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A call for more variety in WW2 (part deux)

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Just got in a few minutes ago, but thanks for the links. Loved the Ukrainian Army ad! That girl with the sparkling eyes melted me into a puddle.

BTW, the treasures on YouTube seem unending. Saw the front sequence for a Polish TV show about a Polish T-34/85 crew. Looks like a comedy of sorts.

The video dedicated to the Siberian soldiers during the GPW was wonderful, too. Guess I'll just cancel my life and watch YouTube! That, though, could prevent all sorts of other good things, though. Still owe NG Cavscout a setup.

Oh, now have the melody and partial lyrics of The Sacred War burned onto my cortex. Bloody thing keeps switching on!


John Kettler

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Could I put in a bit about what we call dry stone dykes ( and no that's not one of Dorosh's dates).

In CMBO etc we had walls but they were pretty uniform being about 4 ft high and 2 ft wide.

In reality they were fairly rough and vary from between 3ft and 7 ft ( some even higher) and can be anything from under 1 ft to 2 ft thick.

They often have a finished rounded top but not always and the state of repair varies dropping and rising in height as the go across fields and along roads.

What adds to this is that they can often act as a reinforcing wall either holding back earth or with the ground at different heights on either side.

They also form culverts ( drains under roads) and the sides of bridges.

Here are some examples.





Doing these well really is a must for Normandy. Getting them right so that they can enhance map design would be excellent.

To be honest good walling is probably in terms of immersion better than any number of motorcycles or horses.

Oh and as it's Normandy can I add on so are Poplars, which really should be a must especially along the sides of roads......





[ April 15, 2008, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: Peter Cairns ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SlapHappy:


In that 4th picture, it looked like there shoulda been some Hobbits staggering around down there.....

Peter would have obliged, but his dates don't let him take pictures of them. Too creepy to take piccies on the first date - and Peter doesn't get to the 2nd... ;) </font>
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Peter Cairns,

Funny and well argued! Your big site pic with the rock "igloo" looks almost prehistoric. Where is that? Have never seen anything like it in all the Normandy imagery I've encountered.


Since you mentioned "Combat," this is a must!



John Kettler

[ March 29, 2008, 11:27 PM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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John Kettler,

The Neolithic looking one isn't in Normandy but I was trying to find some good examples of what real European "walling" is like so i put it in. The point was that it is a ubiquitous feature that if done well can really enhance the game.

Oh and at least one of the poplar pictures is in Italy, but again it's about adding some detail that is recognisably "French" as opposed to what to an extent we got it CMBO which was just a Map type rendition with Broadleaf, Pine and Scrub, Wall, Track and Road.


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Peter Cairns,

Roger. I absolutely agree that how well something so intimately associated with an area is rendered has a lot to do with the immersion factor, which is why I mentioned drainage ditches. Another would be the ability to place a single row of trees beside a road. I remember seeing one pic in which widely separated big trees thus arrayed had been dropped across the road, but the Panzers were only briefly discomfited, since the ground has flat and firm. They simply pulled off the road, swung around the block, then got back onto the road.

Did you like Lube's Combat?


John Kettler

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No, I didn't, but then, I don't speak Russian and have no lyrics in either transliterated Russian or English to work from. Might be able to puzzle it out then, seeing as how I do have some dictionaries.

While we're on Lube, I'd like your take on him. Is he a) a working, successful musician, B) patriotic and paying tribute to the Russian military in his work, c) a Russian ultranationalist a la Putin, or d) some mix of all of the above?

Everything I've seen by him so far has been Russian military themed, which is why a friend of mine and I are curious.

Getting back on topic, here are some good links on buildings for the Eastern Front.

Wooden buildings of northern Russia



General Russian wooden buildings


This'll keep the modelers busy (interior!)


No interiors, but still intricate


Peasant structures


Village structure (isba interiors!)


Aha! The book I was seeking! Saw it once but didn't have the money. Very cool!


Author's an expert and well respected



John Kettler

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About Lube

Lube is a pop band from Russia, whose music harmoniously combines elements of British rock and roll, traditional Russian folk music, military bard music, and even some attempts at rapping. Starting in 1989 with their first release, they have released 13 albums inside of Russia. It is the only Russian act whose concerts have been attended by the President Putin during his time in office.


Atas (1989)

Kto skazal, chto mi ploho zhili? (1992)

Zona Lubeh (1993)

Kombat (1996)

Sobranie sochineniy, Vol.1 (1996)

Pesni o lyudyah (1997)

Iz koncertnoy programmi Pesni o lyudyah (1998)

Polustanochki (2000)

Luchshie pesni (2000, two volumes)

Davay za... (2002)

Voennie pesni (2002)

Rebyata nashego polka (Guys of our Regiment) (2004)

Raseya (2005)



[ April 01, 2008, 07:00 AM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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I decided to look at holiday homes in Normandy to look at stone....

It tends to be cream to light brown and square often flint. That has a real impact of getting things right, as here in Scotland because of the rock and the ice age the stone in walls is grey and rounded.





It might seem odd but different coloured walls in buildings in different modules may actually be a good feature to have CMx WW2.


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Peter Cairns,

A stone discussion from a man whose name is all about them! Nice pics! If you haven't seen it yet,

BiA did a bangup job on the buildings in Normandy by sending in a ground team and meticulously documenting where the battles took place. the set decoration is very good, too, with farm carts, battered trucks, sheds and whatnot where they ought to be. The result is a terrific looking battlefield marred by uncrossable 3 ft. high walls, largely unusable buildings and endless invisible walls to channel the players. Tombstones offer good cover, though.


Appreciate Lube info!


John Kettler

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Lyrics.com was a bust, but then I struck gold.

Kombat (transliterated Russian)


Kombat (bad English translation)


Much better one by Blue-eyed smiler in Siberia


Will you be getting your complimentary Kombat ringtone?


To get back on topic, having read two different chapters in Axell's RUSSIA's HEROES 1941-45, I wish to formally lament the exclusion of horses, thus cavalry, from the new engine. Why? Because it's clear the Russians did some amazing things with theirs during the war, and the resultant possibilities are simply fascinating. In one case, they swept down on the Germans so fast that crews even abandoned their tanks and just chopped up the Germans wholesale. Mean that literally! They captured tanks, trucks, small arms and lots of ammo. In another case, a deep raid wiped out two German regimental HQs and spread panic much higher up the organization. Some real possibilities too for scenarios in which cavalry works with partisans. Would welcome a discussion of this by JasonC and Andreas. Mind, I'm not holding my breath on the outcome, but having actually read some of the combat exploits, I'm mightily intrigued. Seems to me that what the Russians deployed by the corps ought to have at least as much traction as something deployed in quantities of under a dozen. I fear, though, that if I want flashing sabers, however solidly justified for the GPW, I'll be waging Napoleonic warfare (HW:leG). At least there, though, Cossacks will be smiting the foe from the saddle!


John Kettler

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Blue-Eyed Smiler translated

А пацана девчонка ждет.-----The girl is on her tenterhooks.

What?! What the hell are tenterhooks?!

Thats not at all what what that sentence is. It simply says" A girl waits for a guy (I assume her boyfriend)


А может - мы, а может - нас. Who will have the back of the war to see

Thats not what it means. It should be" Maybe - us (kill them), maybe - us (be killed)

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"On tenterhooks" means to wait anxiously, as in constantly checking out the window, can't wait to see him, etc. I'd say you're seeing a bit of her Russian feminine soul by the way she did the translation.

As for the second part, your take absolutely makes better sense!


CMBB can already be modded to do this, but all the tanks wind up the same, I believe. CMx2 am Ost

will allow you to, ISTR, individually mark and even number your AFVs. I expect to see all sorts of amazing things happen as far as AFV individuation long before then, though. External loads are no longer standardized for a given AFV

even in CMSF, and I expect to see far more customization as the mod community really begins to find its stride and more and more people learn how to do it.


John Kettler

[ April 03, 2008, 05:11 AM: Message edited by: John Kettler ]

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Originally posted by M1A1TC:

Blue-Eyed Smiler translated

А пацана девчонка ждет.-----The girl is on her tenterhooks.

What?! What the hell are tenterhooks?!

Thats not at all what what that sentence is. It simply says" A girl waits for a guy (I assume her boyfriend)


А может - мы, а может - нас. Who will have the back of the war to see

Thats not what it means. It should be" Maybe - us (kill them), maybe - us (be killed)

Tenterhooks are small hooks used to affix fabric to a tenter, a rack used for drying.

However, the colloquialism "to be on tenterhooks" means to be in a state of suspense or agitation, usually in anticipation of something. I assume the meaning of this phrase comes from the idea of being emotionally stretched taught, as a cloth on a tenter.

So I guess the translator was trying to translate an informal phrase for "waiting in anticipation" in to a similar informal English phrase. Didn't succeed very well, but you gotta give it credit for trying.



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Originally posted by John Kettler:


CMBB can already be modded to do this, but all the tanks wind up the same, I believe. CMx2 am Ost

will allow you to, ISTR, individually mark and even number your AFVs. I expect to see all sorts of amazing things happen as far as AFV individuation long before then, though. External loads are no longer standardized for a given AFV

even in CMSF, and I expect to see far more customization as the mod community really begins to find its stride and more and more people learn how to do it.


John Kettler

Fine, now for that E-100... :cool:
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