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Perhaps I could take this opportunity to start a poll, as well, asking how many of you would be willing to declare me Master of the Universe.

Should enough of you vote in favour, it will become legally binding, and I will take up my position, privileges and duties in February.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Perhaps I could take this opportunity to start a poll, as well, asking how many of you would be willing to declare me Master of the Universe.

Should enough of you vote in favour, it will become legally binding, and I will take up my position, privileges and duties in February.

You will never rule the universe, He-Seanachai! I, Skeleball, will crush you with my ineffectual cohorts! Neeheeheee!
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I vote Seanachai to be Master of the Universe. However I will only do this if he provides me with good cakes and not those nasty urinal thingys that double as hockey pucks...

I must also mention that I'm performing my customary civic duty by voting in ignorance...

(edited because of dangling chad... and I didn't know who I was voting for)

[ December 23, 2002, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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Originally posted by funkybax:

This is a poll.


Funkybax ;)


Oh my goodness. If there is one, I'll only buy the carpetbombing B-52s. Now that ought to be a REALLY cool graphical display. Woo Hoo!!! Shockwaves will have to make a comeback. Then again there are those Agent Orange spraying aircraft. What about Napalm and the USS New Jersey with it's 16 inch guns off shore?

Then there are those patrols that camped out a hundred yards from their base camp and returned in the morning to report that they didn't see any enemy? Points only for surviving the game? Will we get points for doffing off our own officers and senior enlisted? How many points for each I wonder?

I have to say that I will only buy it if the effects of mind altering drugs are modelled in the game. Without that, it just wouldn't be realistic.

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I would buy CM:Da Nang - Saigon but it would have few tanks and require helicopters culd that be done? I suspect so as some game I have never played Plastic soldiers??? managed it.

However I suspect the next game will be thge Desert war and then the Italian campaign - Funky you could get a job as an historical advisor!

Ok it is Christmas and my father took me to a real ale pub - I am sure it is effecting my typing - it really ought to antway! ;)

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Originally posted by Soddball:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Perhaps I could take this opportunity to start a poll, as well, asking how many of you would be willing to declare me Master of the Universe.

Should enough of you vote in favour, it will become legally binding, and I will take up my position, privileges and duties in February.

You will never rule the universe, He-Seanachai! I, Skeleball, will crush you with my ineffectual cohorts! Neeheeheee!</font>
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Originally posted by Soddball:

You will never rule the universe, He-Seanachai! I, Skeleball, will crush you with my ineffectual cohorts! Neeheeheee!

By God, Soddball, you're welcome to try, sirrah! But I stand ready to crush you and your ineffectual minions under my jackboots!

Grovel, worm! Once I've amassed enough votes, I will have you whacked on worldwide television, so that all may see my glory, and realize that no one could ever have mistaken us for the other!

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Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

I wasn't aware that BTS was bound by all polls and anything we vote for they must carry out.......

Oh, yes, it's in their charter. "All that is necessary to determine the next use of the Combat Mission Engine is that the will of the people be made manifest through free and openly conducted plebiscites. Once the will of the people is determined by vote, Charles will be shackled to a desk until that will is made reality."

Didn't you read the full Manifesto?

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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

I vote Seanachai to be Master of the Universe. However I will only do this if he provides me with good cakes and not those nasty urinal thingys that double as hockey pucks...

There will be cake for all! Really, really good cake. Several flavours. With little icing decorations shaped like AFVs.

You can trust me, because I never lie, and I'm always right.

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Originally posted by wwb_99:


This is my NVA. I made him mad so he would show his teeth and growl.


I wasn't aware the NVA carried FN's...

Besides, stop trying to derail the post. Seanachai raised a terrific point of order. I hereby vote for him to be denounced publicly in February, and assume his new post as Lowlife of the Century.

To fulfil his new obligations, he will be required to post in the Scenario Depot at least daily, any review of a scenario designed as "PBEM" only, giving it the minimum allowable score and describing it in his notes as "horrible vs. AI."

He will be further required to assume new identities on a weekly basis and post inflammatory and racist remarks in the General Forum.

Finally, he will need to start his own forum called I HATE BATTLEFRONT, and post on a semi-monthly basis to the alt.combatmission newsgroup about what a sellout Steve Grammont is, what his unlisted home phone number is, and what grocery stores he frequents in New England.

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Originally posted by SaTyR:

I too vote for She-Manachai to be the master of the universe. She/he/it is so butch redface.gif

SaTyR, when I am Master of the Universe, the Finns in Combat Mission will be...

Well, hell, not even the Master of the Universe could get everything you Finns want put into Combat Mission. I mean, c'mon, it's supposed to be a hyper realistic depiction of WWII, for Godsake, and there's simply no bloody way that Finland could have managed what they did in the Real World™.

So, when I am Master of the Universe™, I promise that any bits of Russia that the Finns might still want are theirs.

Also, the entire Russian military will be forced to attend a series of lectures by all Finnish CM Board members speaking on 'How We Beat the ****e Out of Your Fathers, And We're Just a Scrappy Little Nation of Pathologically Committed Patriots'.

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