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Pass the Lotion Peng, I need to get that full body Mutha Beautiful Challenge Tan

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

*snip* Seanachai "won" our last game by fanciful AI doings that could only be related to Satan Worship........*snip*

Funny that. You took the words right out of my gob, Solicitor. So, did you too have the spooky experience of your armour mysteriously auto-detonating all over the map, even when not in LOS of any of the Code Fiddling Gnome's units??

And your battle hardened troops autonomously decide to panic, throw up and run away as soon as he presses the Turn #1 GO button??? Hilarious that.

And the Hill number you are supposed to be attacking suspiciously changes from 382 to 666?? Odd that.

Be very afraid ............ methinks Methusulah hath been reborn!


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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Seanachai "won" our last game by fanciful AI doings that could only be related to Satan Worship.

And just why would The Bard be worshiping Berli ??

Edited, of course. I'm a SSN, what'd you expect?

[ March 15, 2002, 09:16 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Let it be written in the fabled Tome of Nothingness that Noba has succumbed to the Nefarious Legion of Croda. His topplement was complete and not without cowering and truck-loads of girlish sobs.

My domination of all things Aussie continues. Who among the denizens of the penal colony would dare dethrone me?

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Originally posted by Croda:

Who among the denizens of the penal colony would dare dethrone me?

I would, but I just washed my hands.

I do have a question for you Croda (if that is really your name). How many puppies did you have to kick to get yourself in the mood to devise Crodaburger? Or was it after chugging a really bad bottle of Muscatel? I'd ask you if you "inhaled" but I think we all know the answer to that. Boy, for a guy who used to dance in the flea circus, you really have a nasty streak, don't you?

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Originally posted by Croda.

Let it be written in the fabled Tome of Nothingness that Noba has succumbed to the Nefarious Legion of Croda. His topplement was complete and not without cowering and truck-loads of girlish sobs.
Sigh. I have to report that the battle was indeed lost...slightly that is. Well, I did send a surrender file. So - technically, I lost. But as the creep didn't send back a result file of any sort perhaps I can claim it was not really a defeat. And I didn't sob...much.

Anyway, it was the manner of the lesson that was handed out that raised my ... expectations !

I felt myself being drawn to the Dark Side, and enjoying it ! It gave me a sense of knowing that the truth is really out there...Croda is right..Hiram sucks.


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Originally posted by Croda:

*brag, brag, brag......* Who among the denizens of the penal colony would dare dethrone me?

Your dethroning is a'waiting, Sire. 'Tis in the Foothills that you will meet your Ozzie doom ...... that is if you can stomach searching through the half-eaten contents of your in-tray.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


CRODABURGER! Made with absolutely no beef by products and totally inedible.

Seriously, in whose Frankensteinian lab was this monstrosity created? Even without the name, it bears the dark acidic mark of Croda. Freud had a name for people like you: "Spooky". Talk about good old fashioned nightmare fuel...this has it all. Never before have I witnessed such a blatant show of naked hatred. But that's OK. You want to play hard ball? I can play hardball. By the time I'm finished, there will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth in Crodaburg (town motto: "Hatred is our business...our only business.")

That's as apt a description of "Crodaburg" as I've ever heard. Applies to Croda himself, as well.

We might consider keeping this 'Boo' character. Or at least stop telling him to sod off for a while.

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

...how do we do it? how do we do it - Volume!

So step right up.

Send Seanachai a copy of that song...

It gets you a job.

It is a job.

Step right up.

It's only a dollar...

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Originally posted by Lawyer:

Ahhh, I see my plan is working perfectly.

Seanachai "won" our last game by fanciful AI doings that could only be related to Satan Worship. He taunted me. My feelings were hurt.

It's always gratifying to note what a few nasty phone calls in Washington can do to subvert the life of a misguided gnome in MN.

Is this a great country or what??

There was not, in fact, any 'Satan Worship'. I did tell Berli that I liked his beard, but that was by way of a general comment, and he told me to piss off immediately afterward.

I had, in fact, suspected you, Lawyer. This is exactly the sort of manipulative, vicious tactic I'd expect to come from both our nation's capitol, and you. It's hard to say which is more corrupt, filled with spite, and inept.

However, you must remember that every silver-lining has its cloud. For while I sit here, shivering, destitute, and bereft of gainful employment, I have any amount of time to taunt, belittle, and detail what a toad you are.

We're one/one, Lawyer. It's starting to look like I'll have the time to break that tie, and reveal you for the white-haired, embittered legal-politico eunuch you are.

Oh, but of course, I forgot. You're busy designing 'maps' now. Well, when you make a very nice one that you'd care to be buried on, let me know, and we'll have a couple of Seconds populate it with grave-diggers, pall-bearers, and teary-eyed ex-wives, girlfriends, and teen prostitutes for your final CM funeral.

Not everyone can have the ÜberGnome deliver the eulogy, you know. You should be honoured.

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Where is Mark Ant... err Marlow on the Ides of March?

Peng: Who is it in the press that calls on me?

I hear a tongue shriller than all the music

Cry "Peng!" Speak. Peng is turned to hear.

Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.

Peng: What man is that?

Chrisl: A soothsayer bids you beware the ides of March.

Peng: Set him before me; let me see his face.

Croda: Fellow, come from the throng; look upon Peng.

Peng: What say'st thou to me now? Speak once again.

Soothsayer: Beware the ides of March.

Peng: He is a dreamer. Let us leave him. Pass.

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That gamey, son-of-a-dwarf known as Seanachai has scored an extremely minor victory over the Forces of Floss (oh, alright then - a major victory if you insist, though how you call a 72:28 score barely in your favour major I JUST DON'T KNOW!!)

Also, notwithstanding that this was a supposed fairly balanced meeting engagement and the Ubergnome somehow connives (with Beelzebub perched on his shoulder whispering sweet asides no doubt) to obtain 66 (there's those satanic numbers again!) more weapon wielders from his measly stash o' cash than I could. What the feck! BTS please fix this bug or do somefink!!

Indeed, I may need the auspices of the Holy Trinity in order to overcome His Evilness in the next battle instalment!! The ongoing Quest to save the good and Holy name of Oz from the Evil Gnome's pixie forces of Darkness shall be rejoined anon......


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AJ spake thus,

That gamey, son-of-a-dwarf known as Seanachai has scored an extremely minor victory over the Forces of Floss...
Well Jefferey my boy ! What to you have to say for yourself ? I kicked his head orf, and now you let him go and glue it back on ! Sigh. Mustabeenafluke.

It's hard to get good help nowadays........


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


That gamey, son-of-a-dwarf known as Seanachai has scored an extremely minor victory over the Forces of Floss (oh, alright then - a major victory if you insist, though how you call a 72:28 score barely in your favour major I JUST DON'T KNOW!!)

Also, notwithstanding that this was a supposed fairly balanced meeting engagement and the Ubergnome somehow connives (with Beelzebub perched on his shoulder whispering sweet asides no doubt) to obtain 66 (there's those satanic numbers again!) more weapon wielders from his measly stash o' cash than I could. What the feck! BTS please fix this bug or do somefink!!

Indeed, I may need the auspices of the Holy Trinity in order to overcome His Evilness in the next battle instalment!! The ongoing Quest to save the good and Holy name of Oz from the Evil Gnome's pixie forces of Darkness shall be rejoined anon......


Hmm, my er...'noble' opponent, let's be frank: I beat you like a gong. I took a quick swing around the battlefield, and I counted something like 6 or 7 of your men that weren't routed, broken, or panicked, most of them in crews. I held every VL. Your vehicles, each and every one (at least those not actively on fire) were already being converted by French farmers to serve as dovecotes.

But let us ignore the sound thrashing of AussieJeff, the Individual, and concentrate rather on the absolute crushing of AussieJeff, the Australian.

That's right, you Down Under bastards, I've crushed one of you! And things don't look at all well for Stuka right now, either! (unless the bastard's shamming, and only crying hurt to distract me)

What, you ask yourselves (and for most of you, repeating 'what?' in a vague, distracted, half-witted sort of way is almost a way of life), does this mean for the Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians?!

Why, it means a Victory!

With many more to come. For now, you see, I've realized the secret to success. In order to defeat Australians, you have to get down and work from their level. I have to eat, breathe, and sleep like an Australian. But most importantly, I have to drink like an Australian (mind, if you drink like them, you pretty much cover the previous three conditions as a matter of course).

Now that I'm unemployed, I can finally confront Australians on their own ground, as one of them! I can sit, hour after hour, drunk on cheap red wine and ale, unshaven, foul-smelling, sleepless, with red-rimmed eyes horrible to behold, poor (even unemployed, the change I fling together from around my apartment is worth more than the Australian dollar), and on the verge of criminal activity.

In other words, I'm almost completely indistinguishable from the average Australian government employee.

I have laid in a supply of cheap Australian red wine. I will live like my enemy, until none of them are left to tell their fellows what befell them.

insert mad laughter here, and perhaps, in the background, the sounds of a digeridoo. gods, I love the sound of the digeridoo...

The Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians: The Gnome Goes Down Under.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

[Three screenfuls of self-congratulatory drivel deleted]

I fear our space bars will all rue the day that the Gnome lost gainful employment.

[Editid bekuz i carnt spel befor my ferst kofee]

[ March 16, 2002, 03:09 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

AJ spake thus,


*whisper* Pssst!! Pat lad, don't tell anyone, but I LET the poor liddle fella have a win to cultivate his false sense of security. Geez, if he finds out, he'll have a fit ........ haha. So don't worry. I'll punt his dumpster for 6 points in the next no-contest!! hehe...



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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

[Three screenfuls of self-congratulatory drivel deleted]

I fear our space bars will all rue the day that the Gnome lost gainful employment.

[Editid bekuz i carnt spel befor my ferst kofee]</font>

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Any more bleedin VT and I'll come after you with a submarine.

Look on the bright side - at least you're not the Uberlizard, whose platoon of scaley reinforcements just got a big HELLO from my offshore battleship.

"14-inch artillery: when the target absolutely, positively has to be smeared across the landscape."

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Seanachai is a person whom should be reminded that he has selective memory problems. He has been promising a setup for me since I mangled his forces at his first attempt to beat me. (Do I smell, cowardice here?) Perhaps his slight win over an SSN has gone to his head, like the cheap wine he is obviously drinking nowadays - with a straw too.

Silly jokes about booze and Government Employees will not be an excuse to post any old time he has the time. No doubt we will see more of the 'drunken poster syndrome' in the near future.

A Pffffhhhhtt, on your win.


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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

Any more bleedin VT and I'll come after you with a submarine.

Look on the bright side - at least you're not the Uberlizard, whose platoon of scaley reinforcements just got a big HELLO from my offshore battleship.

"14-inch artillery: when the target absolutely, positively has to be smeared across the landscape."</font>

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Seanachai raises a few interesting points vis-a-vis his desire to becom Oztralian:

What, you ask yourselves (and for most of you, repeating 'what?' in a vague, distracted, half-witted sort of way is almost a way of life), does this mean for the Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians?!

Why, it means a Victory!

Ahem! I subscribe to the Official Sun Tzu Manual Of Warmongering. Mr OddJob, please re-read Chapter III, Section iv, Para 21(f), sub-para 3d; which states categorically and unequivocaly:

"He who rooses first battle do noh necessarary roos War!"

Ponder that awhile, Lord Gnome.....

With many more to come.
Correct!! For the Quest you have chosen to lumber yourself with is no mere battle or two ...... a Quest to defeat Oz is in fact an Eternal Quest. You can NEVER win, for the Forces of Oz have inhabited this planet for many aeons and will continue to do so......

For now, you see, I've realized the secret to success. In order to become an honorary Australian, you have to get down and work from their level. I have to eat, breathe, and sleep like an Australian. But most importantly, I have to drink like an Australian (mind, if you drink like them, you pretty much cover the previous three conditions as a matter of course).
Correct again!!! Bravo, Sir Gnome!! We have at least taught you Australian manners (though your beer drinking ability is infamously lacking - thanks for that little snippet, Sir Stuka).

Now that I'm unemployed, I can finally find the time to act like an Australian! I can sit, hour after hour, happy drunk on cheap but high quality red Ozzie wine and ale
Good thinking, there. Better than drinking Ersatz Coffee till all hours

In other words, I'm almost completely indistinguishable from the average Australian government employee.
Except for 2 glaringly obvious facts:

(vii) You are only 14 inches tall and talk with a lithp

(g) You have a dorky looking red pointed cap permanently attached to your rather tiny cranium

Insert mad laughter here, and perhaps, in the background, the sounds of a digeridoo. gods, I love the sound of the digeridoo...
Poor lil' PILLOCK. Please lern how 2 spel DIDGERIDOO correctly. Then resubmit your application for Oz Citizenship. The current one was torn up by Phil Ruddock in a blind rage at the thought of unemployed, uneducated Dwarf Gnomes attempting to immigrate into this Great Southern Land.

The Holy Crusade to Crush All Australians In A Loving Embrace: The Gnome Goes Down On Kylie
How dare you Sir!! Please desist from posting your nasty fetish fantasies in this forum. Why I posted you a life sized blowup Kylie Love Doll for your birthday I'll NEVER KNOW!! Sheesh.....

That is all......



[ March 16, 2002, 06:53 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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