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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Berli harumphed:

Absolutely NOT!

I actually have to agree with Berli here. I am still rather new and finding my voice. I thank my liege for putting my name before the Olde Ones, and likewise thank Seanachi for the recommendation. But I think one must maintain high (and by high I mean low) standards, and only the "worthy" should attain Kaniggethood.

I would rather remain a squire in good standing than to have a suspect Kaniggethood, and worse, open the door to the possibility of the even riff-raffier lackwits that have been appearing here of late to attain any semblance of legitimacy.


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Originally posted by Persephone:

I believe in Fred.

I fear Fred. Fred is large and has big teeth, big claws and can run faster than Dolly when she sees Mace is pulling his velcro gloves on.

But I digress while I digest. As the mostest juniorest knight of the 'pool I would like to thank Berli for just saying nay to the demotion of Lurker to kanigget. The gamey cheating bastiche is going to lose yet another to me, and I don't wanna be the second mostest juniorest kanigget next to a gamey cheating bastiche like him.

Speaking of Mace, it looks like his plan to keep moving towards the trees where my arty is falling is working well for him. Another few turns of this and my men won't have anything left to shoot at except for the crispy bits left over from where he got a little too close to my BBQ team.

{sigh} And then there is Simon. He was doing so well pushing me down the unladder, and then decided to sacrifice his 3 (three?) splody things by driving them in circles in front of one wittle bitty hull down Hetzer. Even his masterless use of smoke(!) wasn't enough to let me lose again. Gamey cheating bastage. At least my flock is mine again.

Sir Harv...former squire to Sir Joe Shaw

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Much to say, not a lot of time, 15 minutes to a bloody business meeting BUT ...

Panzer Leader your rules do manage to cover the basics but, like a burlap bag covering the essentials of a lovely lady, they somehow fail to satisfy. Further, I'd point out that BELLS toll, Clocks don't.

Mr_Ganja_the ... look this is the whole problem isn't it really? I mean other than the fact that he's clearly a flaming fool of the first water. How would YOU like to have to SPELL OUT that stupid name each time you addressed him? This one's heading for Coventry and no error.

Seanachai it is not part of the purview of the Justicariate to pass on the Knighthood of Squires. However, if you ask my opinion, it would appear that Lurker has met all requirements for Knighthood.

Hiram Sedai there has been no voice more often raised in protest over untimely elevation than mine ... you are an idiot Sir ... also from Noo Joysey but that's rather redundant.

Joe ... home tonight Gawd willing and the creek don't rise.

[ July 19, 2002, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Squire Lurker.


I fully understand that if you feel that you are not yet ready to wear the mantle of Knighthood (although, truth be told, it's not so much a mantle as an apron with a nude image of our house's founder, Croda, tagging a bus stop), I will not force you into it, lad.

Perhaps you are correct after all. After reading your post and sensing the heartfelt humility contained therein, I hurled chunks. After all, we of House Croda are not known for our humility. Rather, we are known for our ability to annoy, by our presence alone, people within a radius of three nautical miles.

But, have a care. You have not dodged the bullet for long.

Also along these same lines, I would ask Berli of the Bodacious Beard why he naysayed the elevation of my squire? He has after all, met the requirements set down by the Olde Ones themselves.

That's all for now. Know that I loathe each and every one of you in ways too numerous to go into at this time. Hope you all have perfectly dismal weekends.



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Originally posted by Lurkur:

Sir Boo,

Don't get me wrong. I'm not completely falling all over myself with "Oh, I am not worthy" and such. I just don't want it to be another "pity knighting" like Harv got.


Lurkalot maybe you should dig a deep hole, about 100' deep should do, get in it then fill it back up, that way we won't have to listen to your pathetic whimperings. You make me want to vomit with your pitiful excuses. A knight! You aren't even worthy to be the serf of the Serf To The Entire Cesspool!
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Hey Ath-wipe. were we talking to you? I don't think so. How can I tell? Because neither of us were going "OOK! OOK!"

How is it that you have yet to be beaten to death by a crowd of angry villagers carrying a collection of farm implements and fungo bats?

If I give you half a crown, will you go play in traffic?

You know the only thing that keeps me going on days like this is the hope that your poor wife is looking at your life insurance policy with the beginnings of a cunning smile.

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You dense, obtuse , brick-headed maggot. Subtlety must not be a strongpoint of yours. I realize your style is "straight over the top and at 'em boys", but occasionally it pays to use a flanking maneuver, even in taunting. The point was to cast aspersions on Harv's status you insipid dolt! Now while you are waiting for your would-be donkey master to return your affections, why don't you continue doing that thing you're doing with your own excrement and hair down-wind over there?

Oh, and a *BOOT* for just for being you!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Also along these same lines, I would ask Berli of the Bodacious Beard why he naysayed the elevation of my squire? He has after all, met the requirements set down by the Olde Ones themselves.

Elevate him if you want, but don't say that he's met the requirements set down by the Olde Ones. We were not the ones who came up with that pathetic 'send in your five boxtops and get your secret decoder ring' method. Playing five games has always been the dumbest excuse for making someone a knight. You want him to be a knight, then makie him a knight... asking permission shows that you are unsure.

Personally, I am sickened by the whole ladder mentality that has sprouted up in here.

Olde One vacancy available. Apply to the Gnome

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I sense weakness. "Panzers marche!!!!!"

Olde One Vacancy now filled.

Panzer Leader, newest Olde One

Berlichtingen: riddled mound of cracked bones and wet meat.

Oooh, that's going to leave a mark...
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Elevate him if you want, but don't say that he's met the requirements set down by the Olde Ones. We were not the ones who came up with that pathetic 'send in your five boxtops and get your secret decoder ring' method. Playing five games has always been the dumbest excuse for making someone a knight. You want him to be a knight, then makie him a knight... asking permission shows that you are unsure.

Personally, I am sickened by the whole ladder mentality that has sprouted up in here.

Olde One vacancy available. Apply to the Gnome

Just asking a question, that's all.

[ July 19, 2002, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I sense weakness. "Panzers marche!!!!!"

Olde One Vacancy now filled.

Panzer Leader, newest Olde One

Berlichtingen: riddled mound of cracked bones and wet meat.

Mouse, that has to be your most humorous post yet.


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See Mrspkr, I am like a fine wine, an aged cheese. That post of mine would not have been as hilarious (though still funny) if it didn't have the backlog of posts leading up to it.

My humour is not in quips and one-liners, my humour is conceptual. (At least that's what a hot chick with a fine booty (for Hiram's pleasure) told me.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

See Mrspkr, I am like a fine wine,

What do you mean? Every time you're taken out, you get drunk?</font>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

See Mrspkr, I am like a fine wine, an aged cheese. That post of mine would not have been as hilarious (though still funny) if it didn't have the backlog of posts leading up to it.

My humour is not in quips and one-liners, my humour is conceptual. (At least that's what a hot chick with a fine booty (for Hiram's pleasure) told me.

Funny, mine is generally sarcastic in nature.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

[Olde One vacancy available. Apply to the Gnome

Hah, like I believe that one. The Evil One giving up his hard won position. Its a ploy I say, Panzer Ninny just felt the BOOT! from the Holy Fred kicking him out of Paradise. There goes your 76 virgins son!

Evil is forever, and so are the Old Ones.

{Editted: Because I've started writing in Air Forcese and I'm unable to stop. Does anyone have "Hooked on Phonics"]

[ July 19, 2002, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: Wildman ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Elevate him if you want, but don't say that he's met the requirements set down by the Olde Ones. We were not the ones who came up with that pathetic 'send in your five boxtops and get your secret decoder ring' method. Playing five games has always been the dumbest excuse for making someone a knight.

Actually, I don't know where that whole thing came from. I thought the whole 'Knighting' thing was just something we did when drunk and/or bored.

It's very important to have rules, and traditions, and unbending and unvarying rules of conduct and behaviour. The important thing is not to pay any real attention to them. Unless, of course, they're needed to beat some utter idjit into unconsciousness, or you want to have someone on, or you just feel like being a pain in the arse. Then they're like religion, but not as humourous.

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