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CDV: Direct Action

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Greetings fellow CDV victims. If like me you eagerly took advantage of the pre-ordering offered by CDV in preference to asking a friendly US gamer to export a US copy of CMBB you must be feeling quite sore by now.

So why not let them know how you feel?

Below is a copy of my e-mail to CDV. Why not send them your own version? Please feel free to improve on it as you see fit. There is a fringe benefit here in that it will probably end up in the in-tray of the very same lawyers who gave us (or will give us, eventually, if we're lucky) the Waffen Grenadiers. Now there's a nice thought, eh? Go get 'em!

To: mail@cdv.de

Dear Sirs,

I see that while you assert your sole commercial right to market 'Combat

Mission 2' in the European Union that you are selling this software in the

German language only.

By marketing software in this restrictive manner you are, prima facie, in

breach of Art 3 © of the EEC Treaty that allows for the free movement of


In the absence of any meaningful response from you I will register a

complaint against your company with the ECC (euroguichet). I look

forward to a reply from you at your soonest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

<your name>

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Originally posted by Andreas:

So, what's stopping you from learning German? ;)

Yes, well, the language of Goethe, Beethoven, Kant etc etc...

But it's all down to your success at not being overrun by the Roman Empire! If only German was a romance language. Ever heard the story about simultaneous translation in the UN? Some German diplomat is making a speech in German. The simultaneous English translation stops. The diplomat keeps talking. Finally the exasperated translator can stand no more: 'The verb, get to the bloody verb' he growls into everyone's headphones. Splendid if true. But there's still a point there I think...

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Originally posted by Andreas:

So, what's stopping you from learning German?


I'm Dyslexic and barely monolingual, my entire German runs to "Yes" "No" "Don't Shoot" and "Faster".
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Originally posted by Determinant:

To: mail@cdv.de

Dear Sirs,

I see that while you assert your sole commercial right to market 'Combat

Mission 2' in the European Union that you are selling this software in the

German language only.

By marketing software in this restrictive manner you are, prima facie, in

breach of Art 3 © of the EEC Treaty that allows for the free movement of


In the absence of any meaningful response from you I will register a

complaint against your company with the ECC (euroguichet). I look

forward to a reply from you at your soonest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

<your name>

I hate to say this but you don't legally have a leg to stand on.

If CDV wants to sell CMBB in German or Chinese that is up to them. In the same way, a French book publisher cannot be forced to sell A History of Frogs Legs in Spanish or English, even if they have plenty of Spanish copies in their warehouse.

Of course, if the letter is not serious and a tongue-in-cheek joke, I apologise in advance.

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Hello EuroChums,

I thought that some might be interested in the, commendably speedy, reply from CDV that I got to my speculative e-mail:

Dear Sir,

we'll also sell the english version of Combat Mission2 if it's finish in October.

best regards,

your CDV-Team

The last five words there are the most interesting as I see it. Options would therefore seem to be:

1. Chill out as our stoical (mostly CMBB owning already) buddies advise; or

2. Learn German; or

3. Get a friend to send you the US version.

I know which one spoke to me and all I can say is that there are some damn fine fellows in this community in the US. Thank God for the special relationship!

Toodle pip!

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I am confused.. What does "apropos" mean?

(From a dictionary)


ap·ro·pos (ăp'rə-pō')


Being at once opportune and to the point. See synonyms at relevant.


At an appropriate time; opportunely.

By the way; incidentally: Apropos, where were you yesterday?


With regard to; concerning: Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.


Someone explain to me...

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Ok now I am really getting angry about CDV. Yes I know Bfc can do nothing because their hands are tied but now Cdv have come out and said that the game MIGHT be released in October!!!!!!MIGHT? Maybe November.... or December.... or when they could be arsed! I have hung on for them as long as I can. They can go and get well and truely stuffed. Therefore if any kind soul out there would order the game in America for me I would be very gratefull. If you feel like helping me out please e-mail me and let me know

Fitz aka Gregg Robinsdon


Northern Ireland

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Oh please... can we PLEASE not start spreading disinformation about the release dates *again*? It is NOT going to be released in November, December, January, or what have you. It *will* be released in October. It could be as early as the 4th or as late as the 11th. It depends on when they get their manufactured goods in order and out to the distributors.


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Sorry about the rant Steve but the old red mist came down when I saw the earlier posts. ;) If this is the case then please disregard my ealier post. I can wait another 12 odd days. You Know what Bruce Banner said before he turned into the Hulk "don't make me angry, you would'nt like me when i'm angry" :D

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I happen to be a lawyer, and an international one for that matter. I do not totally agree with B. Weiss, as I think there might be legal ground to make a case here, but it would be:

a) a legal long shot. Basically, you could accuse them of artificially segmenting the market.

B) time consuming. By the time you get a ruling you'll be bored to death of playing CMBB.

c) expensive. I am a keen CMBB player, and I might be tempted to do this pro bono, but hey, I got my CMBB and I am busy playing with it, alright?

d) Just be a man and hold on!

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