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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Do not try to scurry and flee like the curr you are. My set-up will wing its way to you like a Magic Missile, i.e.: no saving throw, you're hit.

Still waiting, or do you just know how to talk the talk?</font>
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I was inserting a bit of brrogue, duh.

Ain't that nice.

Now, hows aboot inserting a file into an e-mail and sending it?


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Ain't that nice.

Now, hows aboot inserting a file into an e-mail and sending it?


Anyone else noticed lately that BeerGut is starting to mimic Canadians more and more? He's even doing it in his private emails to me on those rare occasions when he sends me a turn.

Has the Prince of Evil acquired a case of Canuck Envy?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Goanna:

<font size=-1>Let's see, I've already got underway a few of the most vile opponents, but I need to add some pommy flavour. Someone who I failed to sink the boot into sufficiently last go round, someone from the land of bad teeth and boiled chicken. And most of all, someone who pumps out turns like a hyperactive shrew. In short, the imperialistic Pondscum should look down to inspect his nice shoes as I have just deposited a quivering lung oyster there as a means of calling you out.</font>

Dear Handbag Skin,

Thankyou for the lung you so thoughtfully deposited on my footwear. Since I acquired most of your other bodily parts in the massacre that was our last so-called "contest", this almost completes my set. Unfortunately those three hags on the blasted heath won't give up your eyeball; they claim they need it for some damn-fool recipe. I don't suppose you could prop your eyelids open and sneeze hard, could you? I hear that pops 'em out real good.


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The rumours of my skinning and being made into a feminine accessory are premature, I assure you. That was merely a molt that I allowed Moriarty to fashion into a sequined clutch with which to have a purse fight with a Croda or some such.

So will that be the rushing screaming and dying reds, or the burning screaming and fleeing krauts for you then cyanobacter?.

[ October 01, 2002, 03:01 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Anyone else noticed lately that BeerGut is starting to mimic Canadians more and more? He's even doing it in his private emails to me on those rare occasions when he sends me a turn.

As a matter of courtesy, I do try to speak the same language as my opponents. In this case, when speaking to idiots, I try to speak Canadian
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Originally posted by Mace:

Moriarty, you keep that sarcasm up and I'll be left with no choice but to recite the vegemite song (again).

Oh! Macey! Please recite the vegemite song!!!!!


[ October 01, 2002, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

Moriarty, you keep that sarcasm up and I'll be left with no choice but to recite the vegemite song (again).

Oh! Macey! Please recite the vegemite song!!!!!


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

Yep..... Rutherglen, Glasgow, "Bonnie Scotland" tis indeed a real place, infact my parents still live there, so you see AJ it does exist.

I'll have to browse up on it some more now I know there is a "sister town" in bonnie Glasgow. My Scots grandma would surely have known it well!


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dame Emma may well be incorrect, but only because her name is not Emma but YK2. Therefore, Dame YK2 is quite correct as it indicates the feminine title for Knighthood. You, OTOH, are an idiot ... not necessarily for your error but just in general.

Then why are they referred to collectively in the Rules as The Ladies of the 'Pool and not The Dames of the 'Pool? Because they're Ladies and not Dames (not to mention Chicks, Tomatoes, Broads, Skirts or any of the other baser titles that no doubt rattle around your unfurnished brain-pan like so many ping-pong balls.

So, once again, Jo, you are hoist by your own petard. Ha! And again I say, "Ha!"

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dame Emma may well be incorrect, but only because her name is not Emma but YK2. Therefore, Dame YK2 is quite correct as it indicates the feminine title for Knighthood. You, OTOH, are an idiot ... not necessarily for your error but just in general.

Then why are they referred to collectively in the Rules as The Ladies of the 'Pool and not The Dames of the 'Pool? Because they're Ladies and not Dames (not to mention Chicks, Tomatoes, Broads, Skirts or any of the other baser titles that no doubt rattle around your unfurnished brain-pan like so many ping-pong balls.

So, once again, Jo, you are hoist by your own petard. Ha! And again I say, "Ha!"</font>

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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Because they're Ladies and not Dames (not to mention Chicks, Tomatoes, Broads, Skirts or any of the other baser titles that no doubt rattle around your unfurnished brain-pan like so many ping-pong balls.



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You know, there is nothing like a dame.

There is nothing you can name that is anything like a dame.

There are no books like a dame

and nothing looks like a dame.

There are no drinks like a dame

and nothing thinks like a dame.

Nothing acts like a dame or attracts like a dame.

There ain't a thing that's wrong with any man here

that can't be cured by putting him near

a girly womanly female feminine dame.

...well, except for Panzer Leader, perhaps.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Is there a reason for you to be a complete idiot or is it just one of those things?

Do we refer to Knights of the CessPool as Sirs of the CessPool? NO, we do not. Yet when referring to the title of a Knight of the CessPool we do refer to them (at times, at other times we refer to them, and particularly YOU in less complimentary terms) as Sir So and So! Therefore it follows that a Lady of the CessPool would be (and in fact IS) referred to as Dame So and So ... although in HER case I'd not recommend it ... Dame So and So has a wicked left hook.

It is because you are a complete vulgarian that you make mistakes like the op. cit. above. Your bloviations would only be true if the Ladies of the 'Pool were of the same rank as the Kaniggets (Olde, Senior, and Other). Those of taste and discernment, a grouping which obviously excludes the likes of you (and probably Croda among others), know that the Ladies of the 'Pool rank far, far higher. But then, you never did know how to treat a lady, or so Panzer Leader says.
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