. I would try rubber bullets or Paintball guns.

Speaking of Paintball guns one of my boys just got a temporary job counting cattle on a ranch. He was actually offered a job counting herds by two-different ranchers. One of them however offered a fringe benefit that so far out-weighed the other he felt he could not pass it by. He is (as we speak) being paid to ride a 4 wheel ATV thru woods and pastures counting cattle by shooting them with a paintball gun. Kids these days!

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The 50 caliber M2 Machine gun is probably the oldest weapon in the US arsenal. How could you ban something that has been killing for so long?

That would be like saying that you couldn't spit in a Fedeyeen's eye before you ran him through with a bayonet, because spitting at someone can spread germs, and might be considered biological warfare.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

And I hate Peng.

Think carefully, MrPeng.

Oh, I think a lot. Here is what I have done and I hope it helps to allay your fears. Firstly, I have hired a homeless person to stand outside of Pat Robertson's church every Sunday and flip him the bird with both hands as he goes in and comes out. I had to hire a second homeless guy to check up on the first one to make sure that he extends both arms and makes the requisite mad face while flipping Mr Roberston off.

Nextly I have given good hard Amerikkkan currency to the National Center for Science Education to help them combat the plague of idiocy that is infecting the heartland.

More nextly I write a lot of letters to news organizations chastizing them for giving 'Intelligent' design more weight than it deserves. I point out to them that

B. it isn't science because it doesn't present falsifiable hypotheses. So it isn't a theory the way Darwinian Evolution is a theory.

42. Theory means a framework within which facts can be tied together and explained, not a hunch or a guess as in the vernacular (it ain't a vernacular - its a derby!)

11. Everything that they try to refute with their arguments is wrong, misrepresented or silly - like 'irreducable complexity.'

twoanaquarter. even if creationists are able to poke any holes in the fact of evolution, it does not then follow that there must therefore be a christian intelligent designer. The ID argument has always been either evolution or supernatural christian design (even though they try to hide the christian part), without paying any attention to the true alternative which is everything was all created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (may His Noodly Appendage be praised).

I have actually gotten responses back from authors who have pledged not to use "theory" when referring to ID, but rather to say the 'notion' or simply 'proponents of ID' so that it is not dignified with a modifier it does not deserve. I also emailed all the members of the Dover PA school board - prior to them all getting the sack - telling them that they had some splainin to do for their poor decision. Looks like the voters in Dover did the splainin for them.

Which brings us back to Mr Robertson. I am curious to know, as is often the case with a vengeful prick like the christian god, just how many generations in Dover will suffer his wrath for this vote against him? I mean, at this point if there is an icestorm this winter can we attribute that to His hairyness being pissed off? What about spring floods? Will they be the consequence of run-off from a snowy winter and a wet spring or is it because jehova has a bug up his butt over Dover? Should there be a Dover PA in 100 years after the Christian Taliban has turned this into the Theocratic States of America will they still be suffering from a mad as hell deity? Just how effing long is god going to be pissed about this? Forver? That's a long time man. A long effing time. But I suppose a supreme being has plenty of time to be pissed.

Oh, and to answer your question... "Could be."

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

even if creationists are able to poke any holes in the fact of evolution, it does not then follow that there must therefore be a christian intelligent designer.

Hey, Peng. You ought to pick up the new issue of The Atlantic Monthly. It has an article in which the author contends that belief in God is an accident of evolution! How's that for irony?


(sorry about the smilies, but my exuberance knows no bounds :D )


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Originally posted by NG cavscout:


Is that you in front of the MiG, NG? You're kind of a beefy soandso, aincha? I mean, to be leaping in and out of Hummers and all, M4 clenched in your hand, grenade in the other hand, razor sharp bayonet clenched in your teeth, ready to deal instant death to the enemies of freedom? And all that? You know? Eat a lot of spaghetti do you?


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

Is that you in front of the MiG, NG? You're kind of a beefy soandso, aincha? I mean, to be leaping in and out of Hummers and all, M4 clenched in your hand, grenade in the other hand, razor sharp bayonet clenched in your teeth, ready to deal instant death to the enemies of freedom? And all that? You know? Eat a lot of spaghetti do you?

Hey! You need a beefy guy in your squad. I'm sure his mates are dang glad to have him.

After all, ya gotta push somebody on that grenade.

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Homo erectus was an early species of Homonid...he used fire and was able to fashion primitive tools such as stone axes and knives. There are fossil remains of this early cousin of ours, so some evolutionist didnt just make him up to piss off the creationists. He doesnt look anything like NG cavscout either...he was not that beefy, being that pasta was not invented until the late 19th century in the west.

This early man lived on this planet for nearly one million years....think about that one million years . That's a long time...look at all of the advances Homo Sapiens has made in the last 50 years alone. Well in that huge chunk of time...Mr Erectus did not display enough imagination or brain power to figure out how to put that stone axe on the end of a stick. There are no bits of evidence to indicate this. I don't know what the point of all this is, but I thought you might find it interesting.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

That would be like saying that you couldn't spit in a Fedeyeen's eye before you ran him through with a bayonet, because spitting at someone can spread germs, and might be considered biological warfare.

And better make sure that bayonet's been sterilised!

You wouldn't like the jabee (ie person who's been jabbed) to pick up tetanus while he's dying.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You buggers are like cockroaches. Just when you think 'Oh, dear me, Nuclear War has apparently driven certain halfwit dogs' bollocks into extinction', you pop up again.

It's a 'Triumph of the Semi-Human Spirit', that it is.

I'm a baaaaadd penny.
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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

even if creationists are able to poke any holes in the fact of evolution, it does not then follow that there must therefore be a christian intelligent designer.

Hey, Peng. You ought to pick up the new issue of The Atlantic Monthly. It has an article in which the author contends that belief in God is an accident of evolution! How's that for irony?


(sorry about the smilies, but my exuberance knows no bounds :D )

Michael </font>

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