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I've got a plan. I'm gonna take my money here, and give it to Steve over there. Now, since I've already paid, let him go and change the game all he wants, he's already got my cash. You see, the matter is this, how many here are gonna buy CMBB, regardless altimatley of what is IN the game? I'd say EVERYONE. So waht does it matter anyway? BFC bassically already has our cash in hand. I mean come on, We're drooling left and right for this game, and we still keep bitching? I think we're in no place to whine, BFC has done an incredible job, I think we all can agree on that. So: Take my money now, so that I won't be able to whine about buying the game, or changing features, or whatever.

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Originally posted by Manx:

...Make me an offer!

No, no, no... make them an offer they can't refuse ;)

Tanaka reads BTS post; Tanaka looks into its long list of American fellow CM gamers... Tanaka smiles :D

Most probably, this fall, some US citizen will buy a CMBB game to is "grand mother" ;)

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I dont mind when they call Waffen SS as Waffen Grenadiere, but latest rumors saying that in the Original US Version all Soviet Soldiers have the Face of Ken (From Barbie Mattell) so have fun with this gay people out there in the US (g,d&r)

:D :cool: :D :cool: :D :cool:

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I hate it when the small things are not made right. Call me small minded, but I'm very sorry that BTS spended five years of historic research, and then make such a unnecessary wrong decission on the word of a German laywer who told some completly false BS. Steve, you wouldn't undermine something with an official patch, you just would correct a misspelling - without violating any German law.

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Considering the audience you play to and your CMBO experience I would have though you’d have grown much thicker skin by now.
Well, the fact the thread in question did break through our rather thick skin (trust me... my feelings are not just my own smile.gif ) should underscore how we feel about this issue.

Also, we know very well (thanks!) that the overwhelming majority of our customers out there are not having a problem with our arrangement with CDV outside of reasonably stated legit complaints/issues. But that thread was getting worse by the minute, with people jumping to all sorts of (incorrect) conclusions about what the CDV deal REALLY means to European customers.


Well, that's ineresting, very interesting. Besides the subtle condoning of minor hackage, they also seem to be implying that they WILL NOT themselves release a hack. Or something...
Let me clear that one up. We do not condone any hacking of our code. However, should a patch appear that changes this one line of data... well, we wouldn't have our panties in a twist over it.

And I am not saying that a hack like that is likely to happen. Just saying that in principle we aren't supposed to do that.


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Originally posted by L.Tankersley:

Lest anyone think that the 1337 h4x0r5 don't have their own problems...



Now that is Priceless!

if you want a GOOD laugh read that article in the link and laugh your self silly at this kids logic:

""I spent two-and-a-half hours downloading Dungeon Siege off of a

private FTP server, and another twenty minutes finding a crack for

the executable file," said Jesse. "After playing the game for a week,

putting in approximately 29 hours of gameplay, I was absolutely

bored with the point-and-click style of game. That's two blank CDs

I'll never get back.""


""As a consumer, I go out and purchase CD-writers, blank CDs on which to burn copyrighted software illegally, and of course

jewel cases, CD binders, labels, and felt-tipped markers," said Jesse. "After that investment I feel cheated when a game

producer distributes a game that I'm only going to play solidly for a month before storing it on the shelf."



-tom w

[ July 10, 2002, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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Originally posted by Agua:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

There, I think that addresses the major points. I hope so, because typing this up probably means at least one tank model will not be in CMBB. As I just said, everything has its price. Mindless bitching and badmouthing us on our Forums is not an exception to the rule.


PLEASE STEVE, don't drop a vehicle for this. Don't even bother responding to anything in this thread. Anyone else with any gripes about whatever is crappy about CDV, PLEASE, just drop it as you're costing us units now.</font>
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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Scipio:

I hate it when the small things are not made right. Call me small minded, but I'm very sorry that BTS spended five years of historic research, and then make such a unnecessary wrong decission on the word of a German laywer who told some completly false BS. Steve, you wouldn't undermine something with an official patch, you just would correct a misspelling - without violating any German law.

Oh for crying out loud, Scipio, ENOUGH ALREADY. Battlefront and CDV have talked to REAL LIVE LAWYERS about this. They paid them, they took their legal opinion (even though they argued against it), and ran with it. They did this because they want to sell a game, and not become some righteous test case for you to feel good about.

May I kindly suggest that you either

(a) post your legal credentials here for all to see and admire, or

(B) go pay a lawyer of your very own for their opinion, or

© shut the hell up and let Steve get back to coding tank models?

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Thanks for your time, Steve. Too bad about the sacrificed model (hope it wasn't too important).

Guess you are right about protection software. I was just hoping you guys would stay away from it forever. But until somebody slaps these l33t HAxOr types around severely, those who actually pay will have to suffer.

Why Waffengrenadiere? Why not HamsterTruppen? I would buy a European copy just for that! :D


[ July 10, 2002, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

...and I am not saying that a hack like that is likely to happen. Just saying that in principle we aren't supposed to do that.


Well, I guess that means : purchase in the US via third party - mh, wait... Steve, will the US.exe run with the German CD?
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I'm very sorry that BTS spended five years of historic research, and then make such a unnecessary wrong decission on the word of a German laywer who told some completly false BS.
Yup, changing one word negates 5 years of research. Good, solid, thinking in perspective there.

As for the BS from the lawyer... you obviously have no experience dealing with lawyers, do you? We were not surprised about what the CDV lawyers came up with.

And since this was not "advice", but a "deal breaker", our choice was either to have a deal with CDV or not. For all the reasons I stated in this thread, only a total and complete utter moron would have scuttled the deal over this issue. In fact, the person would have to be so stupid that it is highly unlikely they would have been in a position to make a deal with anybody in the first place. Why? Because they would have put themselves out of business long before it ever got to that point.

No, we can not release a patch and "slip" in a change. You are asking us to break a legally binding agreement and the trust between us and a valued partner. To even suggest such a thing does not speak well about how well you can be trusted. We do not stab our partners in the backs. It is also a moronic way to do business.


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Steve closed the previous Thread and said, "I'll answer in a new one" or somefink.

Then he posted his part (Nice and to the point BTW) and said that ONE vehicle will be left off CMBB because of that.

Check the time stamp and guess just how many vehicles they'll put in till the release.


Quick someone do the math!!!

Next thing you know Steve, people will scream murder that if each vehicle was so easily done, you could code the M16, Insert Name Here, Staghound, while Charles calls in for a Pizza...

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We really appreciate the hard work that is put in, and we don't think you're selling out.
Weeell, BFC is certainly "compromising" at least.

Something's gotta give somewhere.

Perhaps a better alternative would be charging $500+ per copy for CMBB, to fund the creation of BFC's own distribution network? ;)

Or, maybe, fans could try to suck thousands of lawyers into the CM "club", and get them to take on Germany's laws/CDV's legal staff? CMBB would be delayed a decade or two...

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />I'm very sorry that BTS spended five years of historic research, and then make such a unnecessary wrong decission on the word of a German laywer who told some completly false BS.

Yup, changing one word negates 5 years of research. Good, solid, thinking in perspective there.

As for the BS from the lawyer... you obviously have no experience dealing with lawyers, do you? We were not surprised about what the CDV lawyers came up with.

And since this was not "advice", but a "deal breaker", our choice was either to have a deal with CDV or not. For all the reasons I stated in this thread, only a total and complete utter moron would have scuttled the deal over this issue. In fact, the person would have to be so stupid that it is highly unlikely they would have been in a position to make a deal with anybody in the first place. Why? Because they would have put themselves out of business long before it ever got to that point.

No, we can not release a patch and "slip" in a change. You are asking us to break a legally binding agreement and the trust between us and a valued partner. To even suggest such a thing does not speak well about how well you can be trusted. We do not stab our partners in the backs. It is also a moronic way to do business.


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Originally posted by Soddball:

I assume that's as close to you'll get to a "sorry, I'm wrong, I'll shut up now" from Scipio. :rolleyes:

If you prefer that I say it:

Steve, sorry, I'm wrong, I'll shut up now. It is well known what kind of questionable person I am!!! I'm sure you made a great job with CM:BB.

P.S.: Will ther US.exe run with a German CD? :D

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Scipio, you're a gem smile.gif

Steve - I'm yer daddy. Look, a real life apology out of a born whinger. That's got to be worth the pick of my vehicles in CM:BB.

Shame I know jack-all about the eastern front. Can I pick the 1.1 litre Yugo with optional windows?

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Please hold it; before you all start bashing Scipio, he (and others) have a point (even two; I will presently explain them).

But first: Steve, I fully understand your decision, and yes, it´s a minor issue, sort of. Like most others here, I am a big fan of your company, will buy CMBB even if Waffen SS are called Space Hamsters, and I even have a quote of yours truly in my sig. This all said, I´d like to explain WHY, for some over here, this is, indeed, a (political/emotional) issue.

I National Souvereignty

Brits, French, Italians and, yes, Austrians smile.gif oppose having, effectively, forced German laws on them. We didn´t vote on those laws, and we don´t like it, as a matter of principle. Americans, please ask ourselves: Would you not mind, as a matter of principle, having Canadian or Mexican law imposed on yourselves, without a chance to vote on it. Please understand that this does make some people very angry, even on a minor issue such as a game.

II Free Speech

Yes, it´s a Free Speech issue as well. German authorities do not care a bit about preventing Neo Nazi activities. Such activities have gone on in the eastern part of Germany for quite some time, virtually unchecked. German authorities do care about their image, very excessively so, at the expense of, among other things, Free Speech.

To give but 2 examples: I know of a case where some people were punished for printing an anti-fascist publication that had a Swastika on it. This is as absurd as it gets, but, in Germany, a very normal thing.

Second example: The institution that is blackballing games at will in Germany is, afaIk, a private association. The state could not put arbitrary limits like this silly Waffen SS issue on anything, because that would be against the German Constitution. So what we are talking here about is a private holier-than-thou ignorant Mafia limiting Free Speech in Germany.

I think this should explain why Europeans -Germans and non-Germans- have a serious issue with all of this. BTF -and even CDV- have nothing much to do with it; it´s a problem with German political culture really.

Thanks for your consideration.

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For those who only see the CDV movie/advertisement and not the BTS intro movie, I would guess that you don't have Quicktime installed on your 'puter. The BTS intro movie only runs on Quicktime. I have the US version and I could not see the Intro movie either until I downloaded Quicktime.

As a followup to that though, since there will be a Mac version and a PC version of CMBB, will the movie on the PC version run on Windows Media Player or will the Intro movie only run on Quicktime again? I bought a new 'puter and I haven't installed quicktime on it yet.

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