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Peng Challenge v1.01, It's STILL not Fixed!!!


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Uttered by Redwolf

But as we are speaking, can anybody explain this fun thing to me?

Well, sirrah, we in the M.B.T. never really have any fun. No, no quite impossible to do so when surrounded by cess. Ergo, we are forced to make fun. This we do with reckless abandon. Mostly, we make fun of each other, often of ourselves and most certainly at all manner of rules, regulations, Joe Shaw and in particular, i.e., to wit, e.g., etc., at any Outerboard grog who comes wandering in.

[ November 22, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by redwolf:

Yeah, so I am German (mostly anyway), does that make me special?

But as we are speaking, can anybody explain this fun thing to me?

Ah, Redwolf. You must learn to gently 'glide' your weasel...

Ignore what anyone else may have told you (Yeah, Moriarity, Ahm lookini'tyoo, Chimmae!). Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we are all about fun.

Now, Redwolf, you have such a pronouncedly....germanic approach to everything.

Good God, man! Look at your posts!

"I have noticed, after a number of experiments (there is not truth to any rumour that I used General Forum posters, handcuffs, and live ammo to achieve these results), that there are issues with certain aspects of the engine. And modeling. Also, with the durability of General Forum posters, which does not negate any of my other denials. The results simply do not bear out my understanding of what I understand. Beyond being troubling, this cannot be allowed. Sometimes, when it is especially stressful, I find myself using improper English sentence structure. So, I politely request that BFC review my data, and bring my happiness into alignment with the reality of combat."

Where's the fun, Redwolf?! Where's the 'ho-ho, I just kicked the living ****e out of Seanachai's troops, that bastarding gnome! Now I shall do the Teutonic 'Dance of Smug Victory'!

I mean, Lord Jesus using a walker, and doing a crossword puzzle, I can't remember the last time I read a post from you that didn't involve 'anomolous observed behaviours', 'unrealistic activities', and you're verging dangerously on using the word 'calipers' in other than a joking way.

Redwolf, We here in the Peng Challenge Thread are concerned about you.

We want to know that your dog is getting enough cheese; that your cat is murdering songbirds and small mammals in statistically significant numbers, and that you, Redwolf, yes you are having 'fun'.

And not that sordid, 'It does me great honour, Herr Hauptman, while causing me great pain to report that there are discrepancies between the observed data, and the ideal that would be achieved if I was allowed a greater freedom in the number of Forum Newbies I was allowed to deploy for my tests!"

Redwolf, We are not your friends. We're your enemies. And we are deeply, deeply concerned about you.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Redwolf, We here in the Peng Challenge Thread are concerned about you.

Oh stop teasing the poor boy!!

No we're not - we don't give a rotund rodent's rectum about him.

All that malarky about his pets?? Just seeing if they're well fed enough to be considered for Lardo's diet. Nothing more - we want Larscentious to die of cholesterol poisoning, so fat-free is out of the question.

Regular programming will never be restored.

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Originally posted by dalem:

Redwolf is a big poopiepants.

Ha melad YOU are the big poopie pants, sitting there shaking after recieving my challenge, which you refused to take on. I spit in your general direction! I imagine you're now trembling with shame in your little hovel, now that you've been shown up as the snivelling little coward you are!!
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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Uttered by Redwolf

But as we are speaking, can anybody explain this fun thing to me?

Well, sirrah, we in the M.B.T. never really have any fun. No, no quite impossible to do so when surrounded by cess. Ergo, we are forced to make fun. This we do with reckless abandon. Mostly, we make fun of each other, often of ourselves and most certainly at all manner of rules, regulations, Joe Shaw and in particular, i.e., to wit, e.g., etc., at any Outerboard grog who comes wandering in.</font>
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Ehh, did I say "thank you" to you cheery lot?

Lars/Seanachai proves that the 'poolers have a decent hart to the outerboarders. I was thinking of sponsering a 'poolers Wine Tourney in appreciation for the hunting radios - lots of animal species will be killed with them - but S(h)ucks-Shaw informed me that you guys need no stinkin outerboard sponsored tourney. Does the Lawyer speaketh for the whole of Pengville?



  • Sponsor of the (infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>
  • Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn's Brazilian customs drank the prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>
  • Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honour of Nabla </font>
  • RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Championship pending/~)</font>

[ November 23, 2002, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Bastarrrds!! Gorby-swillin', pimple-pickin' gaggle o' drool-washed pantin', stankin' (gi' tha laddie sixpence tae shut haes bleedin' ramblin'), gamey, festerin' uber-amphanol deployin', gap-toothed cacklin' BASTARRRDS!!!! (Tha bonnie wee lassies' excaipted o' course.)

Och Ah feckin' hate yoo lint-collectin' clumps o' lark spittle.

Dalem ye weepin' sack o' rotten foodstuffs, saind mae tha setoop ye owe mae an' shut ye mewlin' spinached-specked cakehole aboot at!

Lars as a dangley bit on a moggey's bum. AREN'T YE!!?? Ye go' maggot's fer brains. Any mon tha' stuff's haes size 48 camo pull oops (haes a big bairn noo) wi' road kill as a very strange BIG GIRL'S BLOUSE an' a prevert tae boot. AREN'T YE!!?? Ah'm qwintae saind ye a setoop an' mak' ye cry lak tha fox pee golden shower laddie ye are!!

Seanachai, thought ye'd go' awah wi' at, eh?? Callin' mae oot on tha previous MBT an' thankin' ye didnae haftae step oop fer ye herrin' slappin' after all! A scenario depot pick at as, an' ye'll rue tha day ye go' sae soused tha ye thought ye cud challainge mae an' gi wah wi at!


Sir MacOberGruppenBloodyStompinSicFeuhrerBastardABCDJimmy

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Originally posted by WineCape:

I was thinking of sponsering a 'poolers Wine Tourney in appreciation for the hunting radio's, but S(h)ucks-Shaw informed me that you guys need no stinkin outerboard sponsored tourney. Do the Lawyer speaketh for the whole of Pengville?

Wine? Did you say <big><big>WINE???</big></big>

Shaw be stuffed. I'm in!

(Can I be the side that throws those plunger looking thingies?)

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Originally posted by WineCape:

Ehh, did I say "thank you" to you cheery lot?

Lars/Seanachai proves that the 'poolers have a decent hart to the outerboarders. I was thinking of sponsering a 'poolers Wine Tourney in appreciation for the hunting radios - lots of animal species will be killed with them - but S(h)ucks-Shaw informed me that you guys need no stinkin outerboard sponsored tourney. Does the Lawyer speaketh for the whole of Pengville?

Lawyer! LAWYER! I've killed people for less ... well, maimed them at any rate ... okay I insulted them viley ... under my breath.

It is the responsibility of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread to maintain the honor and tradition of the MBT. ONE of those traditions is a complete and utter rejection of conventional ladders and tourneys.

This is not to say that we NEVER have tourneys. I myself began the First Semi-Regular More or Less Annual House Tourney, in which the various Houses of the MBT competed against each other in an extrememly disorganized (some might say UN-organzied) series of battles that featured 300 point, all random, computer buys QB ME. It was lovely.

A tourney, therefore, would not be OUTSIDE Of tradition IF IT WERE DONE PROPERLY ... which is to say IMproperly if you get my drift. It should feature gamey play, gamey purchases, treachery and bribery ... in other words it should mirror our normal gaming mode.


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Well, I don't drink wine, but I think it would be fun to maybe be the spoiler and keep someone who really does like wine from getting some. Anything to make someone else's day a little less happy, I always say.

Plus I see now that it might piss Old Joe off. Just for that I think we should do it.

Setups on their way out today you maggot-gagging bacteria.

[ November 23, 2002, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

Well, I don't drink wine, but I think it would be fun to maybe be the spoiler and keep someone who really does like wine from getting some. Anything to make someone else's day a little less happy, I always say.

Plus I see now that it might piss Old Joe off. Just for that I think we should do it.

Setups on their way out today you maggot-gagging bacteria.

Shut up dalem, those of us who didn't ABANDON CMBB in a fit of pique are discussing matters now ... don't interrupt your betters. Besides I seem to recall that you abandoned OUR game ... were you planning to make up for that?

As to the proposed tourney it depends, as does everything, on the final judgement of the Olde Ones ... hmmmm, Olde Ones ... Depends ...

I would also caution that since Winning and Losing are immaterial to TRUE CessPudlians, the award of the wine would have to be dependent upon other criteria ... perhaps a vote by the members on the quality of the AARs? That would certainly increase the bribery factor.


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I propose then a "Gamey Bastard Wine Tourney" --please discuss amoung your elders the wisdom or not thereof and let me know.



  • Sponsor of the (infamous) Invitational (Ari Maenpaa)</font>
  • Sponsor of the 2 WineCape Tourneys (Fangorn's Brazilian customs drank the prize up! + KiwiJoe)</font>
  • Sponsor of the Nordic Championships in honour of Nabla </font>
  • RoW I/II/III/~ tourney sponsor (Wreck/Championship pending/~)</font>

[ November 23, 2002, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: WineCape ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I would also caution that since Winning and Losing are immaterial to TRUE CessPudlians, the award of the wine would have to be dependent upon other criteria ... perhaps a vote by the members on the quality of the AARs? That would certainly increase the bribery factor.


By Jove Joe may be on something here.

"What? No, no honey, that wasn't slander . . . in print it's called libel . . . what? oh bother."

Ahem. What I MEANT to say was, "By Jove Joe may be ON something."

"What? No, I specifically said . . . you're right . . . but he acts like . . . oh bother."

Ahem, ahem. "By Jove Joe may be on TO something."

"Happy now, dear? What? Yes, yes, I'll get the trash out in a minute, I promise."

Sigh. Family is always so embarassing.

"What's that honey? No, no, I said 'my family is always so mesmerising. Really, I promise. What's that? Yes, I'll get the bloody garbage in a moment."

Anyway, sounds good to me. Count me in.

"Yes dear, I'll get the garbage RIGHT NOW."



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