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Wine, Women And Sing songs, Long Live The Peng Challenge Thread

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


There can be only one answer:


Tha stankin' patch caused mah artillery *snort* tae fall off tha map, mah feckin' idjit IL-Sturmobitch tae fire at's rickets at a squirrel thain shoot atsailf doon, haes poxy Nashorn tae score one shot kills on anythun tha' e'en looked lak at cost mae points, an' at were a feckin' attack, noo an assault - whuch wud explain wha tha bastarrrd managed tae buy nine feckin' tanks, aircraft an' a company o' troops tae attack mae wi' ain tha first gam we played.

BFC obviously made CMBB fer tha cabbage bashers tha' couldnae win a balanced gam ain CMBO. Waill at's a short-lived advantage....

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Berli, I'll have you know ALL our masterpieces at Ker Dessel are GUARANTEED to be finely balanced*.

I am offended you would imply otherwise, Sir. I suppose you think BALANCE lies in points and positions, Flags and Fortifications!

Harumph! You wouldn't understand TRUE BALANCE if it came up and hit you across the face with a dead mackeral (say . . . that gives me an idea . . .)


*For about thirty seconds until we actually begin purchasing units. After that, your results may vary. Not valid in Alaska, Hawaii, or any state whose name contains at least one vowel. Offer void in foreign jurisdictions. Subject to terms and limitations. Some restrictions apply.

Ummm, actually I believe it's more correctly phrased as:

*For about thirty seconds OR until we actually begin purchasing units whichever comes first and/or before the other. After that, your results may vary. Not valid in Alaska, Hawaii, or any state whose name contains at least one vowel. Offer void in foreign jurisdictions. Subject to terms and limitations. Some restrictions apply.

Other than that it was spot on.

And you're a fine one to talk Mr. Let's put a setup zone in the bleeding corner so anyone with an ounce of brains can kill every freaking T-34 that pokes it's snout out with our hull down Crack Stugs that the T-34s can't penetrate even if they DO last long enough to get a shot off which they usually don't because the bleeding Stugs are, hello, Crack.

Not that I'm bitter.


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That was just an attack? I thought for sure it was an assault... Well I guess I'm not quite a genius, but it still doesn't alleviate your suckiness, that's something!

Mind you, this is after the whole "Oops, My IL2 blew up my IS2, better fubar the patch and send him two turns back" epiosode. Needless to say, I was unfazed.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And you're a fine one to talk Mr. Let's put a setup zone in the bleeding corner so anyone with an ounce of brains can kill every freaking T-34 that pokes it's snout out with our hull down Crack Stugs that the T-34s can't penetrate even if they DO last long enough to get a shot off which they usually don't because the bleeding Stugs are, hello, Crack.

Not that I'm bitter.


Hey, I aim to please. Glad you enjoyed it.

I would like to know which one it was, though, as that particular description could apply to any number of fine Ker Dessel* offerings.


*Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the WORST way

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Could I have a moment of silence please? No, not for me, for the weeOGSF. I don't know how else to say it, so let me just state the facts.

Allied ASSAULT, I'm defending.

Axis TOTAL Victory: 91 - 9

There can be only one answer: He sucks, and I am a tactical genius.

Lorak please put OGSF to bed.

Pretty tough talk for a guy who:

Zed) Refused a challenge put forth by my squire Nidan1, at my request.

IggyPop) Has ignored my challenge.

Have you no Kanniggety honor at all?

Or are you some small creeping thing that creeps around...in a small way. (Ok, my analogies need work. Sheesh!)

Let me know which of us you'll fight.

Send me a note.

Written on that lavender scented notepaper you love so much.

In other news:

Gamey Jeff sure wished the patch, with it's slightly reduced bogging had been around when we started our QB. (Why, I don't know. It was RAINING fr' cryin' out loud. It wasn't going to magically float his armor across the map!) Of his 11 tanks, three bogged. Which still gave him 9 to pummel me with. Good thing I had all that armor too! Oh wait...I DIDN'T HAVE ANY ARMOR. I had two 45 guns. One of which never fired a shot. I had some AT rifles. They didn't do much. I had two tank hunter teams. They knocked out two of his tanks. Everything else I had was infantry.

Which was enough.

69-31. Tactical Victory for yours truly.

Now, for revenge, he's got me playing on a map the size of a sandbox with 753,495 points worth of troops. Per side.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And you're a fine one to talk Mr. Let's put a setup zone in the bleeding corner so anyone with an ounce of brains can kill every freaking T-34 that pokes it's snout out with our hull down Crack Stugs that the T-34s can't penetrate even if they DO last long enough to get a shot off which they usually don't because the bleeding Stugs are, hello, Crack.

Not that I'm bitter.


Hey, I aim to please. Glad you enjoyed it.

I would like to know which one it was, though, as that particular description could apply to any number of fine Ker Dessel* offerings.


*Ker Dessel - when you want to play CM in the WORST way</font>

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, you challenged me? I thought you were just picking at a scab on your ankle with your big toe or something.

Hey, if you want that analogy, it's fine by me...

As for your squeer, never fear, I sicced (sic?) my assistant on him.

I'm sorry. Is that legal? Can anyone just designate some other hapless rube and call them their "assistant" or "protege" or "gunsel"? I don't think so.

Where's the Field Judge? I want a ruling on this.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, you challenged me? I thought you were just picking at a scab on your ankle with your big toe or something.

Hey, if you want that analogy, it's fine by me...

As for your squeer, never fear, I sicced (sic?) my assistant on him.

I'm sorry. Is that legal? Can anyone just designate some other hapless rube and call them their "assistant" or "protege" or "gunsel"? I don't think so.

Where's the Field Judge? I want a ruling on this.</font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Hey, I aim to please. Glad you enjoyed it.

I would like to know which one it was, though, as that particular description could apply to any number of fine Ker Dessel* offerings.

You are not terribly bright are you? He, Joe, was talkin' aboot one of mine.


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Originally posted by OGSF:

pAnzeR LEeda iS KOOl anD RoX cuz...

*scrabble* *scamper*


Feckin' span'l....

I'd shoot that mangey mongrel if it were mine.

Mind you, with an owner like that, I'd be lookin' fer 'nuther place to eat, sleep and crap at, as well.


[ November 27, 2002, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Emma, I like your rules...short and to the point. I'm ready to play Twister! I brought some wine too!

*Persephone notices Dalem curled up in a fetal position on the floor while making high pitched wimpering noises.*

Is something wrong with Dalem?

Hold the Wine and Twister till later Karen it might just come in handy.

As for dalem and all that noise he's making.... I wouldn't worry too much, he's heading off for a week or so and just decided to try out his Screaming Minnie before packing his Dice Bag.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You are not terribly bright are you? He, Joe, was talkin' aboot one of mine.


Indeed, my former Eevilness<SUP>tm</SUP>!

That would be your wonderful "A Lonely Country" scenario, if I'm not mistaken... Especially lonely if your name is Joe. And you just got so butt-whupped by The Infallible Forces Of Flossschenheimer that all your T-34's lay bleeding, prostrated before the God of Stug, accompanied by the horrific gnashing and wailing of torn Rooskie .infs!! Muhahahahaaa!

A mere 99-1 {oh, yeah - that's right folks - read my lips - N-I-N-E-T-Y N-I-N-E to O-N-E!!!} cat-astrophy for House Shavian! Beat THAT PL.. your chest thumping is but a mere tickle with a cowardly white feather in comparison - *POOT!*

I'd post a marvellous screeny of this historic moment, but unfortunately I changed my old keyboard for a brand spankin' new MICRO$OFT NET keyboard. Of course, none of the functions or keys werk rite so I can't take a screenie for love or money. Frickin' Gates Slut!!! *sigh*

Stand by for the next installment of "Aussiejeff Pillages The House Of Shavian". It shouldn't take very long this time either...


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Originally posted by Persephone:

*Persephone notices Dalem curled up in a fetal position on the floor while making high pitched wimpering noises.*

Is something wrong with Dalem?

Dear Emma launched a surgical strike that hit Dalem in a key geopolitical location.

I wouldn't be concerned though....It's not like he was using them.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

What? Nobody has stepped forward to take The Git as a squire yet? You do realize, that if I do, he'll never make knight doncha? Come on now, I know there must be some kind soul out there that will take that little focker.

Hmm. It's tempting to do this ignoble thing in the interests of Public Safety.....

Nahh. Let some other kind hearted mug do it.


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I have learned, Berlichtingen, oh yes. In fact, I am quite as surprised at my new-found tactical genius as the rest of y'all, But Berli, I'm just so.... so , sniff, frightened of being challenged, and getting my ass kicked, and possibly losing this little shred of manhood that I have been able to cultivate, sniff, sniff I would rather little Gaylord, you know him Berli,.... the cute one with the crazy posts and no spell check,... go out there first sniff, I am just so afraid!!

Pusulanimus twit!!

[ November 27, 2002, 07:01 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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OGSF's latest tactic: Sure that there must be SOME way to defeat me (what, is this like the fourth or fifth game I've given him a good scrubbing?) he has sent me another set-up. This time he doesn't even bother to list any parameters, it just SHOWS up, unannounced, an empty little letter with a small packet of fairy-dust inside.

I should maybe just give him a little "Dalem Pity F**k" so he'll stopp throttling that span'l of his.

Well Berli, it's been twenty-four hours and that mewling box is still sitting out on your front stoop. Looks like you have to take it in and feed it. (I'll expect a brown truck-and-dolly to be delivering a package soon. Be sure to stamp the crate 'fragile'!)

Boo, hold on a minute, let me catch up on the outerboards efore I have my boss pay for your lecture. (Shows how important YOU are, don't it?)

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Athkatla, I seem to remember that our last encounter ended with you taking a hammer to your PC when the inevitability of defeat at the hands of my boisterous Bavarians and wanton Wurtumbergers finally hit home. We should reconvene this unfinished business on the Ostfront, where I understand open-ground rushes in the face of withering fire are all the rage – you should feel right at home!

Send me a setup for a battle in the great traditions of top of the table poseurs v basement stragglers and I’ll put you out of your misery – relegation before christmas is on the cards, just in time for another new PC in the January sales!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Panzer Leader you mean ... well it's been clearly established SO FAR that Berli is adamantly opposed to any possibility of Panzer Leader breeding. However, recent suggestions have claimed a bit of what Berli calls a brain so circumstances may change. At THIS point, however, he may NOT lay claim to anyone as anything.



Vindication is mine!

Go ahead, Prancing Wheezer, the longer you sidestep us, the more fully you show your true colors to the rest of the MBT.

Why don't you just go ahead and save yourself the pain and humiliation, by admitting defeat right now?

We won't think any less of you.

We couldn't.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

I'd post a marvellous screeny of this historic moment, but unfortunately I changed my old keyboard for a brand spankin' new MICRO$OFT NET keyboard. Of course, none of the functions or keys werk rite so I can't take a screenie for love or money. Frickin' Gates Slut!!! *sigh*

And they said Microsoft couldn't do anything right.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Don’t dot your i’s or cross your t’s.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You are not terribly bright are you? He, Joe, was talkin' aboot one of mine.


Indeed, my former Eevilness<SUP>tm</SUP>!

That would be your wonderful "A Lonely Country" scenario, if I'm not mistaken... Especially lonely if your name is Joe. And you just got so butt-whupped by The Infallible Forces Of Flossschenheimer that all your T-34's lay bleeding, prostrated before the God of Stug, accompanied by the horrific gnashing and wailing of torn Rooskie .infs!! Muhahahahaaa!

A mere 99-1 {oh, yeah - that's right folks - read my lips - N-I-N-E-T-Y N-I-N-E to O-N-E!!!} cat-astrophy for House Shavian! Beat THAT PL.. your chest thumping is but a mere tickle with a cowardly white feather in comparison - *POOT!*

I'd post a marvellous screeny of this historic moment, but unfortunately I changed my old keyboard for a brand spankin' new MICRO$OFT NET keyboard. Of course, none of the functions or keys werk rite so I can't take a screenie for love or money. Frickin' Gates Slut!!! *sigh*

Stand by for the next installment of "Aussiejeff Pillages The House Of Shavian". It shouldn't take very long this time either...


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