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Originally posted by Seanachai:

But, hell, Hakko, I'm pretty sure he said something disturbing about being a 'Southerner'.

And you know how that lot of cheesed-off, 'I like a fine red wine with my possum' lot of sons-of-bitches has to wrap themselves in a show of having a brain given that everyone from more manly and intelligence promoting climes regards them as a bunch of thick-skulled, knuckle-dragging, English slurring idjits who never get tired of reliving having lost the American Civil War.

How's things in North Carolina, by the way?

Let me know when you want a game, lad.

Well, I trust that under your "tutelage" (note the ironic, lewdly smirking quotes) the lad will grow in office. One can only hope.

Having moved from the lands of ice, snow, and pasty-skinned inhabitants to an Arcadia of sun, soft breezes and tanned co-eds in sun dresses that are strategically displaced by the aforementioned soft breezes, I can but be optimistic. Is it snowing up in Ventura-land yet? Oh, yeah, you betcha.

Possum, by the way, only benefits from a light red, say a Brouilly, or a young Pinot Noir. A bigger, more assertive red would overpower the delicate flavor of the flesh.

As to wanting a game, as we say down in these parts, "I'll have you, boyo." Pick a scenario (double-blind, of course) or send a set-up.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

What is this, "Battle of the Half-wits?"

Half a wit is better than none Panzy Leader If brains were dynamite...yahda, yahda...</font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:


What is it with the youth of today? You give them some advice to help them make it through this rough, dog-eat-dog world, and do they listen? No! They're too involved with their phat pants and their bath tub gin and their MP-3s and their love beads and their oh-vo-de-oh-do, to even take time to listen.


If that's the way you want it, that's the way it shall be.

OK, Noodle-1, send a set-up or a scenario. Doesn't matter which. School's in session and it's time for a Noo Yawk boy to get his first caning.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Sir Joe begins to tap Papa Khann on the shoulder with the Sword Of The Shavian House


PK, I'm almost sorry I abandoned you to the delusional whims of a demented old codger.


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At's mae pleasure tae rrreporrt tha' tha stankin' Army o' Scaliness - Group South hae had tha sloppy puddin' smacked oot o' at tae tha tun eo 98 - 2. O' course, at were tha Clan OGSF wha' di' tha bugger's ain.

Ye'll noo doubt hear aboot hoo hae ainly ha' Russian infantry, an' Ah haid tanks, an' guns, an' artillery an' MG-34s' an' such....whuch will ainly gi' tae show tha' Goanna as a Big Girl's Blouse.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

{Sir Joe begins to tap Papa Khann on the shoulder with the Sword Of The Shavian House ... appears to think twice ... actually readjusts his grip and begins a windup for a mighty blow that, if landed, would remove Papa Khann's head from his shoulders ... reconsiders, sighs, and gently taps his Squire on the shoulder

You always were a weak one Jo Xia... Perhaps you too have lost your yarbles and lack the will, the determination, and the intent to complete your tasks... [sneer] Justicar [/sneer] indeed... more like Just-a-Figurehead... go plant yourself on the front of a garbage scow and do something useful, like scaring away the seagulls...

[ October 11, 2002, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

reconsiders, sighs, and gently taps his Squire on the shoulder

Originally posted by PondScum:

You always were a wimp, Joe

Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

You always were a weak one Jo Xia...

How about coming up with your own lines next time, eh Herr Oberst? Or you will find that my lawyers can beat up your lawyers.

Hmmm... lawyers... courtroom battle... STENOGRAPHERS

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Originally posted by Boo_Boo

OK,Noodle-1, send a set-up or a scenario.
On the way, tighten up your corset, its going to be a rough ride.

Your dullard wit attempts to sting me, however I assure you I have never worn a pair phat pants.

[ October 11, 2002, 05:25 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Malakovski:

My whim is large and manly, wrapped in cloth of gold.

I didn't know they made a Sigfried & Roy line of Depends®.</font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

On the way, tighten up your corset, its going to be a rough ride.

Alex, I'll take 'Fire Island Slogans' for $1,000 . . .</font>
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Good lord, I spend a few hours away in the real world, hoping, hoping you illiterates will carry the ball a bit without me, and look at this, three pages of uninspired, witless, limp, babble, interrupted by a couple novellas. Lovely narratives...a bit like watching paint dry. Thank God for the scroll wheel.

I even threw in a couple one line posts to try to revive this corpse of a thread you sods are beating to death with a persistent, willful lack of anything interesting.

Clearly, Lard, the blame rests on your sorry, slumping shoulders. A title you can choke on, and a regurgitation of the rules that made Berli’s last attempt look like a literary masterpiece of wit and poise. The flat, featureless plain of your intellect has poised the thread with a toxin of blandness.

A battle of words and wits clearly would not play to your strongest suit, though truth be told, I suspect life has dealt you very weak hand overall, yet I feel a chivalric obligation to grant even the lowest knave (you) a chance to reply to insult, though it takes the form of a plain and unarguable statement of fact.

Send me a setup, gimp. I’m going to be home all weekend.

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i'm revolted by the fact the the MBT has no real campaign feature. makes whole point of taunting and playing pointless. i think its ridiculous that i cant post more than 300 times in a single MBT thread and Ihave to start over again why?!?!? my kewl posts should be able to gain in taunting and bile throughout many threads even though thats obviously not the way it really happens and they stay teh same. that's the only thing game I enjoy time ever STRANK!!!

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

Good lord, I spend a few hours away in the real world, hoping, hoping you illiterates will carry the ball a bit without me, and look at this, three pages of uninspired, witless, limp, babble, interrupted by a couple novellas. Lovely narratives...a bit like watching paint dry. Thank God for the scroll wheel.

Could you type more slowly, I have trouble keeping up with you.

Oh now where was I? Oh yes, I remember now.

*mutters something to his enterage of heralds, general hanger-ons, and the royal flock of sheep.

The heralds move to the four corners of the cess-square, and in unison play the most holy of horn instruments, the didgeridoo, as Macemoves to the podium to make an announcement.*

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>

Mace: Thankyou.

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>

Mace: errr.. Thankyou Heralds.

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>

Mace: Heralds?

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>

Mace: Heralds. Oh fer Berli's sake, will YOU STOP IT?!!!

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>


<font size = "+1">Bwaaap...</font> *silence and some muttering*

Mace: Scummy Serfs, grotty SSNs, revolting squires, lowly Kinnigets, my peers the senior Knights *mutters*, the Justicar and my most enlightened old ones. Oh yes and not to forget our most charming ladies *winks*

Mace: It is with pleasure that I now announce that my goodly squire Simon - He's the one over there - Yeh that's the one, covered in sheep dung and smelling of lanolin - has come of age.

Mace: He has, IMHO, fought the obligatory number of battles and is now ready to take his station as a Kiiniiget of the MBT, House Mace, subsidiary of house Berli.

Mace: Anyone's got a problem with that? *glares, while pulling out his favorite sheep costume and placing it on the podium*

Mace: No comments?

Mace: Good. I'll go then.

*gazes over to the heralds

Mace: Heralds?


Mace: err..Heralds? *glares*

<font size = "+1">Bwaaa AwwaaaaAA AwwaaaAAAA </font>

Mace: *sigh*

*Mace steps from the podium and exits the empty square, followed closely by his flock*


[ October 11, 2002, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

A weighty tome that might simply be translated as: "Sob, sob, sob ....... WHY am I still a quire when scummy SSN's are elevated in the blink of a rheumy eye to loftier heights than I? ..... sob, sob..}

Noba ..... Permanent Squire Of The Cesspool

Well, Noba me old mate, be it upon your head, but you DID chose that layabout good for nothing scumbag SlaphappyDragoon for Liege, did you not?

I just KNEW it was gonna end in tears!

Unfortunately, your plaintive words are lost within a wilderness where many have their fingers planted firmly in theirears.

Try a stick of TNT next time...


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These are a few of my hateful things:

I hate MrSpkr because he confuses the Sesame Street crowd (which includes the vast majority of you gits).

I hate dalem because he is a hippy wannabe fondling his constitution in an effort to NOT PLAY ME.

I hate OGSF because he gives the Sesame Street crowd nightmares. Wait. I guess I have to hate him for a different reason. I hate OGSF because he takes so long to engage my blokes on the oh-so-big field of battle.

I hate Aussie Jeff because... Let me count the ways.......

I hate Boo-Radley because he posts more often than a monkey on Black Beauties.

I hate Moriarty because he processes turns at a rate significantly slower than most glaciers.

I hate Panzer Leader simply because he exists (and who wouldn't?).

I hate the rest of you gits merely because you breathe, and in the process, post on the MBT. Perhaps both those symptoms will eventually be alleviated.

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