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Marlon Brando, the PENG CHALLENGE and me

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Papa Khann:

I may head to the high bridge with a revolver (so I can shoot myself on the way down).


<big><big> DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!</BIG></BIG>

I'd pay good money to see that. I'd even videotape it so I could sell copies to the other 'Poolers. Maybe even sell T-shirts; "I saw Pepe take the final dive with a one gun salute."

Could be neat.</font>

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A little warning for you OGSF, my yellowbelly Dudes of Death are coming to pay you a visit, so if I was you, you claymore wielding pillock, I'd get your wee spaniel into his reinforced kennell and dig out your hard hat, cos manna from heaven is coming in the shape of some very nasty arty shells! Prepare to Die.

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Posted by "Roxy": I suspect most of my posting will revolve around finding human opponents. I assume that abomination called the Peng Challenge is the place to do that? If so, I will post there to combat the AOL effect Soddball speaks of, and I agree with.

If it wasn't for Seanachai's presence in the Peng thing, I don't think I could handle it. Seanachai, I'm counting on you to protect me in there. Really I am.

SEE! SEE what you've done NOW Seanachai! Oh the fox is in the henhouse now, Seanachai, and YOU'RE TO BLAME!

Well I won't have it I won't, as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread I INSIST, INSIST I say, that the rules that have been established lo these many years be adhered to and that clearly includes:

If you gonna be here, you best be up for challenging somebody or you wastin' our time AGAIN and we be knowing you ain't no playa

but you jist a sorry old SSN. And if you gonna be challenging, you best 'member that you ain't nothin' but a Scum Sucking Newbie and don't be challenging some Knight or something. You be findin' another SSN to challenge, sucka, or we be going Jet Li on your sorry butt. We gots our rights sucka, and we gots a right to know where you from and what your freaking email be too or ain't no way you gonna get a game wit us so you best be putting that stuff down in your profile or we be knowing you just some punk loosa who be slumming'.

So fine, Seanachai once again WE have to clean up after you but "she" will by GAWD comply or we'll know the reason why! That profile had best include a functional email address and location or NO CESSPOOLERS SHALL REPLY TO "HER"!

Now ... it is of course possible that "she" is indeed a "she" and who "she" says "she" is. It is equally possible that "she" is some clown like any number of other clowns (Linda Warchest anyone?) who've dropped in counting on the anonymity of the internet and, may I say, the gullibility of some who inhabit it ... {couSeanachaigh}!

If the former AND if "she" passes muster as a CessPooler then "she" is entitled to all the respect and honor due to a Lady of the Pool. BUT I will not have the honor and reputation of our fine Ladies of the CessPool denigrated and make mock of by an imposter! Let us see some proof say I, let us see some evidence of good intent before we clasp a viper to our bosom!


[ August 06, 2002, 04:03 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


BUT I will not have the honor and reputation of our fine Ladies of the CessPool denigrated and make mock of by an imposter! Let us see some proof say I, let us see some evidence of good intent before we clasp a viper to our bosom!


Brilliant, my former liege. What beautiful prose. Course when you are as old as that, talking like an Englishman with lace at his neck and goat hair piled high atop his head must come naturally.


Ps Don't one of you reprobates start a new thread around #300?

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Originally posted by Speedbump:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


BUT I will not have the honor and reputation of our fine Ladies of the CessPool denigrated and make mock of by an imposter! Let us see some proof say I, let us see some evidence of good intent before we clasp a viper to our bosom!


Brilliant, my former liege. What beautiful prose. Course when you are as old as that, talking like an Englishman with lace at his neck and goat hair piled high atop his head must come naturally.


Ps Don't one of you reprobates start a new thread around #300?</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nonsense and fiddledepoop Seanachai, no use trying to put a good face on it, you were shameless trolling for outerboarders and you know it. Or would you suggest that WE of the CessPool are NOT capable of abusing Grog Dorosh adequately? That we need OUTERBOARDERS to do it for us? THAT WE NEED NEWBIE OUTERBOARDERS TO DO IT? THAT WE NEED (PRESUMED) GIRL NEWBIE OUTERBOARDERS TO DO IT?

It won't wash Seanachai ... I'm afraid that you're recidivist to the core.


MR. JUSTICIAR...YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH GIRLS!?! I thought all ladies are welcome in the MBT!


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

<font size="+2">HE AIN'T GETTING ME CONKERS</font>

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

Calm down Yeknod... your conkers are safe and sound in a jar on the shelf, next to my sword and a stuffed armadillo.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

MR. JUSTICIAR...YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH GIRLS!?! I thought all ladies are welcome in the MBT!


Ah but you see Dear Patch therein lies the rub as they say. I've my doubts, oh yes I've my doubts Patch as to the validity of the claims of this "girl"! Now of course I could be wrong, and if so I'll apologize in full measure, BUT I WILL NOT HAVE THE HONOR AND RESPECT DUE A LADY OF THE CESSPOOL GRANTED TO AN IMPOSTER! For to do so would cheapen the honor and respect I have for YOU and render it as ashes in my mouth!

Every time I bolded YOUR name Patch it would remind me that we had been hoodwinked by some vile female impersonater. Every time I figuratively tipped my hat to Dame YK2 I would feel the shame of the duplicity burning through my soul. Every time I gave way to Dame Kitty in the paths of the CessPool I would recall with bitterness the courtesy done to one who did not deserve it.

No dear Lady, it is BECAUSE I honor ALL the Ladies of the CessPool that I take this action. And is it, I ask you, too much? Do we not require ALL to post an email address and location in their profile? Is this one to be granted special privileges because the eyes of Seanachai have been blinded by light of presumed beauty? I think not Patch for we could not love you or ANY of the Ladies of the CessPool as much ... loved we not HONOR more!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

So fine, Seanachai once again WE have to clean up after you but "she" will by GAWD comply or we'll know the reason why! That profile had best include a functional email address and location or NO CESSPOOLERS SHALL REPLY TO "HER"!

Now ... it is of course possible that "she" is indeed a "she" and who "she" says "she" is. It is equally possible that "she" is some clown like any number of other clowns (Linda Warchest anyone?) who've dropped in counting on the anonymity of the internet and, may I say, the gullibility of some who inhabit it ... {couSeanachaigh}!

If the former AND if "she" passes muster as a CessPooler then "she" is entitled to all the respect and honor due to a Lady of the Pool. BUT I will not have the honor and reputation of our fine Ladies of the CessPool denigrated and make mock of by an imposter! Let us see some proof say I, let us see some evidence of good intent before we clasp a viper to our bosom!


Joe, I don't think a lady should have to show her email in her profile until she feels safe to do so. You can add that to the rules.


How do we know if you really are a man? You could be a woman dressed up as a man.

I think I've figured out the truth! Joe's a woman!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

...rub ... the ... "girl"! ... cheapen ... honor ... in my mouth!

... I ... feel ... the ... burning ... too much? ... I ... could not love ... ANY ... Ladies ...!


Dammit, Shaw, quit fingering the SSN's necks for Adam's apples (when you should be lining 'em up for the axe) and send me a feckin' turn!

Agua Perdido

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Damnit lads, he's about it again! You know who I mean, that's right Seanachai is out trolling on the outerboards again, but this time he's gone off the deep end because ... it's a GIRL! Or at least it's supposed to be:

Roxy Shows Up ... Seanachai Goes Goofy

Now based on "her" profile, I beg leave to have doubts:

Roxy's Profile

But that's by the by and we'll no doubt find out in good time, but this shameless pandering to the outerboarders has to STOP!


None of your sauce, Shaw!

The Cesspool stands One Hundred Percent behind anyone wanting to show up here and abuse Grog Dorosh. I merely let the poster know there was a forum for that sort of thing.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I shall be forced to defend my honor!


You spelled honour wrong.

some other points before this gets locked - Joe is not a woman - he's a girlie squat blouse wearer.

There's a few differences. Chief among which is that women are nice to be with.

And I'll play your silly game Aussie Jeff - but only for US$20 - I have my standards y'know.

Send cash.

[ August 06, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Don't worry, guys. I won't intrude on your little club. I have located other places on the web where I can find opponents anyway. I've also got Mr. Dorosh to beat up on.

It is clear Seanachai does not speak for you all. In his defense, you should realize that he wasn't the only one who encouraged me to post here.


Thank you for sticking up for me on the email, and for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Babysitting these rascals must be quite a job. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Don't worry, guys. I won't intrude on your little club. I have located other places on the web where I can find opponents anyway. I've also got Mr. Dorosh to beat up on.

It is clear Seanachai does not speak for you all. In his defense, you should realize that he wasn't the only one who encouraged me to post here.


Thank you for sticking up for me on the email, and for giving me the benefit of the doubt. Babysitting these rascals must be quite a job. smile.gif

We ask of you nothing more than we ask of ALL who enter here ... a location (even a general one ... a country would be nice), and an email address so that CHALLENGES may be returned. That, after all, is the reason we exist, for the challenge, the taunt, the gibe.

If you wish to be a part of this group, you are asked to abide by the rules, no more ... but no less either.


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Originally posted by Roxy:

Hi little boys, i just thought i'd bless you with the priviledge of listening to me condecend to you all, and my only equal is Perephone cause she has the same amount of estrogen as me, i've found another place to manipulate the naive so i'll gracefully step out of your silly little club primates..i'm so fabulous!

[ August 06, 2002, 06:17 PM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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