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Everything posted by desertrat1943

  1. I am the fool who made a posting in the CMBB forum about organizing a get together and bragging about how we knocked out that King Tiger with a 20mm gun from 1 kilometer. I apologize for the dealy. Things got a tad frantic here. In any event I propose to meet at the KGB Bar (http://www.urban75.org/photos/newyork/ny208.html) on Friday February 21, at 9:30 (it is conveniently exactly one week after Valentine's day so we can all forget how boring was last Friday). If you are in, please drop me a line so I wont be waiting like a dumb ass all alone. Desertrat1943@yahoo.com
  2. ok, so far we are three. Come on, there must be more of us CM addicts in the big apple!
  3. If there are any CM fans in NYC and its larger area (I am sure there are many), it might be nice to get together for a drink and talk about our obsession. Eventually, we can organize a CM LAN party. Drop me a line @ desertrat1943@yahoo.com (And if you are not from NYC but you know some chaps who do, please give them heads up about this)
  4. Can anybody sum up this discussion? Besideds the occasional personal bitching, there have been some constructive ideas that BTS might want to consider, and summing them up in a bullet-point list will help them greately.
  5. I modded the opening music. You can get the modded files at www.combat-mission.com
  6. Guys, I think everybody (but Scipio and another chap I forgot) is forgetting a basic thing: BTS is a businness company. OK, we are all grateful to them for making the best PC game ever and giving us this monkey, but why should we tax ourselves (both in terms of money and time) to do that? Somebody in this tread said it costs $300 per month to host 30 gigs of stuff. Even if the figure was 10 times as much, that is still well withing the league of a business company (besides, BTS can write this off taxes, and they are saving big time money out of the direct marketing strategy they decided to pursue). Scipio also rightly pointed out that mods are what keeps the community going, and it is big and free advertising for BTS. I don't think it would be asking too much to have them create the space for us, the adoring fans, to post mods without having to scramble for improbable solutions.
  7. fernando est ce que tu as la versione fraincaise? si non, il peut etre que il y a vraiment un bug.
  8. Well, if BTF wants to share with us their business plan, organization scheme, etc. then we poor dreamers could get a better idea of what they can and what they cennot accomplish. :confused: Come on! Forums are made to float things around, even the impossible ones. :cool:
  9. Thank for all the technical comments but, again, don't you think that T34s are a little too brittle and undergunned to be used in CM as effectively as they were used in reality? I know soviets could churn out hundreds of them every day, but the poor fellow like me has only a few hundres of purchase points to spend...Don't touch the stats, because they are right and holy, but at least bring down the price for T34!
  10. I vote for the full monty. WWII total, all theaters, all units, everywhere. If possible I'd strech the boundaries even to include the Spanish civil war and the Korean war (which were fought with units not really different from those fighting respectively in 1940 and 1945), and even the first arab-Israeli war. That should not be difficult to do. Use the CMBB engine, import all vehicles and stats from CMBO, add a ton more of stats and voila'.
  11. What is the most incredible/odd/unlikely/amazing thing you saw happening in CMBB? I haven't played enough yet, and I am sure that in this thread we will read a few truly amazing things. So far I saw: 1) A Panther being hit by a shell and a nearby sniper getting killed. Watching the movie carefully I found out the guy was so unlucky to be hit by the very shell that ricocheted on the Panther. 2) A tiger killed by 50 mm mortar fire. The tank commander unbuttoned half second before a mortar shell fell exactly on top of his head. Had he unbottoned half-second later, odds are he would be still walking. Admittedly these are things that happened/could have happened in CMBO, too. But they were pretty cool.
  12. I know this issue has already been discussed in detail, but I am still baffled. In every book you read about the copernican revolution of the T34 and how it created huge problems to the Germans, swarming around in droves. Now, like most fools, I went about starting a series of PBEM battles buying T34s in large quantities. OK, my mistake to get T34/76s and set the date to July 1943 only to see them slaughtered by German armour but, still, the numbers are unbelievable. I probably lost all together 25 T34s in three battles, never had a shell rococheting on my hull, always knock outs, alsmot first shot, no matter from what distance. Moreover, I almost never got the target and when I did it was useless. So far, no kills for me. T34/76s have a skin almost as frial as that of Stuarts and a gun worst than the worst Sherman. Is there something wrong in historical accounts or modeling in CMBB is so realistic as to be "unreal"?
  13. Bruno, The website you pointed out is terrific. Yet, the problem is that the scores are too long for an intro music. I edited the songs to be maximum one minute long, ending when they start repeating the main theme. I used a 16,000 htz. I recorded the first 1 minute of the soviet anthem at CD quality and it was 11 megs! Now it is 4.2 megs. Besides, the quality of the 1940s recording is not so good. It gives you the sense of hystorical immersion, but if you want to use those four speakers and subwofer, you gotta go for a cleaner recording. In any event, I ripped a CD I bought long time ago in Geneva. It is "Les coeurs de l'armee rouge" of Boris Alexandrov, Vol. 2 (Chants de la revolution et de la guerre). I made also replacements for Konarmeiskaya, The Artillery Song and the Patriotic Song.
  14. I modded the wav file of CMBB opening music to replace it with the Red Army Choir singing the USSR anthem. Nothing wrong with the original one, but this one starts with a blast instead of a crescendo, and is a must have for every red army player. Any mod website willing to host the file? Send me an e-mail and I'll ship it right away.
  15. Thanks! Any useful sources online I can check and get a culture? now, do you know a CMBB spotter how many batteries he represents? 1, 2, 3? Just to get an idea of how many spotters I should use.
  16. To all grognards out there: I am trying to make a scenario involving 2nd and 3rd gbrg divisions in the artic in the summer of 1941. What kind of FOs should I select to be historically accurate? I think anything above 81mm mortars would be out of place. But maybe some 105s are still good? Germans will have stukas, at least in the first two/three battles. Also, what arty should the soviets have? Rifle divisions fought in the area. Something up to howitzers spotter 12mm?
  17. gebirgsjaeger in the arctic theater with mosquito nets. i am preparing a couple of scenarios in the arctic in the summer of 1942
  18. Chad, you still have to knock out my legions! Anyway, I agree with all said above, and wait to see what practices will develop. For the time being I'll play only with honorable gents like you guys. If somebody is for a duel with me I still have room left. Bring the on! Ask Chad: I never quit a match even when I am trashed
  19. As every compulsive player of CMBO knows, after many brawls a code of conduct in human vs. human matches emerged dealing with issues such as choice of battle (i.e., one picks the map, the other sides), terrain (the opponents must agree on which terrain fight), and additional rules (e.g. Panther 76 or not, etc.). However, being CMBB a rather different game it seems to me that soon we all should come to some new and additional understandings on certain key issues. a) FOW: It seems to be real CM players with iron balls use only extreme settings. That is the dominant fad. Unless explicitly requested extreme FOW should be used. Year/month: selection of the year/month has huge impact on the balance of the game (as everybody who tried to stop a KV1 on the loose in June 1941 knows). This is an area in which being a grognard or not is likely to make a difference. Grognards should play fairly and ensure they do not plut at disadvantage people who play CM without having written a PH.D. on armor thickness in the Eastern front. I really wonder eventually whether a generally agreed compromise date for QBs will emerge (e.g. battles from spring 1944 on seem to be fairly balanced). In sum, time should always be agreed upon. c) Rarity: Rarity, again, has a huge impact on the game balance. The issue here is basically the same, but add to the time-selection issue an extra complication. Unless explicitly agreed battles should be without rarity. c) It seems everybody will use end-randomizer. Finally that will put an end to the last-minute-flag rush. :mad: Random end should be default unless explicitly agreed. Comments? Additions?
  20. Dear Uber-grogs, Looking at the stats of the ISU-152 and the ISU 120 I happened to notice that armor-penetration figures for the 120 are better than those for the 152. However, in reality the ISU-152 was far superior to the ISU-120 in armor killing (wasn't the 152 nicknamed the "animals killer" or something?). Besides, logic dictates that a 152mm should have a punch greater than a 120mm using the same kind of rounds, right? I did not run tests in CMBB to see whether the 120 busts more tanks than the 152 but, again, from the stats it seems to me that there is someting wrong here.
  21. Has anybody prepared a chart with the date when vehicles become available/unavailabe in CMBB? Considering the time-span of CMBB and the sheer number of vehicles, that is badly needed. Without one knowing which date one should select when firing a QB is guess-work. I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Anybody interested in splitting the work? I can do the soviets. [ October 07, 2002, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: desertrat1943 ]
  22. I did a little test. One german pioneer squad demolished a large heavy building with 5 charges in 28 seconds. A soviet pioneer sqaud demolished a large light building with 2 charges in 18 sec.
  23. I happen to be a lawyer, and an international one for that matter. I do not totally agree with B. Weiss, as I think there might be legal ground to make a case here, but it would be: a) a legal long shot. Basically, you could accuse them of artificially segmenting the market. time consuming. By the time you get a ruling you'll be bored to death of playing CMBB. c) expensive. I am a keen CMBB player, and I might be tempted to do this pro bono, but hey, I got my CMBB and I am busy playing with it, alright? d) Just be a man and hold on!
  24. I was reading Kursk: Clash of armor by Colonel G. Koltunov (1966), and it downed on me that it might be terrific if some great modders and scenario designers out there could team up to design a set of mods and custom made scenarios for this great battle. I can offer to work as clearing house, central communication hub, readings, photos, biblio graphic work, and designing some battles and campaigns. I think we can start by gathering volunteers. Anyone interested can drop an e-mail to desertrat1943@yahoo.com.
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