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What a friggin joke! Why do I feel like a beta tester?

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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

Okay, I have to say that I am so glad I didn't buy this game... I would have been sorely pissed indeed. As it is, I'm simply disappointed.

While I enjoyed immensely CMBO, this game feels like it's a cross between a rush job, and a cut and paste. I love the new commands, don't get me wrong, but this just stinks overall. It was released a couple months too early I think for my liking. I was ambivilent about the demo I should have stuck with my initial impressions.

I could learn to appreciate the micromanagement even... if it wasn't for some of the bugs in this game. A couple times, I have not been able to select units, or add/remove bases for whatever reasons. I can get the info, and it says the bases are on, but I get no selection boxes nor bases. Reboot the game... no problems.

What's with the index in the manual as well? There is already a Table of Contents at the beginning, do we really need another at the end? Minor gripes indeed, but I could go on with the minor gripes- this equals a mess in my opinion.

Graphical scale is another problem I have. Why does it look like half the Tankers are 2 sizes too big for their tanks? Take a look at the Somua S-35. 3 people can fit in there? The tank CO looks like he's oozing out of the turret as is. Where the hell are the other two? Even if they are prone, there's not nearly enough room to fit the graphical representations of the soldiers in there.

Now, here comes the clincher- and the part that makes me furious. Where the hell is the uninstall option? I can sit and wait for the much needed patches- but the only option I have to remove this game is in the add/remove files option in Control Panel. The trouble is- I think it wants to remove CMBO as well- since thats my only option. There is no CMBB file listed. Pathetic!

I'll wait for the patches, but as it is- I don't want this game on my machine until it gets patched... A few commands and a few graphical touches don't warrent the price of a whole new game in my opinion.

Anyway, despite my rant- can anybody tell me how to remove this game from my machine? I have the leaked alpha version of Doom 3 I'm dying to play, but I need some room first. :(

I was realy going to try and help you with a thing or two on your list, but after re-reading it and trying to answer some of your points - it is aparent that you sir are either under the influence, or making things up as you go along here. I mean come on, you complain about a manual having index pages? You can't be serious.


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I'll wait for the patches, but as it is- I don't want this game on my machine until it gets patched... A few commands and a few graphical touches don't warrent the price of a whole new game in my opinion.
Pardon me for breaking my own forum rules but... you have GOT to be shitting me! Yeah, it took 2 years to make the tanks purdier and our tans darker.

You are entitled to your opinion, of course. And so am I... and my opinion is yours has no value. Well, no more value than someone standing up in a theater and yelling "FIRE" when there is nothing of the sort going on.

I simply stated that I didn't want to play it in it's present condition?
No, you stated that it was a rush job that wasn't finished and had horrible bugs. Which only proves that you are as clueless as you are obnoxious. what's the matter, someone kill yoru dog today?

No, I don't think the game is finished- and by the sounds of it, some people here agree with me.
Er... no silly, the exact opposite. The tiny, miniscule percentage of people who are complaining (note the same half dozen "faces" in each thread) are NOT complaining about the game being a minor facelift as you so wrongly perceive. Rather they are complaining that we fundamentally altered the way the game playes. They want things to go back to the way they were in CMBO not because they don't want to, or can't, adjust to all the changes.

Okay- here's an example of what I mean- two birds with one stone. Fat guy in little tank, and an inability to turn off the bases.
First of all, if you think CMBB is unfinished because you don't like the waistline of the tank commander... oh boy! Second of all dummy, you can not turn the bases off during the Setup Phase. You couldn't do this in CMBO either, if you had bothered to be rational about it. But that would kinda take the fun out of ranting someone who hasn't a clue now wouldn't it?

My advice to you is stop spending your time posting here in an attempt to look important and instead play the game. If you don't want to do that until the patch is available, fine. But do us all a favor and zip it until you at least play the bloody thing. There is nothing more annoying than a totally uniformed know it all :(


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Okay- I realised this after I posted- but it is indicitive of the situation I was having...
Indicitive of the uniformed childish rant you displayed thus far? On this point I happily agree. You are more concerned with being angry than being accurate. More driven to be abusive than constructive. More... oh well, I guess I made my point smile.gif


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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

Take a look at the Somua S-35. 3 people can fit in there? The tank CO looks like he's oozing out of the turret as is. Where the hell are the other two? Even if they are prone, there's not nearly enough room to fit the graphical representations of the soldiers in there.

*turns on flame thrower and sents a burst towards Suicide by Steves directions*

Frankly (may I call you Frank), your lack of knowledge about early war AFVs is embarrasing

*turns off flame thrower*


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

Okay- here's an example of what I mean- two birds with one stone. Fat guy in little tank...

Okay, Steve, I'm gonna take you seriously for a minute. A lot of early war armored vehicles were more or less that size and had two or three man crews. Wait until we get to CM4 and you'll get to see a lot of them. They may have been cramped and uncomfortable, but they existed. Furthermore, the growth in volume of armored vehicles over the course of the war was much more due to the need for more space for bigger guns, larger ammo, bigger engines, need for more fuel tankage, more radio equipment, added crewmembers, etc. than to a tender concern for the crew's comfort.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

Take a look at the Somua S-35. 3 people can fit in there? The tank CO looks like he's oozing out of the turret as is. Where the hell are the other two? Even if they are prone, there's not nearly enough room to fit the graphical representations of the soldiers in there.

*turns on flame thrower and sents a burst towards Suicide by Steves directions*

Frankly (may I call you Frank), your lack of knowledge about early war AFVs is embarrasing

*turns off flame thrower*


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Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

The auto-suiside-snaek-command? :confused:

What do you mean? smile.gif

Units under fire start sneaking randomly around, no matter if they are moving from bushes into open ground and no matter where the fire comes from. Or they sneak several meters over open ground torwards wood - if you are lucky - if not, they are sneaking back over open ground back to the bushes.

You sit there and adjust the sneaking directions or delete them, but they don't care about.

It would be GREAT if they wouldn't care about, but choose their moving direction realistically.

Till now i played 4 scenarios once and i was able to win 3 of them and reached a draw at Cremetary Hill.

Therefore frustration isn't a topic for me, but all the fun of the great improvements has been destroyed with this problem.

I'm really afraid starting a new scenario 'cause i can't stand it to see how one of CM's secrets, the unpredictable but relistic behaviour of units has turned into unpredictable unrealistic behaviour.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Okay- I realised this after I posted- but it is indicitive of the situation I was having...

Indicitive of the uniformed childish rant you displayed thus far? On this point I happily agree. You are more concerned with being angry than being accurate. More driven to be abusive than constructive. More... oh well, I guess I made my point smile.gif


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HA HA- we meet again...
You think it is funny to make an ass out of yourself? Each to his own...

...are the weeks threads going to disappear this time again after our last titanic battle?
Only time any threads were lost was when our harddisk filled up and UBB wasn't smart enough to check before overwriting files. Thankfully this disaster only happened once (and it was a disaster) and now UBB has seen fit to add some safety features to their software.

Or were you implying that I deleted some threads because I didn't like what you had to say? This is, of course, not true so I hope you aren't saying this. But after seeing how you operate I wouldn't put it past you to think so. After all, CMBB *must* suck because all we did for the last 2 years was make unrealistically fat crewmen...

Again, my advice to you is quit while you are behind. Drop the attitude and either play the game now or wait for the 1.01 patch. But in any case, zip it until you have even a hint of a clue what you are talking about.


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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

LOL I'm not above the humour- it IS funny- the whole damn world needs a patch... not just the 3rd Reich...

You are well beneath humour. What needs patching is between your ears.

You started up an entire thread that made very large accusations.

You supported them with:

One thing you were completely stupid about: the inability to turn off bases in setup mode)

And another thing you were completely out of line about: the graphics of TCs on small, early war tanks.

Since then, you've continued to post like a fecking idjit, trying to laugh-off your obvious stupidities, never once justifying or elaborating on your libelous claims regarding the game (which, may we just point out again, seem to be based on your own sodding lack of intelligence), and generally acting like an obnoxious arsehole of the first water.

Thank gods you have single-handedly interested thousands of people in the game!

Although this seems a little hard to believe, since you clearly have no bloody clue about the game.

Oh, feel free to cover your almost incomprehensible lack of embarrasment and unwillingness to admit your error by calling me a 'fan boy', you useless git.

[ November 05, 2002, 02:02 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I don’t get it? A lack of index, an apparent inability to recognise that there were small tanks during world war two, that there is no uninstall, that setup bases cannot be turned off just like CMBO and that it is not an alpha demo of DOOM III means we’re beta testers?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />HA HA- we meet again...

You think it is funny to make an ass out of yourself? Each to his own...

...are the weeks threads going to disappear this time again after our last titanic battle?
Only time any threads were lost was when our harddisk filled up and UBB wasn't smart enough to check before overwriting files. Thankfully this disaster only happened once (and it was a disaster) and now UBB has seen fit to add some safety features to their software.

Or were you implying that I deleted some threads because I didn't like what you had to say? This is, of course, not true so I hope you aren't saying this. But after seeing how you operate I wouldn't put it past you to think so. After all, CMBB *must* suck because all we did for the last 2 years was make unrealistically fat crewmen...

Again, my advice to you is quit while you are behind. Drop the attitude and either play the game now or wait for the 1.01 patch. But in any case, zip it until you have even a hint of a clue what you are talking about.


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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Having to simply delete the folder to remove the program isn't A) the best way to do things, nor if it's not documented in the manual- most newbies would be petrified to do this... and B) normal. Why isn't there an uninstall option?

Thanks again.

I'm a lurker, and had to register just to chime in on this. (Thanks for all the great posts i've been reading here since i first got CMBO). As a win32 programmer i have to say that the registry is the most useless, misunderstood, overused POS ever put in an OS. And thats the reason you need to "Add Remove Programs". Theres no need to have DLL's in the system folder, and theres no reason something going in the registry can't be put in a flat file. So, IMHO anyway, this is actually the correct way to do it, and the way macs have been doing it since 1984. It makes it so much easier to keep your machine free of junk. OTH, if it put stuff in the registry, then yes, it should have an uninstall option. Now my biggest gripe with CMBB is the lack of any options menu. Come on now...(But i love it anyway).

P.S. Yes, there are legit uses for the registry, but none for a game. And other OS's do fine without one.

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Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

The last time you got angry with me was because I had the "audacity" to ask for a more user-friendly editor- the ability to add different units or landscapes easily. Such as a Lunar surface or a Tropical jungle. What's the big deal with that? You could have the next big thing here... I'm not being an ass because I have an idea that I think MANY could appreciate.

Nazis on the moon? :eek: You've got to be joking.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Suicides-by-Steve:

LOL I'm not above the humour- it IS funny- the whole damn world needs a patch... not just the 3rd Reich...

You are well beneath humour. What needs patching is between your ears.

You started up an entire thread that made very large accusations.

You supported them with:

One thing you were completely stupid about: the inability to turn off bases in setup mode)

And another thing you were completely out of line about: the graphics of TCs on small, early war tanks.

Since then, you've continued to post like a fecking idjit, trying to laugh-off your obvious stupidities, never once justifying or elaborating on your libelous claims regarding the game (which, may we just point out again, seem to be based on your own sodding lack of intelligence), and generally acting like an obnoxious arsehole of the first water.

Thank gods you have single-handedly interested thousands of people in the game!

Although this seems a little hard to believe, since you clearly have no bloody clue about the game.

Oh, feel free to cover your almost incomprehensible lack of embarrasment and unwillingness to admit your error by calling me a 'fan boy', you useless git.</font>

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