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Peng Challenge v1.01, It's STILL not Fixed!!!


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Guest PondScum

Look, can you lot just go off and play a Blood Hamster duel in Neverwinter Nights?

D&D freaks.

<font size=-1>Pah.</font>

<font size=-2>RuneQuest was much better.</font>

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Look, can you lot just go off and play a Blood Hamster duel in Neverwinter Nights?

D&D freaks.

<font size=-1>Pah.</font>

<font size=-2>RuneQuest was much better.</font>

Never played either, stinky rat bastard.

*clears throat*

Alright, everybody now!

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the umpteeth level lord.

He can stand alone against a screaming demon horde

He has 300 hit points and a +10 vorpal sword

As he goes marching on...

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Back by demand from Seanachai , as this will pain him more that i don't even have the exscuse i am drunk.......

Only the fact that I am drunk is keeping me from taking my own life, right now.

Gaylord, you are a great burden to me. Almost as great a burden as your potential 'Liege'.

It's strange, actually. I always envisioned the Peng Challenge Thread as a place where a Jolly Band of Idjits could poke you, and people like Panzer Leader, with sharp sticks.

Really, really long sharp sticks. Pointed like needles. With at least a 16 foot shaft.

And, strangely, my dreams have come true.

But the both of you are still here, and I feel a certain sense of...responsibility for the fact that you're both as sodding stupid as a pair of gerbils.

But you're Our gerbils.

I think I'm going to throw up. With any luck at all, I'll aspirate the vomitus, and choke to death without ever, ever having to come to grips with how nice I've been to either Gaylord, or Panzer Leader

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Gaylord...gerbils...Panzer Leader? I don't want to think about it.

Bugger all, Old Rasputin's got me tipsy again.

Ah well, never say die, next verse!

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the umpteenth level mage

His spells are so high level that their casting takes an age

He has a book of scrolls that's got a wish on every page

As he goes marching on...

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Seanachai:

<font size=-1>But the both of you are still here, and I feel a certain sense of...responsibility for the fact that you're both as sodding stupid as a pair of gerbils.

But you're Our gerbils.</font>

You doddering old fool, have you forgotten the First Rule of Gerbils*? "There's no such thing as just a pair of gerbils". Pretty soon they'd be reproducing like mad, and with Gaylord and Panzer Leader as the parents, they'd be too damn dumb to eat their own offspring. Soon the MBT would be overwhelmed by a furry chittering mass. And I don't mean OGSF.

I'm with Berli on this one. No Reproduction For Panzer Leader.

*Second Rule of Gerbils: don't let Richard Gere get anywhere near them.

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Oh, ignoring the drunken philosopher I see. Uppity pillocks.

Won't spare you the last verse.

I cannot see the glory of the umpteenth level thief

He can hide in shadows and then cause you lots of grief

His backstab multiplier is just way beyond belief

As he goes sneaking on...

Good night.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Malakovski:

<font size=-1>Oh, ignoring the drunken philosopher I see.</font>

Best for all concerned, really.

Besides, you missed out the verse that reminds me of our very own dalem:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the flower-power Monk

He's no use for armor, magic weapons, or such junk

And he's immune to poison so he never winds up drunk

As he goes marching on!

Thankyou, and goodnight.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

Besides, you missed out the verse that reminds me of our very own dalem.

True. And there's even on about Seanachai:

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the umpteenth level bard

He's both thief and fighter and he thinks he's really hard

He plays the Hammond organ and the electrical guitar

As he goes filking on...

Now truly, to bed.

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I wasn't going to read this thread, but I was bored to tears. Now I've read it and I feel ill. Shoulda stuck with my original intention. The only redeeming feature was the mention of a Wine (wine, ya git, not whine... that's on the outer board... where you belong) Tourney.

Oh, and before I forget...

Seanachai... No freakin' way. Out of the bloody question. Over your dead and rotting corpse. Not in this or any other lifetime. PANZER LEADER SHALL NOT REPRODUCE!

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You know the great thing about Berli? He's constant, he's stable, like a good wheat-germ enema.

Gaylord Focker! Pshaw, did no one think to consider my feelings?? He is the perrennial fool on the Hill, he is the Nowhere Man but he ain't no squire of mine.

E'en thoough I held his hand and nurtured him back to health when he was beaten with bricks, e'en though it was MY shoulder that caught the tears of his crying jags, e'en though it was I who had to stay up till twelve-thirty on a Sunday night to watch the latest episode of The Iron Chef.

No thank-you. However, though glad that I shan't be saddled with the little Focker, I am still stung by Berli's automatonic response, therefore, I have a counter-offer:

I propose, nay demand, that one Berlichtingen, having denied squireship to a full kanigget, be required to take on said wastrel (said serf) as his own, beloved squire.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

(And another thing - Did anyone actually PLAY Aftermath? I had it, and it was complex and gorgeous, but we could never seem to actually play it.)

(and a second other thing, two words: Twilight 2000)

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo Radley's feeling left out! Come on everyone, let's talk about dating cousins, watching Oprah, playing with ourselves, the latest self-help books out on the market, and all thos other Gr-rr-reat! things Boo is interested in.

Dont forget the "Gilmore Girls"
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Man mabe those geograph polls are on to something........i'll give you a hint, July 1st is Candadian Independence Day, like our 4th of July.
Let's see if I got this straight. I'm supposed to pay attention to ANYTHING about Canada? Are you seriously trying to suggest that there's ANYTHING remotely interesting or noteworthy about CANADA FOR THE LOVE O'GAWD! ... excepting my own lovely child bride of 30+ years of course who was born there ... in Climax, Saskatchewan no less.

Furthermore, the last time I checked, GEOGRAPHY has next to nothing to do with DATES you cretin. Go boil a wok or something.


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