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One of the screenies definitely shows a Russian

paratrooper (with his deflated chute billowing

out behind him). Interesting. I know some here

have pooh-poohed the concept of paras in SC2,

saying that the scale is too large. Well, that

may be true, but certainly the fun/surprise factor

might make them worthwhile?

John DiFool

[ April 18, 2004, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: John DiFool the 2nd ]

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I like the idea and think they will add some strategy elements. I do agree though that it really doesn't fit in withe the scale of SC. If you were to tell me the units are division size and bregade size then they fit very well.

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Paras, interesting Topic someone should bring up. They put them in Axis & Allies on that scale! Woohoo!! tongue.gif they just do it cause it's fun, like Rockets. I'm sure that Paras played a bigger role than Rockets. If for nothing else they were the cream of the crop and after their landings and Specialized Missions they fought on with the other existing troops. In fact Some of the Paras that have been made famous are from my local town here, Ft. Bragg. 82nd 101st... ;) They created tactics of their own for West Pointers to Follow During the opening D-Day. You saw the Show, "Band of Brothers" Of Course they're rather small in #s. Though I was sure Germans put a Corpsize of Paras on Crete? Or Close enough and During Market Garden probably a tiny Corpsize into LC?

They should compliment regular troops... Perhaps you could attach them after supply disruption to a MainBody Army to increase it's Readiness, effectiveness and Experience. Plus Partisans in many places had no more FirePower or Disruptive capability, just one was used more than the other cause it was cheap. I say add em, or get rid of Rockets

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Nor anywhere else - being on the receiving end of a full barrelload of Nebelwerfers wasn't the place to be either.

However, rockets in SC appear to me to represent not the Katushka and Nebelwerfer, but the V1 and V2.

I had always thought them a waste of time until I read the book "Last Year of the Luftwaffe". The author argued that their nuisance value in bombing London and the south east made the allies divert a disproportionate effort to deal with their launching sites, thus saving some more important Axis units and resources from a good pounding.

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Originally posted by CraigRS:

I don't think anyone will question the quality or bravery of the troops but do they fit in a game of this scale and scope? I say no but they will add to the fun never the less!!

During WWII, non of the combatants developed full fledge paratroop armies. US, GB, Ge, Russia, and even Italy, and even the free poles had paratroop regiments, brigades, or divisions. But they were never organized into paratroop armies as would be represented in SC2.

However... they could have. And I guess the interesting question to present to the players of SC2 is: "what if?" What if Germany had used a full paratroop army to support the attack on the Low Countries? What if Russia had used a full paratroop army to envelop Army Group Center. Or Germany had used a paratroop army behind Kursk to make a larger, deeper pocket avoiding the Russian main defense line?

I am 100% for paratroops in SC2.

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I am 100% for paratroops in SC2.
Well, good thing, because you shall indeed have them! :cool:

I do recall that little WW2 story about German sky-assaulters dropping "potato mashers" down through the vents of those fortifications in Belgium... what was the name? Ebba Eban or some fool thing.

As a general approach to this whole schematic of having "wrong sized" or "irrelevant" combat units, I would say this:

Para are NOT Armies.

They are not even Corps.

They are a specialty unit that performs a special function and mission.

It simply does NOT MATTER how you OOB them or how you count the rapt Student noses.

This is ALL a magical mystery tour, in which, whether you are related to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, or attached to some billowing nylon as it drops to a sometimes receptive Earth, you are... IMMERSED in a WW2 atmosphere. :cool:

It IS... a a war game re-enactment, though not PERFECTLY so because it never could be.

No matter if you studied history books from now until Alpha clashed with Omega.

Paratroops and Engineers and anything else YOU would like to stick in there... fits EXACTLY and really truly "romantically" ... into this GS WW2 game. ;)

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I do recall that little WW2 story about German sky-assaulters dropping "potato mashers" down through the vents of those fortifications in Belgium... what was the name? Ebba Eban or some fool thing.

That would be Eben Emael.

It was the biggest fortress in Belgium(which doesn't mean anything of course but anyway) and was supposed to stop the germans for a few months until the French or the British could send reinforcements.


Eben Emael was indeed attacked by German paratroopers and was under full German control after 6 hours.

Tsss, the pride of the country, my ass :rolleyes:

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Katushka Rockets would be classified as Artillery not Strategic flying Bombs. ;)

Paras were a direct precision weapon. I live about 20 minutes from the Airborne Museum and couple Minutes away from 82nd Airborne HQs.. Come visit, there is history in their role. If nothing else they were 'fine troopers'

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