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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

Well I see somethings NEVER change........

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

My company was dumb enough to move me to Minneapolis to "work from home". Read "play CM all day between conference calls from home".

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

Not only a moron but a jealous one at that.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jd:


Kind of looks like the legal profession has grown a bit thin here. <hr></blockquote>

Actually, I've put on a few pounds this year, but I'm still a "whole lotta of lovin' law".

Now, I see that you have decided to come in here and "spray" everything (including Bauhaus) with your "official lawyer of the Pool" nonsense. Listen up, jd, I've been the Lawyer here for quite some time in your absence (how are your compatriots doing at detox?). I've dispensed valuable advice at NO CHARGE. The only one who missed you is Hiram, which is to say nobody missed you.

Most recently, I've been involved in intense negotiations to return the Justicar to his rightful place here at MBT, in return for a small remuneration from a Lady of Talent.

So don't flaunt your old ways around here. What have you done for the Cesspool lately? Nada. Nothing. Zilch.

You ain't the only Law in town anymore. And you certainly aren't the best. And MrSpkr will always be our Paralegal, although I wish he looked better in short skirts. Perhaps OGSF can give him some style advice.

So look back over the posts during your absence, and you will see the Cesspool has been very well served by Lawyer, the Real and True Embodiment of Justice.

Your pal,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by jd:

Slapp Really can't you come up with some other reason that that tired old saw. Hell, even I hates them, everyone does, so do try to be more than pendantically inspired. there's a good chap...<hr></blockquote>

You don't understand jd, I work for Justice. You can never make fun of lawyer too long or with too much gusto. Especially those who are involved with the government.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

My company was dumb enough to move me to Minneapolis to "work from home". Read "play CM all day between conference calls from home".<hr></blockquote>

That would explain why turns are returned so damned quickly at all hours.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Moriarity, apparently I was indeed moronic enough to post to this thread, thereby subjecting myself to half-witted comments by you and your droogs. I should leave now before I start to adapt bad habits...

Dalem, what is it you do and where do I sign up?<hr></blockquote>

Must be an evolutionary thing I missed along the way, but us halfwits are like that.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

I'd need a turn from you to really evaluate that.

Speaking of turns...

Did I crush Lawyer into tiny little attorney bits and sweep him under the rug?

Oh yeah.

Did it take 6 months and 43 turns for him to see the light and surrender to me?

Oh yeah.

Was the scenario a) gigantic and almost unmanageable, and B) heavily skewed towards the Defender (yours truly)?

Oh yeah.

Does any of the above make my victory any less sweet?

Oh no.

I win, Lawyer lost, and that's the way it should be.<hr></blockquote>

Dalem got a lucky shot at me on turns 5 to 43, inclusive. Just luck, that's all.

Who chose "August Bank Holiday" by Franko?? I did? Nevermind.

[ 01-16-2002: Message edited by: Lawyer ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Just curious...how do you bottom-dwellers support yourselves if you're talking to your pseudo-intellectual friends all day on this stupid thread? Is their some kind of a government system in place to keep you refresh monkeys from starving?<hr></blockquote>

"'scuse me, it seems you have a bit of SSN behind your ear," *(frenzied picking of nits beneath deft fingers, only to have carapaces crunched 'tween tre' molars)*

"All done, there's a good Dweller. No more vermin for you!"

[Not edited because I couldn't be bothered to give half a crap]

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

(1) The unjust and evil persecution of those of us who have formed an IL-2 Squadron under the name of Air Cess MUST CEASE! TEN members of this body are ALSO members of Air Cess, yet none of them were chastised (except for Lawyer and he really doesn't count since no one can stand him anyway). In return we agree to keep mention of the Squadron to a bare minimum here on the MBT, and indeed it has always BEEN at a minimum save for a short invitation before we had a home of our own.<hr></blockquote>

Keep your Il/2ness over there. Bring it here and suffer the slings and arrows. I reiterate...

Sod off!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I need justice! Seanachai and Berli had a whispered conversation in the hall and announced (summarily I might add) that I am to be neutered, never to give back through my progeny of squires what I so graciously achieved here in the Mutha Beautiful. <hr></blockquote>

Whispered? We bloody well shouted it from the top of the mountain... no yarbles for you boy-o

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

Moriarity, apparently I was indeed moronic enough to post to this thread, thereby subjecting myself to half-witted comments by you and your droogs. I should leave now before I start to adapt bad habits...

Dalem, what is it you do and where do I sign up?<hr></blockquote>

I am only taking applications if you are female, nubile, have long dark hair, and are almost finished with your graduate thesis. A touch of Catholic guilt would be fine as well.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

I am only taking applications if you are female, nubile, have long dark hair, and are almost finished with your graduate thesis. A touch of Catholic guilt would be fine as well.


Heres a milk bottle filled with liver.

Sorry, its all we could arrange at short notice.

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A tip o' the glass (to' certainly not enought to actually spill anything) to my once Lord and Master, JD who is to the Legal Profession what Jerimiah was to the Jews (read: either an inspiration or very, very dead; depending on your temperment).

Whilst I may be whupping the laggaard of this rather lamed-entitled Thread in one of the Many Hells of Rune, there is always time to heap at least some belittlement upon The Once and Future Gnome, Seanachai who reacts to bocage like a girl-virgin to starched sheets at a Motel "6".

Maaarlow makes an appearance, after cowering in his bunker for months whilst Our Lorak hangs it out, giving up enough time that I no longer have the files of his soon-impending loss to Yours Drunken.

And in the Land of Loraak, Mrs. Lorak of the unpronouncable Frogname was Oh So Fortunate enough to recieve a call from Your Drunken only a few miles awaay whilest He Who Cannot Keep Knees&Heeels Together was off at work, thus illustrating that there is in fact little if not no connexion between Cesspooling and the ablility to speak.

If none of this has made the slighest cents (sic), then the various and sundry Valar of Hootch have fully executed their Duties... Hails to jd and the rest of You can Buy(t) Me drinks whilest I a-wait your surrenders.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>In the absence of Peng I shall accept the public acknowledgement of Goanna as the Olde Australian in his stead.<hr></blockquote>

And you have had it, sir:

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Quoteth the ÜberLizard:

He will return to the fold in the natural course of things, after time has had her way with Joe and exposed him to the fact that she is a fluid beast and can concentrate at one point and pass in an instant (as when playing a lasting quality product like CM) or spread herself into what may seem all eternity (as when flying around being shot out of the air repeatedly by 12 year olds). That is the natural way of things and years of experience tell me not to screw with nature too much.<hr></blockquote>

A hearty Nay! I have it. Jesus-H-Andreas, don’t you pillocks even read before you post these days?

And Lawyer can stop spreading his filth here too, even though we are running quite low on filth. I retained jdmorse as cesspool legal counsel (welcome back counsellor) a millennium (in cesspool years) before the best part of Lawyer was even running down the inside of his mum’s thigh.

You lot of Il2ness fans can feck right off to that forum, not to be heard from here again until you realise the error of your ways by your own devices or manage to split your personalities well enough to not speak of it at all here.

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