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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

I was born in Alabama and lived in Tennessee until I was seven. Does that count?<hr></blockquote>

Where do you live now?

Actually, if you pull off the official Cesspool wiener rating page then I suspect that you will indeed live up to being a Southerner.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Actually, I believe this one will go the way of Anouilh's "Beckett". From bosom chums, we will descend to being at odds, then into anger, and finally, in a drunken and enraged state, I'll make a casual comment and several Seniour Knights will hunt him down and kill him.

It'll end in tears, I tell you. I just know it.<hr></blockquote>

This simply doesn’t work. It was Beckett who was the enlightened man, and the King who was the whimpering spoiled child. The irony of the story would be entirely lost if one such as yourself were to play the part of the fool. As you have described it the killing would be entirely just. Get your roles straight man!

Your friendly neighborhood SSN,


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lars:

Berli, if your ten challenge openings are not yet full of SSN's, I'll take a piece of that brimstone action.

If all slots should happen to be filled, go tell Persephone that the biscuits are too hard and the gravy is lumpy.<hr></blockquote>

Send a setup... I've had enough of the frying pan for a bit

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Guest PondScum

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

Because that is then what you will thine be. To me. At that point.


Can I get a translation, my liege?

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I have made a horrible mistake. Yes I, the Prince of Darkness, have created a situation which may shake the very foundation of this the Mutha Beautiful Thread. I did orchestrate the removal of the Justicar, but in so doing I opened the door to foul revolutionaries.

As you know, I have gone forth to do battle with the vile chrisl in order to win back the good name of Peng. I had the Überlizard set up the battle thinking this would be the best method of assuring an even playing field. Little did I know that Goanna is, I suspect , the leader of an Anti Peng Conspiracy. Imagine my shock and surprise when I opened the file of our Meeting Engagement only to see the VLs off in the distance… on the other side of the map.

I must now swallow my pride and beg that the Justicar return to weed out these foul conspirators.

Joe you must return! The Mutha Beautiful [shudder]needs you[/shudder]

Emma! fire up the stenographers!

Persephone ready the frying pan

Kitty sharpen your claws

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I LOVE WinXP. I can fly anywhere I want to go today by just spreading my arms like wings...

Wow, THANK YOU Bill Gates! And thank your Slut too.<hr></blockquote>

While we Need Joe, you, on the other hand, are just another lawyer. And that is something we need like a haggis

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

While we Need Joe, you, on the other hand, are just another lawyer. And that is something we need like a haggis<hr></blockquote>

Do we have a haggis? Oh ya, that guy with all the initials.

This just in: I have begun playtesting of a new scenario based on the picturesque landscape of the inn I recently stayed at in Maryland while attending my cousin's wedding. It is named Kent Manor after the inn. It's largeish. If there are any squirely duals coming, or just two kanniggets looking to vent a little steam, let me know and I'll pass it along. I think it will play best as PBEM, as the AI has little concept of attack or defense. Hmmm...HIrAm SedAI. A coincidence? I think not.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I have made a horrible mistake. Yes I, the Prince of Darkness, have created a situation which may shake the very foundation of this the Mutha Beautiful Thread. I did orchestrate the removal of the Justicar, but in so doing I opened the door to foul revolutionaries.

As you know, I have gone forth to do battle with the vile chrisl in order to win back the good name of Peng. I had the Überlizard set up the battle thinking this would be the best method of assuring an even playing field. Little did I know that Goanna is, I suspect , the leader of an Anti Peng Conspiracy. Imagine my shock and surprise when I opened the file of our Meeting Engagement only to see the VLs off in the distance… on the other side of the map.

I must now swallow my pride and beg that the Justicar return to weed out these foul conspirators.

Joe you must return! The Mutha Beautiful [shudder]needs you[/shudder]

Emma! fire up the stenographers!

Persephone ready the frying pan

Kitty sharpen your claws <hr></blockquote>Berli I had resolved myself to retire, to lay aside the burden of the Justicariate and download por ... uh ... re-read the Iliad and Odometer. I had resolved that you were correct, that we had too much of procedure and rules, that the CessPool would be better without the rigid strictures which had sprung up (yes, yes Bauhuas very impressive but we have work to do now so please ... PLEASE sit down) around the CessPool.

But this awful news has brought me out of my exile. For what, I ask you all, is the CessPool without Peng? It is not and never has been HIS thread, but it is OF him and the proudest boast of any man (yes fair Dame YK2 and woman too) is surely ... Itch Bin Ein Penger!

Berli I put our differences aside (though IL-2 is a LOVELY game and the gang over at ... sorry, sorry. Rest assured ... the Justicariate is ON THE CASE! Let the investigation begin! Now where DID MrSpkr put that Stenographer list?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Where do you live now?

Actually, if you pull off the official Cesspool wiener rating page then I suspect that you will indeed live up to being a Southerner.<hr></blockquote>

I have purchased a dwelling in the toasty warm town of Columbia Heights, MN, abutting the fair metropolis of Minneapolis.

After TN, I was raised in Connecticut, did my undergrad in Michigan, a couple of unfinished years' M.S. work in Rhode Island, then back to Michigan for a stretch, and now Jesse's new arena, Minnesota. And that's all there is to say about that.

PondScum: challenge a SSN and beat him. Soundly. If you cannot beat him, then complain loudly about how the scenario was unfair in some way, how the clouds got in your eyes, how your medication was off that day, and other sundry things. Once that is accomplished, shovel my walk and change the oil in my automobile. Calculate the cube roots of several large prime numbers using a broken slide rule, squeeze the anal glands of my friends' cats, write a letter to my congressman about the universal gravitational constant, and convince Ralph Nader that he can't help everyone no matter how hard he tries.

Set to it!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by dalem:

Hey, if any of you lot out there are bored, me and a non-pooler (Scott B) are looking for someone to design an Op for us. We have some ideas but for obvious reasons would need third party assistance. Any takers?

Thieving wankers.<hr></blockquote>

Send me the particulars

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

[QBblah blah

Stenographer list?


Now this one phrase immediately perked my interest, as I saw visions of clerk typists battling it out with lance and sword while wearing bun hear dos and short skirts. Obviously, the Docs have screwed up my med levels, but there is nothing I can do about it since I am on the road tomorrow and the next day.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Yes well then, okay, how about my case?

[ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: Panzer Leader ]<hr></blockquote>Panzer Leader, you're not paying attention. I represent the CessPool ... I'm the prosecutor in a sense and if your case ever came up for judgement ... do you prefer lethal injection or electrocution?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Panzer Leader, you're not paying attention. I represent the CessPool ... I'm the prosecutor in a sense and if your case ever came up for judgement ... do you prefer lethal injection or electrocution?


I am happy that Joe{/b] is back.

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XP blows chunks:

When it is time to upgrade this old box (Gateway with a celeron 400 and 196 megoram) it will be formatted and LINUX installed. My NEW computer will be a Mac (for playing CM).

Circumstances under which XP should be used:

B. Never

42. User is a complete effing MORON

11. User is Lawyer {see # 42 above)

IX.c.vii User requires "Wizards" to COMPLETELY SCREW EVERYTHING UP AND MAKE THE MACHINE UNUSABLE ON A NETWORK - Other than a dial up connection from home. (I don't need wizards to do that -perfectly capable of screwing a machine up the old fashioned way - hell I can even screw em up from a command line)

a.4 User has had full frontal lobotomy. {see # 11)

11.11 User smells like butt. [see # 11}


one hundred bottles of beer on the wall. User is given choice of testicalectomy via farm implements and lye or use of XP as everyday OS.

Hell hath no fury like a Gates-slut spurned (or one who has had to reinstall XP several times on the same machine for various and sundry reasons the most important of which being XP SUCKS!!!)

Thank you for your kind attention.

Goanna is of course GUILTY of conspiracy to keep Peng in purgatory, But we still should have the full trial - I would like for my Stenographer to be a red-head.


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Ok, enough of that crap you bastages. First Gates Slut gets me laughing so hard I start to cough my lungs out and then Persephone tries to do me in with the same method.

[edited because I am staring at my lungs on the floor... now where did I put my cigs]

[ 01-19-2002: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]</p>

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