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I Have Been to the Mountaintop, and Found the Peng Challenge, And Some Old Beer Cans

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Originally posted by Marlow:

Some Rent-a-car you are. Why you were busy sleeping at your post, I nipped this treachery in the bud. Exactly what are we paying you for anyway? There was a time when you would come swooping down at the first imagined hearesy, but now, when a real threat emerges, where were you Jo, where were you?

We're paying Joe? Geez, Master is a whole lot more important that I thought he was.

Oops, did I say that out loud?


[ August 19, 2002, 11:36 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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OK - I confess.

Guess what??

I'm actually Fionn, and Kawas too for that matter.

[ August 19, 2002, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Roxy:

I will now abide by the wishes of our host, Battlefront.com, and cease posting to the forum.

Do we get to keep the poolboy?
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What' with he we word PussSnot??

Pool boys is for Ladies, so you can Sod off any time.....er.....although perhaps this is one context where sod is not quite so appropriate!!

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Originally posted by Roxy:

OK guys, the gig's up. In the best interests of The Ladies of The Pool and The MBT itself, it is time to reveal my identity. Roxy is only the Fionn-flamer, Treeburst155. (Yes, Panzer Leader, you were right.)

It's been a great deal of fun for me. I hope some of you enjoyed having Roxy around as much as I enjoyed portraying her.

I will now abide by the wishes of our host, Battlefront.com, and cease posting to the forum. I have lots of tourney work to do anyway. I've been neglecting it for this Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Again, it's been a great deal of fun, and I thank you all for it. Rejoice now, in The One True Thread. It is truly a thing of beauty.

Sincerely, Treeburst155 (Mike Meinecke)

Blast it all! And I was just beginning to work up a good old fashioned, froth at the lips rant too. There would have been trials, witnesses ... STENOGRAPHERS.

I Cudda Been A Contenda!


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That could have been real fun. I would have had Mr Spkr defending me. Hehe...I'm crackin' up just thinking about it.

You guys have enough trouble with the SSNs though. You don't need Roxy's shi&te.

Treeburst155 out.

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Originally posted by Roxy:


That could have been real fun. I would have had Mr Spkr defending me. Hehe...I'm crackin' up just thinking about it.

You guys have enough trouble with the SSNs though. You don't need Roxy's shi&te.

Treeburst155 out.

Roxy, don't talk to anyone else until I get there.

They did read you their rights, correct?

Oh, and I am PRETTY SURE Joe doesn't get to 'frisk you again, just in case.'

Wait-a-second . . . you're outta cash? You're sure.

Umm, yeah, umm, I'll get back to you soon.

What's that? You want my legal advice? That's easy: Stop breaking the law, Roxy!

[serious]The sad thing is, the most original newby to the Muthah Beautiful Thread in quite some time is now going away for good. Say what you will, she was entertaining, and the absence of Lady Roxy from the One True Thread will be our collective loss.

Every newbie would do well to ponder the nature of Roxy's posts. Unfortunately, the sloping forehead crowd will fail to recognize this, and will simply crow their 'I knew it was a guy all along' ****e.


Adios Roxy - we hardly knew ye.[/serious]


[ August 20, 2002, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Don't encourage me, Mr Spkr. I'll get permission from Matt to post legally as Roxy to the MBT, and then I'll demand a trial.

Your job would be to convince Those Who Dwell on the Mountain that I should be allowed to reside in The MBT as Roxy with the full status of Lady In Waiting, with all the attendant respect and privileges due any other Lady. How's that for a challenge?!

BTW, it's easy to be "original" when you're in a very unique position, never before filled.

Treeburst155 out.

[ August 20, 2002, 12:50 AM: Message edited by: Roxy ]

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Don't encourage me, Mr Spkr. I'll get permission from Matt to post legally as Roxy to the MBT, and then I'll demand a trial.

Your job would be to convince Those Who Dwell on the Mountain that I should be allowed to reside in The MBT as Roxy with the full status of Lady In Waiting, with all the attendant respect and privileges due any other Lady. How's that for a challenge?!

Treeburst155 out.

It can be done.

They never convicted OJ, did they?

P.S. For leaving so soon, Roxy has just made the List!

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Originally posted by Roxy:

OK guys, the gig's up. In the best interests of The Ladies of The Pool and The MBT itself, it is time to reveal my identity. Roxy is only the Fionn-flamer, Treeburst155. (Yes, Panzer Leader, you were right.)

It's been a great deal of fun for me. I hope some of you enjoyed having Roxy around as much as I enjoyed portraying her.

I will now abide by the wishes of our host, Battlefront.com, and cease posting to the forum. I have lots of tourney work to do anyway. I've been neglecting it for this Mutha Beautiful Thread.

Again, it's been a great deal of fun, and I thank you all for it. Rejoice now, in The One True Thread. It is truly a thing of beauty.

Sincerely, Treeburst155 (Mike Meinecke)

[And as the morning stutters forward on crutches something dark and heavy is peering into the receding gloom]

*sigh* she wore carrots... *sigh*... I can smell her perfume (Skunk by Jean Smear et Plastere)... her little sayings... her credit card swipe... *sigh*... her little woop of delight when she came across me air pump... *sigh*

*sniff* and now she's a Treeburst155... me dryad, me little bush nymph *sigh*

quire, I SAID QUIRE... bring her back.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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OK, one more time for Yeknod:

My goodness, Yeknod, why the long face? Here now, cheer up. Let me fix you a drink. I liberated this big bottle of Irish whiskey just for you. I got it from that cornershop Emporium right up the road. The fool proprietor doesn't have any security cameras.

Oh, and you should see the back room. Why...., there are all sorts of delicious items in there, including airpumps and carrots. Unfortunately, there was a MEANIE guarding the door so I couldn't get what was rightfully mine in there.

Where's your Squire? Please, do call him home while I am here. He's such a dear sweet lad.

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I have been away too long.

It seems that the Pool is still full of a bunch of gobspits and titsticks though.. HOOOCKK!

I have wandered the vast wastelands of the internet. Searching high and low for some sign of intelligence in this great era of information. Sadly there isn't much more out there than you would find on the back of a cereal box.

So I find myself drawn back to the pool. To be spat upon by all of you dog lipped bastages.

I would take the time to engage you in a inteligent debate, but I fear the spark of your one synapse firing would ignite the gas flowing from your gobholes and burn some inocents standing near by.

Now for some relevent news...as if you guys care.

Time Warner decided that they would expand digital service in our area. They also decided to do this cable in our area would be cut off... But so as not to distube people. They would only cut it off during the day time, ( them somana-bitches), where it would only effect those of us that work nights. (what the hell id good about having cable only at night when I am at freking work!?)

To go along with this. Yahoo has mucked my e-mail account up beyond all repair. So I am now lucky to recieve mail every 3rd or 4th day. Legit mail that is, spam seems to come through fine.

Add this to the fact that the freking nazi's at work have black listed the battlefront site, and have blocked every proxy redirector I was using... and you have one very pissed off Lorak.

Game updates:

Mace: Haven't heard anything from you... but I don't even know if you recieved my turn the last three times I've sent it. If you want to continue please send a turn to my Triad.rr.com address. If you want to end it. Thats fine to. You have totally kicked my arse in this one.

Seanachai: I got your e-mail today(that you sent last week! Freaking Yahoo!!). Seems you didn't get my turns either... Yahoo also decided I didn't need your attachment. Please be so kind as to resend to my traid.rr.com address also.

Moriarty: Guess what? I assume nothing made it to you or back from you either.

sigh.... I would add some bile to this post. But I am really just too damn frustrated to be pissed anymore.


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