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We will glady wait until you deem it the right time to release SC2 "Hubert"...thank's for showing such care for your product and in the finale'...care for us by releasing a superior product!.

We have been Patient and have used our Patience gladly...but there are some who have "LOTS OF PATIENCE"...Because..."THEY NEVER USE ANY OF IT"!!!.

[ December 02, 2005, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: Retributar ]

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It's amazing how often you write things that I was thinking but didn't write myself. :D

I agree with your very sensible remark. Truth is, when I read Hubert's message about how it wouldn't be ready for Christmas I breathed a sigh of relief. It would have been a choice between ordering SC2, or filling (almost) my car with gas. :eek: smile.gif

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Thank you for the update Mr Cater. I will echo the statements of those previous.. Take your time, enjoy the holidays, and release it when things are just right. It's VERY nice to know the release is not being rushed at OUR expense, just to hit holiday sales numbers. You exemplify what all entrepreneurs should be like - nobody cares about quality anymore, they all just want the quick buck. Again, thank you fine sir, looking forward to the release!

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VERY disappointing news Hubert.

I remember that originally, the game was meant to be out in December 2004! What happened? Working feverishly?? Surely would it not have been more sensible to have finished SC2 instead of introducing other, irrelevant games?

I'm sorry about my tone, but I'm not happy at all.

Originally posted by Hubert Cater:


Being the first of the month and considering some of the content in recent threads I felt it was only appropriate to post some further info on SC2 development status.

As you know our goal was to have this game finished by the end of this year and while I have been working away feverishly, double time in the last six months, unfortunately at this point it looks like we will be holding off release a little while longer.

While it would have been great to get this game in everyone's hands for Christmas we wanted to first and foremost make sure we delivered a final product that was properly finished and not, as RLEETE has pointed out, arbitrarily tied into the up coming sales season.

The good news is that the game is VERY close. Beta testing reports that the game plays very well and that the balancing is just about right. There has also been a lot of positive feedback on the new features such as Weather, Production Delay, Diplomacy, and the expanded Atlantic and not to mention the flexibility of the Editor.

While we’ll all have to wait a bit longer, myself included, before the game is wrapped up I do hope you will find any necessary delays worth it as I think the game will offer much more depth and flexibility than anything else similar.



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Originally posted by Tancred:

VERY disappointing news Hubert.

I remember that originally, the game was meant to be out in December 2004! What happened? Working feverishly?? Surely would it not have been more sensible to have finished SC2 instead of introducing other, irrelevant games?

I'm sorry about my tone, but I'm not happy at all.

What other games? Aren't you getting confused with all the other games produced by Battlefront which are designed BY OTHER PEOPLE.

I'm happy to wait because I want a good product. SC1 has given me several years of fun and I hope that SC2 will too. A good product takes time and I'd rather wait another year than get a shoddy game that I only play once and then throw away.

In a way, the longer we have to wait the better!

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Out of the thounsand of games that I've played, I can honestly say that "Strategic Command" is one of the best, certainly in the top 20.

If Hubert can make SCII anywhere near as good, or, dare I hope, even better, then that's the important thing. The final shipping date is nothing more than a minor detail.

... And patience is a virtue smile.gif

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It's ironic...

after weeks of checking the forums 2x per day to glean any news of a forthcoming release date, I've taken a number of days away from here.

Just the other day I told my wife to get me 1 or 2 small things, but the sequel to SC was coming out and that's what I wanted to get for Christmas... the "big" gift...

And while I was away, HC comes by and makes his announcement.

Although it seems only 1 poster can hold HC's desire to slow down, I can certainly not wish someone to work themselves to stress during the happiest time of year.

Although, I do find it interesting after all the posts that there should be a release date set (it's just part of basic project management), why would noone share it with us --- in HC's post that SC2 won't be released before Xmas, he still doesn't share or allude to a revised date!

Merry Christmas, ya'll. Me and my SC2 money are just standing by waiting...if a bit anxiously.


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It would probably be easy to set a cutoff date and stick to it.

Except Hubert checks the forums and, when he sees an idea he likes, incorporates it. He did that over and over in the SC1 revisions. No doubt he's been doing that during the development of SC2.

So, that being the case, it takes a lot more design time and, do to accepting ideas from us, the people who love the concept and the game, he accepts the inevitable release delay and looks for quality instead of a tidy marketing package.

The reason Hubert hasn't given a new date or even more than a vague projected time, is probably because that's what he himself is working on. So we've got the same release date that Hubert himself has -- and that is, the day Hubert feels satisfied with the total package.

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"Except Hubert checks the forums and, when he sees an idea he likes, incorporates it. He did that over and over in the SC1 revisions. No doubt he's been doing that during the development of SC2" -Jersey John .
If this is the case then I want Edwin P. banned from any further excellent posts. All his stuff would be brilliant if added, and if HC is indeed taking forum posts into account, then this game will never be released... tongue.gif
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Geez, more delays, its ok, we can wait a bit more but i just hope the AI is not to blame in this issue. If the beta testers have done a good job and reported 'OK' it means head to head games could be played, people could be reading the manual and getting the feel of the game in holidays time. In a few months time just release a patch to settle those things wrong, improve the AI or whatever.

If the delay means a major improvement in the game just forget my post.

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Following the many posts of anticipation of the release of SC2, I can't help but be amused at the ironic comparisons of the human approach throughout this life in their quest of that "1" thing.

What a window into the dynamics of human character. The almost obsessive journey to obtain that thing that is so presently important, only to see it fade with anti-climatic disappointment. How interesting that the story plays out again and again and still the quest remains.

Others, comfortably on the road to attainment, wondering of the viability of the path they have chosen to that "1" thing. So elusive, yet so simple and always with a degree of doubt...as it should be.

SC2's release is like that "1" thing, there is the doubt of fulfillment. Will there be that "Second Coming", will the rapture proceed it. When will the ELLE occur?

And just like SC2's release.....no man shall know.

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@SMS --- Dude, so you're better than the rest of us? What's wrong with wanted to play a game in return for $50? Wasn't the SC mob who said December. I knew it wasn't true, because Battlefront would have said so on their own website. Some overconfident person within BF went outside & made them claim.

Folks, don't feel bad about what SMS is saying, it's not a sin to want to play SC-2 in December. Enjoy your Christmas, life, & family.

-Legend, always the crowd favorite

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If this is the case then I want Edwin P. banned from any further excellent posts. All his stuff would be brilliant if added, and if HC is indeed taking forum posts into account, then this game will never be released...
See, that's the thing. Hubert's up to Edwin Idea #137 and there's still several hundred to go. There's no end in sight... tongue.gif
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See, that's the thing. Hubert's up to Edwin Idea #137 and there's still several hundred to go. There's no end in sight...

He actually can't!

Work it much further, no, neither

Forward - nor back!

The whole main-frame would rock

And roll and totter and - collapse!

And hard-drive would - without excuse,

Simply refuse to centrifuge!

The Biological AI-making creatures (... yep,

we DO have ALL of the latest features!)

Would up and eat the Petri Dish!

And no less,

Logic & proportion would deteriorate

Into... merely,

Theorised strings of Chaos!

And, ah, no more,

SC-2 would become - at the last,

Not a physical FACT, and

Not! a gamer's greatest wish, but

A Will o' the Wisp

Is... disappearing fast! :eek:

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Rambonehead, do us all a favor and turn up the heat. That Idahoan winter has slowed the flow of oxygen to your braincells....again!

For those of you that may share Rbh's unique perspective, my humble apologies.

I am not implying anything except perhaps a little literary self-analysis.....no sin intended. ;)

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Blah, taking even longer?! HC needs to get himself a larger staff to handle the work load, we all want it to be the best game it can, and none of us want to see HC go crazy working all night, but at the same time the large amount of time it is taking to devolp is turning some off.

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You don't even KNOW how long the delay

Will be, do you?

Could be shorter than you imagine.

Thing is... YOU are going to have

A game that you can play

For the next... 20 years,

At least.

You will never ever again,

Most likely,

See so many great and innovative mods,

Due to the heretofore UNPRECEDENTED Editor,

And I DO mean - a one NEVER KNOWN before now,

In yer whole life.

So. Hang in. Hang out.

Banish those momentary doubts. smile.gif

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This is just a game folks! Nothing else interesting going on in life? What's a few more weeks? The end of the world? Please get a grip on reality as other pressing issues need your voices to be heard on. Not intended as a flame or a put down but just a reality check!

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