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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Take it outside you two

Really Peng (I thought you didn't exist anymore) don't be discomforted by a little 'edginess'. Things can't be all bonhomie and 'hale fellow well-met' all the time. I'm sure Croda and I can manage to keep things simmering along quite nicely without them boiling over. Well, I'm sure I can at least. This thread was excuruciatingly dull anyway.</font>
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To lighten the mood, I must say Croda that although I suspected your family was made up of circus midgets and you were run away from the Lobsterboy show, your reading of the riot act to Iron Head was a breath of fresh air. Certian things are beyond the pale, and although I will happily make fun of your genetic background in the pool (which seems to be rathert shallow recently -- I meant the gene pool and not the MBT) someone like OCS dipping his wick as it may into that particular puddle was out of line. You actually treated it rather more well than it deserved.

Marlow my friend, I am not sure who said it on the General Forum, but a few rotten Apples from down under does not make the batch bad, as you said many are dinkum. After all, we had Pieper and Lewis which are no worse or no better than the crew you are talking about. I would wish to god that no one judges the USA based on Lewis!!

Noba, let me know how many you are winning, including the grudge match I set you on. In fact, I have a special mission for you that should, with the agreement of the lord Berli earn your spurs finally when you have cleared the rest of the vermin out.

Sean I am ready to pick up our game and taunts. I have this weekend off from both jobs.

[ February 28, 2002, 12:46 AM: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Get back in your X-box you little Gates-slut weasel. Nobody said you could come out and play yet. Your champions are all being abused badly and will be forced to suffer terrible handle changes of their own.

Berli is making a last attempt to get to the big flag in town with his couple of remaining tanks and battered platoon. He just discovered that Goanna forgot to make the friendly map edges consistent with the setup locations, so withdraw will send units directly into the fray, rather than out of it. He'll soon discover that it's a hopeless task and be forced to change his name to Peter of the Pearly Gates, though I might be satisfied if he just changes it to Pluto if he puts a picture of Mickey's dog in his sig.

Pondscum is hiding somewhere offshore in boats on our island hopping map. I'll be making the final assault on his little frog men pretty soon. He might need to be called Job, or more painfully, Jobs. He's part of the master attempt by bill himself to take over the universe, and has been assigned to deliver the blue screen of death unto the cesspool.

Seanachai hasn't returned a turn in a few days. He seems to have the best chance of returning The former name to the current Gates Slut, if only because he hasn't thrown his forces into the meatgrinder yet. When the rickets start falling he'll go running.

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My, away from the pool for a week and we have the beginnings of a war on our hands. How uncouth.

Oh, Patch I am still mad at you for doctoring that poor photo of me. waaaaaaah. By the way, I have another I may scan of me slamming someone on the pavement. If you could cut out the perps face and put, say, Joe Shaw's face in I would forever be greatful.

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I have returned. The Bard of the Peng Challenge Thread, the ÜberGnome, has been away, enduring a crisis of confidence, an uncertainty of purpose, and pondering weighty matters (the multiplication tables, the nature of good and evil, is jello food, and whether, in a relativistic universe, annoying pillocks can be killed as a public service, amongst even more significant ponderings).

Sledge59, well done, lad. You rose to the occasion, and endured the abuse of your betters, and held your ground. Everything was well done...except for your use of colloquial speech, lad. That was vile bad awful. Contact me, for the love of the Goddess, before you ever attempt to reproduce some attempt at dialogue again. Other than that, you were everything I expected of a Squire, and you paid the price (that is to say, everyone mocked you, abused me, questioned your actions, etc. etc. etc.).

I have, as I said, returned. It is a bittersweet reassurance to me that, during my absence and crisis of participation, things moved forward pretty much as ever. Should I die tomorrow, it is clear that it will take several weeks for the Folk to notice, even supposing they do. Should I play the part of some Mod Queen, and huff off in high dudgeon because folk aren't burning enough incense in my name, I imagine that I'll be greeted with catcalls, jeering, and abuse (and quite rightly, too).

But I'm back, and although my potential death was registered only by myself, may I just say that I'm...well, not 'glad', but...'reassured', perhaps, to see you all. I have an affection for your lot that transcends understanding.

At least your understanding. Not that that's a difficult hurdle. Perhaps it's enough to know I wouldn't leave the other Olde Ones, the Justicar, and my Squires in your hands.

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Originally posted by IronChef4:

what the hell is this topic about anyway???

Christ on a crutch, but you're an annoying pillock. We've sent you to Coventry, and only Shaw's courteous enough to politely banish you. Sod off, you useless child, and spare yourself the further embarrassment of non-existence where the Peng Challenge Thread is concerned.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Fox:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

Take it outside you two

Really Peng (I thought you didn't exist anymore) don't be discomforted by a little 'edginess'. Things can't be all bonhomie and 'hale fellow well-met' all the time. I'm sure Croda and I can manage to keep things simmering along quite nicely without them boiling over. Well, I'm sure I can at least. This thread was excuruciatingly dull anyway.</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by IronChef4:

what the hell is this topic about anyway???

Christ on a crutch, but you're an annoying pillock. We've sent you to Coventry, and only Shaw's courteous enough to politely banish you. Sod off, you useless child, and spare yourself the further embarrassment of non-existence where the Peng Challenge Thread is concerned.</font>
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Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

Been drinking at work, Dice? You seem to be having trouble with the "bold" command. And please don't take my assertion that I'm no longer going to "beat the pants off of you" to be anything approaching a lack of confidence, it's just that sometimes the messages you and Joe (note the proper use of the bold command there, btw) share make me feel like I've wandered into a NAMBLA forum and using otherwise innocent turns of phrase in such an odd context make me feel...very, very icky. Anyway, as much as I enjoy the smack, I'm confident the game will be even more amusing and I'll be sure to get you the setup before you have a chance to sober up.

Dunno. Rather like this one. I'm certainly up for giving this one 'Serf', and, if I get a Second on this, I'll take it on as Squire.

Could fail in the breach, but reads well, shows a good use of language, and is definitely vicious.

That useless bastard Pondscum's turned out rather well, hasn't it? Who's Squire is he, again?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by IronChef4:

what the hell is this topic about anyway???

Christ on a crutch, but you're an annoying pillock. We've sent you to Coventry, and only Shaw's courteous enough to politely banish you. Sod off, you useless child, and spare yourself the further embarrassment of non-existence where the Peng Challenge Thread is concerned.</font>
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Allright!!! Just perusing the pool, and I noticed that poolers initiated the top three posts. Grog olympic honours to the pool (Mace) and Croda, with another old Croda squeaking in for the Bronze. :D

[ February 28, 2002, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: Roborat ]

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Originally posted by Roborat:

Allright!!! Just perusing the pool, and I noticed that poolers initiated the top three posts. Grog olympic honours to the pool (Mace) and Croda, with another old Croda squeaking in for the Bronze. :D

Wha' tha feck are ye blatherin' aboot? "Poolers initiated the top three threads of the pool"?


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Originally posted by Roborat:

Allright!!! Just perusing the pool, and I noticed that poolers initiated the top three posts. Grog olympic honours to the pool (Mace) and Croda, with another old Croda squeaking in for the Bronze. :D

Get back in here and post like a Man, you useless lurker.
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Couple points of order if you will, Bard.

First, while it would apppear that Crodawants to have a go at Simon Fox, it is also apparent that Marlow also wants to get some (and curtly got in the best shot so far). I say let them all continue and lets get a real old-fashioned hair-ball going in here.

Second, and more important, I do believe that you have reached your previously agreed to, UN monitored, critical mass of squires. Let's not return to one of those Squire rushes of 2000 and have none left in the following years. Gotta think of the leaving some for the children, my good man. Sustainability, that's the key.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Couple points of order if you will, Bard.

Second, and more important, I do believe that you have reached your previously agreed to, UN monitored, critical mass of squires. Let's not return to one of those Squire rushes of 2000 and have none left in the following years. Gotta think of the leaving some for the children, my good man. Sustainability, that's the key.

Sod that for a lark, I only have the one Squire right now, Sledge59. If I should choose to take on this Sock Monkey character, it is no more than right.

After all, Sledge59 has shown all the requisites for Knighthood: arrogance, mocking others, playing up, engaging in multiple games, and taunting (well, with those unfortunate attempts at dialect).

He'll be a Knight, soon, after he brings me a few more ears, and I'll be a lonely old ÜberGnome again.

Should I choose to take this 'Sock Monkey' personage on, Goanna, it ill behooves you to raise points of order.

Also, you owe me a replay, you useless Aussie Wanker of Heroic Stature, and after that last abomination, I'd no more trust you for a setup than I'd trust the Pontiff to sell me a pack of certified prophylactics.

Mind, I've nothing but respect for the setups you've designed for myself and other opponents.

But I've lost my arse to your Aussie Manipulations of Evil too many times to blithely bend over to look for your lost fiver again.

Pull the other one, Goanna, that one's got bells on.

I'll take a setup from Moriarity, you toad, or Geier, Mensch or Andreas.

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Originally posted by Slapdragon:

I am sad to announce this just in on the AP wire. Iron Chef was banned tonight by the powers that be.

Which thread? Aww, my little buddy, gone!

Never mind, shoulda known it was the flag thread. His massive density of ultragrogginess was too much, and he imploded into a singuhilarity.

Croda - I still hate you with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but cross stitching an obscure clown flag was a truly ingenious way to ensnare the little lad. If you want to take that as a compliment, I can't stop you.

[ February 28, 2002, 02:48 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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