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Scenario design - Real Time v's WeGo

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In previous versions of CM scenario designs would often be changed dependant on game type (i.e. Computer or Human opponent). Is there a similar distinction that needs to be made with the new types of gameplay? Would one create a scenario differently if it was recommended to play it real time versus wego?

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Hi Melnibone

You can play the scenarios either in WEGO or RT. The scenario designer does not have to specify which game play style to use.

HOWEVER, if you want the game playable against the AI from either side (regradless of game style i.e. RT or WEGO) you will have to create AI plans for whatever or both sides. No AI plans means it is only playable H2H as the AI controlled enemy will just sit still.

FWIW WEGO works well for larger size comabt formations e.g. company and above, although I must admit it's kinda hectic controlling a large comabt team in RT. Becomes rather stressful when stuff starts burning. You can pause the game though to get your breath. In 'veteran' mode you can also pause and issue orders - sort of a half way house between WEGO and RT. Must admit I'm into playing at 'elite' level with all the spotting and command issues it brings. Each to their own. In a week you'll be trying this out yourself smile.gif

Cheers fur noo

George Mc

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Thanks guys - what I'm really getting at (but not asking very clearly!) is - if a scenario plays out differently depending on game mode (RT or WeGo) chosen - would we ever get to the stage for instance where a scenario would recommend "only play in Real-Time". Or does the mode chosen not make that much difference to the actual design of the scenario?

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Thats an interersting question dude, i too am curious.

To me it makes sense that playing in the different styles (WEGO Vs Realtime) would create a differently paced game. I'd love to hear from the bata team wether the pace does change for the different styles and if so how big an impact does it have.

Mabye we will be able to prove once and for all that the WEGO system rules!!

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Hi Guys

What you are missing is that in WEGO mode you are effectively seeing the game played out in RT. You can then either replay the 'video' or go onto plot your next turn. RT is just that. So the end result is that regardless of what game style you chosse - RT or WEGO the actual combat results will be the same.


You are right playing in RT does result in a differant pace of game for the player. You tend to move more slowly as you need time to react to developments. I must admit I pretty much play RT all the time now, as I like the immdeciacy and immersion factor it brings. Other Beta testers preferred WEGO. As Sergei says each to their own. I guess as PCs become more powerful scenarios will become bigger. When I can play battalion level actions in CMSF guess I'll go to WEGO! ;) But for the size of avearge scenario in CMSF currently it is possible to play either WEGO or RT. Takes yer pick smile.gif

Cheers fur noo


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My thoughts on the subject - I think realtime scenarios could perhaps be spun-out MUCH longer timeframe than WeGo. Spend a pleasant two hours after dinner playing in Realtime and it was a proper two hours of playing. Spend two hours playing in WeGo and any CMx1 player can tell you what proportion of that time was spent fidgeting around in the orders phase. Its not so much differences in gameplay as different utliization of an evening's free time.

Of course I'm preaching to people who think nothing of spending a month emailing one minute chunks of game back and forth :D

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Originally posted by JaguarUSF:

Short answer: no difference at all.

Disagree completely.

Dependent on the size of the scen, I would expect a designer to give more time for Real Time players than for WEGO. However, bear in mind that playing styles will alter the balancing act of trying to "time" a scenario properly. I think time considerations are of less concern in a meeting engagement style fight than in trying to plan a deliberate assault - how much time pressure to put on an attacker is always a bone of contention, and the question of RT vs WEGO is another item that will set apart the good scenario designer from the mediocre (or at least will identify how good his playtesters are).

I am presuming HtH play, and the use of no pauses in RT. I don't believe in using human limitations as an additional burden on the player - if giving extra troops, the player should have the luxury of having time enough to navigate the battlefield and give them proper orders. The squad and platoon commanders would not share the same burden of the single game player in trying to order around an entire company-sized battlegroup.

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"...bear in mind that playing styles will alter the balancing act"

Reminds me of the few times i've 'gunned it' and raced my tanks the full length of the map. Some times I got all my men immediately killed off and the game ended abruptly, sometimes I got into my enemy's rear and obliterated his forces - ending the game abruptly again. No, that's not my usual method of play and the possible presence of kornet and RPG-29 tends to dissuade you of using those moves. But it shows that even the best scenario designer will have difficulty designing his battle to account for mad kamakazi tactics! :D

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If you are getting obliterated at least some of the time I would argue that the scenario designer did account for it. Charging madly has both very high risk and very high rewards.

The thunder run into Bagdad worked after all, and a lot of people have argued ever since that they are not quite sure how. Other than that it was so insane the Iraqis just folded.

How the wind deals with a heavy smoke barrage could make all the difference at the games scale.

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There's three play modes - Basic Training, Veteran, and Elite. In the first two you simply pause it by hitting the 'ESC' key, everything stops but you can fly around the map, issue orders, check out unit stats. Then hit 'ESC' again and off you go! The 3rd level 'Elite' is more hard-core. For each unit fog-of-war not only applies to the enemy units but even to your OWN comrades! In Pause the commands are blanked out so you can't issue orders. Its Realtime all the way. Nothing like a challenge, eh? :D

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