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Disappearing squads

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Spoiler - kind of - as if everybody hadn't played this already -

Have I missed earlier comments on this? I was playing Citadel Schwerpunkt and had hidden some anti tank units in the dry river. As the German armor came over the edge, one of the tanks spotted the AT unit, rolled past them, then fired back at almost point blank range. The AT unit disappear from the map! I thought I'd just lost track of them in the Steppe, as the new bases are hard for me to see. So I 'rewound' the move and this time hi-lited the unit. Same results, and the unit truely just ceased to be on the map. No hi-liting, no eliminated unit, nothing. Has anybody seen this before? Kind of weird.


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Is that new behavior with CMBB? I've seen lots of captured units, both in CMBO and CMBB, but never had them disappear as they were captured? Actually, the only things I've ever seen completely disappear from the game were units moving off the map edge.


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Originally posted by Mirage2k:

I think I've had some of my units disappear during setup when I placed them. (In the Stare scenario). I'm not sure though.

That would be two half-squads combinining into one squad. Say, you have your 3-sqd b and 3-sqd a, and you place either of them close to the another -> you have a whole 3-sqd ! Ta daa !
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A rather similar thing happened to me in the Tutorial .I was using both my Russian tanks to fire at an AT gun. I was focussing closely on one of the tanks when i thought i heard the sound of a hit off behind me. And when I looked the second tank had totally disappeared. It had been very close to the side map edge and I wondered whether it had swiftly retreated off the map and disappeared from the battle------in fact can units when hurt,independently retreat off map and be lost??

Anyone enlighten me on this please? :confused:

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Originally posted by pcelt:

in fact can units when hurt,independently retreat off map and be lost??

Anyone enlighten me on this please? :confused:

From the New Features section :

If vehicles reach "Broken" morale state, they may retreat off the map if that provides a nearby escape from a threat (similar to what infantry does).

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Just bumping this - as I am curious as to BFC's knowledge of / comments about this. This thread got a bit sidetracked, I'm not talking about split squads, captured squads, squads moving off map, etc. So, BFC, have you seen this happen, ie. a unit being destroyed (I think the direct fire from the tank hit my unit head on) that disappears from the game in the instant of being hit?

Just curious, as it doesn't affect game play. I'm not sure how it affects body count, score, etc.



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FOW is much more opaque in CMBB. If one of your units gets captured it switches over to 'their side' and become just a difficult to spot as their troops would be. Imagine them being grabbed by the shirt collar and dragged back to where the enemy unit is hiding, for a little impromptu 'interrogation'.

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Originally posted by rlh1138:

Spoiler - kind of - as if everybody hadn't played this already -

Have I missed earlier comments on this? I was playing Citadel Schwerpunkt and had hidden some anti tank units in the dry river. As the German armor came over the edge, one of the tanks spotted the AT unit, rolled past them, then fired back at almost point blank range. The AT unit disappear from the map! I thought I'd just lost track of them in the Steppe, as the new bases are hard for me to see. So I 'rewound' the move and this time hi-lited the unit. Same results, and the unit truely just ceased to be on the map. No hi-liting, no eliminated unit, nothing. Has anybody seen this before? Kind of weird.


Had the same thing happen twice in the Zittadelle scenario, in pretty much the same circunstances.

Both units were anti-tank rifle teams; both were being shot at close range (less than 150 m). No bodies in evidence. Fairly certain they didn't flee off the mapedge but not certain (would have to have been the long-side edge, if they did)

I put it down to lack of observation on my part and sort of put it to one side. Your post reminded me of it; seemed strange.

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This is definitely caused by captured units. A friendly captured unit is treated as an enemy unit as far as spotting is concerned. Note that you may have another unit that has LOS to the captured unit but that does not mean that it is seen. Since no marker is left for friendly units, it seems as though the unit disappears.

Units surrender left and right in the Citadel Scenario because of the green/conscript status of many of the Russian units. Therefore, a Russian player may see several units disapearing.

[ September 11, 2002, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Pak40 ]

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I have experienced the second occasion of a disappearing tank in the tutorial.

The first occurred when playing the Russians when my second tank advancing behind me near the map edge , seemed to be hit and when I then looked ,it had totally disappeared.On this occasion I assumed it had retreated off the map surface.(see earlier post in thread)

To-day , playing the German side for some variety, I fired my AT gun at one of the advancing Russian tanks and saw a "gun damaged" message appear. So I then shifted my attention to the other tank but when I returned my view to the area of the first "damaged" tank, it was nowhere to be seen and never reappeared. This time it had not been very near any map edge.

I cannot find any "game" explanation for this swift disappearance .

If this has happened to anyone else in the tutorial or if anyone has a convincing hypothesis I should like to hear it.

NB No drink had passed my lips. :eek:

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