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A warning from Goran Hrvatkovic

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Originally posted by arado234:

I also collect ss material.I had to stop because i couldnt afford it after i got married.

I guess women just don't understand collecting like us men do, do they ?

Except when it comes to shoes, purses or bags, of course.

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Originally posted by arado234:

I also collect ss material.I had to stop because i couldnt afford it after i got married.

Yes!!!...i have sort of experienced this myself!.

My friend promised me that after he sold his home that he would pay me what he owe's me, roughly $30,000.00. BUT!!!...Guess what, his WIFE KNEW THAT HE HAD THE ADDITIONAL FUNDS,...and decided INSTEAD to spend the money on a BIGGER-BETTER-NICER-HOUSE in Kitimat,B.C.???. Women REALLY-KNOW-HOW-TO-SPEND-MONEY without ANY-CONSIDERATION for anybody else,...except their own selfish vices/concerns!. "God's CURSE on Mankind!."

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Ah...flagging this.

this is one instance when memorabilia is not a bad idea, to be quite frank as bad as it sounds I'd like Hitler's Friggin' Doggy Collar right now for Blonde, Goebbels favorite Microphone, Herman's favorite Teacup. You know why?

It's worth something

but what do you think Rommel's Hat Cost today?

What about Patton's Horse Stick?

Honestly it is a bit pathetic,

and a Picture of Aces including signatures or true artist renderings have Historical meaning and Uniform's could be actually used constructively in a Museum

P.S. http://cgi.ebay.com/5-WWII-Rare-German-Nazi-Luftwaffe-Uniform-Bag-Coins_W0QQitemZ270103352932QQcategoryZ4078QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

These Are Nazi Coins for Sell, oddly enough they cannot be owned Germany or Austria their place of origin??? :D

Ebay doesn't allow for the sale of KKK or Nazi items...either wonder how these puppies got on there

[ March 29, 2007, 12:49 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Originally posted by John DiFool the 2nd:

I think the phrase "WTF?" :confused: applies here...

A couple strange days later,

It still applies.

It's not always what something is WORTH,

It's what it does to your soul.

Sometimes a fetish is a fetish

IS a fetish, and can

Lead to really weird dreams.


I used to see that kind of stuff

When I lived in Germany.

Down broken cobble-stone roads,

In hidey-holes where there were cobwebs

In all 4 corners of the narrow window, or,

Poor German kids from poor families

Would ask me if I would like to have

Such & such a thing.

For a price.

Not knowing what else to do

About this new intrigue,

I had asked my Old Man about it.

He said that if I brought ANY of that

Trash into the house,

He would throw it - and me,

Should I insist on clutching it - out.

Collecting is alright, but, personally,

I think I'll stick to old

Baseball cards and comic books.

To each their own sort of totem

I guess is how I'd say it.

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Thanks for passing on this timely warning Bill. And please thank Hrvatkovic for me, I didn't realize Gunther Rall uses magnetic bullets, having that information is a real lifesaver! :D

Also, he's in here now eating bacon and eggs. I was trying to be a gracious guest and had cereal, didn't know he was so obsessed with bacon but seeing the way he guards the plate while devouring it I'm glad I decided to let the guy have it all. :cool:

Magnetic bullets -- gosh am I ever glad now that I made a lead headshield. Never thought I'd need to use it -- oh, eating my corn flakes is a little hard wearing that thing, crushing my skull -- OH! got it off, guess I'll have to risk the magnetic bullets. Anyway, I don't think he shoots people just because they happen to have a metal head. tongue.gif

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"There are Nazi's in the bathroom just below the stairs... Everybody's smoking but nobody's getting high, everybody's making love and nobody really cares. Strange Days indeed most peculiar Momma, roll...Nobody told me there would be days like these, strange days indeed!" smile.gif

Modern Times, more dangerous than any worn out 1890 Ideology

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Modern Times, more dangerous than any worn out 1890 Ideology
Some things never change.

The closed eyes you are born with,

The surprised eyes when you


First knowing not.

Perhaps, happy day, knowing how.

The fraction was Creation.

The Golden Age of Greece.

Charlemagne's Gual.

The Beast in the labryinth,

A myth received - about Crete?


Not least,


A leap-for-joy school-boy,


In a bell-ringing hall.

That was the day - recall?




1890? ANY date and, all,

Is... now!

Nope, some things just

Never change.

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  • 1 month later...

I am confuze. What happen now? My uncle was Rall's long friend and he never mention this girl Shirley. BUT Bacon is true! One time a long time ago, we all eat breakfast and my Uncle say to Rall - hey, look at that church over there! Then he stole Rall's bacon from his plate when he turned away. Rall never forgive him for that - he took it out on enemy - this why he best pilot ever, I am sure!

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Oh Shirley Temple drink.. ha ha ha hoch hech.

I sorry have not post forum since 2-3 yrs now. I stay close to SC community since more time now to play as retired. I play so much should to donate to help continue develop! but not need develop cause great AI now! best in any game!

hoch hech!

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Er.... I'm confused

On the collecting SS material front you people have issues. Each to their own and all. But you have serious issues.

However I strongly suggest you see the following link on You tube. Very amusing.

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Originally posted by Minty:

Er.... I'm confused

On the collecting SS material front you people have issues. Each to their own and all. But you have serious issues.

However I strongly suggest you see the following link on You tube. Very amusing.

UN-confuse yerself Bad Cat.

WHO, quite specifically,

Has these so-called... "issues."

And, quite specifically,

What ARE those issues.

I for one would really like to know

The answers.

Enumerate, and elaborate.

Let's hear it, man.

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Minty, why do Idolize figurines of crucified Wise Men? Why do we make Candle Wax Men in the Face of Napoleon and Temujin to visit in the Museum? Nappy killed millions, Tem so Scorthed the Earth in places it is unworkable to THIS DAY! Why do we record word for word History, to remeber it and not to repeat it! and we're human, recounting a statement by comedian George Carlin, "Humans will perform intercourse with the dead, not even Rats will do that!"

Originally posted by Minty:

Er.... I'm confused

On the collecting SS material front you people have issues. Each to their own and all. But you have serious issues.

However I strongly suggest you see the following link on You tube. Very amusing.

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