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CMBB on the XBOX

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Don't you have to pay Microsoft a gazillion dollars to get a license to develop for the x-box? I seem to remember seeing that posted somewhere. If it's true then it would be a big roadblock on the path to portage. Perhaps those interested in a x-box version (not me, btw) would like to take up a collection?

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Originally posted by Soddball:

[Wow. That was needlessly offensive..

Actually I thought he was being reasonably restrained given teh slant about snowballs and hell you mentioned....


1) Interface. All the extra options, the 'complete freedom' of viewing angles, unit roster, and (although it's not mentioned) full battle replay. That's "change the way the game works";.

It is?

I thought it was changing the way we look at the game.

In fact all these have been suggested by pple for the current platforms too.

2) Graphics: You're asking for a total engine rewrite to obtain directional lighting and light effects for guns and explosions. That's "change all the graphics"..

No - that's changing the lighting.

And it's something BTS have said they're actually going to try to so.

3) Campaign mode: A complete campaign mode for campaigns against the AI would entirely change the combat system. Units would be able to gain experience, I assume, and you would be able to improve their strength, etc? That's "change the combat system"..

No - that'd be adding a campaign system that records things, and the unit purchase system.

I dont' see any reason why this would change the combat system at all.

4) Retail: BFC haven't changed their ethos. They want to make great games that they love playing. Mass market isn't about that, it's about feeding profit margins for big business. That's "change the company ethos".

The two are not incompatible - it's just your opinoin and gross generalisations that are the problem here.

So, yes, by and large my paraphrase was what you were saying..

Only in your opinion.

Since most of the changes you specify are already proposed for CM I guess your opinoin isn't all that well informed in this instance.

Before you got on your frisky horse, I was merely torpedoing any suggestion that the idea of CM:BB on a console might be feasible. If you really want to take it personally, then do so and be damned to you.

And you complain about his post being offensive??

rofl - if CM came out for a console that I had then it'd be a must purchase, and it'd be a great console game.

Why do you worry about the platform when it is the software - the game - that is important?

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

Keep up the valiant culture criticism, brother! You inadvertendly find yourself being a neo-marxist in among this crowd. Which yields interesting food for thought. Sometimes it just so happens that you sow more than you planted, but some just cant rein their enthuisiasm.
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I dont think it would happen. BTS have caught the attention of a market niche in games industry, and it seems they are happy with the sales figures - time and quality of work invensted in CMBB since CMBO argues for this case. Since they are happy with what they are recieving, and obviously enjoying what they are giving, there is no reason why good folks at BTS would bother with such a move, even if it promised more money. (Say an offer by Microsoft to incorporate BTS for five million dollars.)

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At least put it on playstation 2 and not some crummy microsloth machine.

Uh-huh, like the PS2 would even be able to handle "To The Volga" or "Prokavoa". There's a reason that huge games like Morrowwind are on the X-Box and PC only.

Of course, if BTS could port over a CM "lite" then so be it. At least I could buy a $50 console games that lasts longer than a few hours at the best and would have a replayability of months and not days.

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OMG, I just spent three minutes laughing myself silly. When are console gamers going to learn that your systems suck. Buy a real comp.

Seriously, do you wanna try to run CM with a game pad? On a system equivalent to a two year old computer in it's prime? No mods, no maps, no scenarios, just the stock scenarios and textures?

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Originally posted by AnonymousOxide:

Now that we're on the topic of Microsoft, I "vaguely" remember a certain MechWarrior franchise going down the drain THE SECOND Microsoft got it's greedy hands on it.

God, MechWarrior 2 was... wow, now that was a game!

What I say is true. Just look at mech 4, it's turned the mech games from deep simulations into f*cking arcade games! Why? So it appeals to the masses/twitch crowd/console gamer types which will amount to more $$$ for Microsoft.

Wow - hailz to a fellow mechwarrior pilot! I couldn't have said it better, Mechwarrior4 is really Quakewarrior4.

I pray that small developers continue to put out great games like Combat Mission. The minute the big companies get involved they will turn CM into Panzer General XII.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Wow. That was needlessly offensive.

Was it? Was it more offensive than "Good plan. I second this motion. I think that BFC should, whilst they're doing this, spend some time snowboarding in hell. :rolleyes: "? In that case I apologize, I was aiming for slightly less, so things wouldn't escalate.

Originally posted by Soddball:

1) Interface. All the extra options, the 'complete freedom' of viewing angles, unit roster, and (although it's not mentioned) full battle replay. That's "change the way the game works";

Ok, semantics. To you that is "change the way the game works", to me, the game stays the same, but the interface gets even better and more accessible, to more people. And that's a good thing, right? I never mentioned any full battle replay, don't put words in my mouth. Sure, I would like it for the computer version (who wouldn't?), but I don't think it would be possible on a console, with their limited resources.

Originally posted by Soddball:

2) Graphics: You're asking for a total engine rewrite to obtain directional lighting and light effects for guns and explosions. That's "change all the graphics".

Total engine rewrite, sure. And that's what we will get it in CMII anyway. They could keep all the textures though. That's some 900+ MB of graphics that wouldn't have to change... That's why I objected to your claim.

Originally posted by Soddball:

3) Campaign mode: A complete campaign mode for campaigns against the AI would entirely change the combat system. Units would be able to gain experience, I assume, and you would be able to improve their strength, etc? That's "change the combat system".

Uhm, not in my opinion. That would be adding a complete new part to the game, the "combat system" would stay exactly as it is. The single scenarios would still be there, of course. Yes, units would gain experience in the campaign mode, just as they did in the real war. Improve strength, etc? If you mean they would gain physical strength, dexterity and such, making it into some kind of WWII RPG, that would be pushing it, that wouldn't be needed to make it a big console game. So, "combat system", ie how the battles are fought, stays the same.

Originally posted by Soddball:

4) Retail: BFC haven't changed their ethos. They want to make great games that they love playing. Mass market isn't about that, it's about feeding profit margins for big business. That's "change the company ethos".

They have already gone retail! In Europe the publisher CDV sells some of BFC's games in retail. In their first manifesto, they said they would never go retail. Enter CDV, with a very good deal, and BFC does the smart thing and takes it. That's what I ment with my reply "yes. And they already have, in a way... CDV?". The "no retail" clause is gone from the ethos. So IF an American "CDV" came along, offering to take the XBox version into retail in the US, BFC wouldn't have to "change the company ethos", they have already done the smart thing. Never say never, you never know what the future holds.

Originally posted by Soddball:

So, yes, by and large my paraphrase was what you were saying.

As stated above, I disagree.

Of all the things you seemed to complain about, I bet we will get most of them in the next engine of CM. Everything under "1. Graphics" besides maybe tread marks. Everything under "2. Interface". "3. Campaign mode"... hmm maybe, maybe, BFC haven't said yes or no, but I sure hope so. "4. Retail" I don't think this will happen in the US. Not for the next version, at least. I'm sure many distributors would love to get their hands on the next version, especially after TWO critically acclaimed versions (that is rare in this business), but they all probably wants a too big cut of the cake for BFC to be interested.

So, if those things do appear in the next version, you wont be buying it?

Originally posted by Soddball:

Before you got on your frisky horse, I was merely torpedoing any suggestion that the idea of CM:BB on a console might be feasible. If you really want to take it personally, then do so and be damned to you.

Frisky horse? So I started this "argument" by objecting to your "torpedoing"? Again, I apologize for my behavior. But I think you were firing duds, I didn't feel the explosions. I still think it could be feasible. Probably wont happen (as I said in my original post), but certainly possible.

Why did you feel the need to "torpedoing" in the first place? What is so horrible with other platforms? Not just you, I have seen a lot of name calling, ridiculing, etc, towards "other people" (console owners, FPS players, RTS players) on this forum. I think that is immature. We are not better than them, we just prefer a different type of game. In fact, it's possible to enjoy many types of games.

And yes, I did take it personally. With what you said, with the "snowboarding in hell" and the rolling eyes, it sounded as you were calling me a moron. That kinda shocked me, as I'm not used to that. Now that you explained it wasn't personal, just "torpedoing", I feel a bit better, and I wont "be damned to me".

As for my needlessly offensive first reply, I really didn't mean to be that offensive. I just didn't think you actually read all of my first post, just the "it would be great to have CM-II on the XBox", as I thought I was pretty clear in it. I suggested you read it again, sometime it helps me to go through a text a second time, especially if it's in a different language than I grew up with. Or, as it was in this case, the writer is of a different language. The "did I say that?" part came because (in my mind), you completely misunderstood what I was saying, suggesting again that you would read it one more time.

And the last part I put there just for information, I did put the disclaimer there so no one would roll their eyes at me (call me a moron), and that did fail.

I doubt anyone is still reading this, but if you are Soddball, I hope I've explained my original post and followup so there wont be any more misunderstandings. Yes, I was a bit upset when I started writing this, with your hell, rolling eyes and "damned to you". But as it takes so long for me to write, and being a mellow guy, it has passed, but I wont go up and edit, as I want you to see my original feelings, as I think YOU were needlessly offensive, not I.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Why aren't you drinking?

I don't have a habit of drinking in front of my monitor at 02:01 Friday night, all alone. Not that much fun, imho. Are you drinking? If so, why? If not, why not?

Oh, and back to the cesspool with you, isn't the whole point of the Peng Challenge Threads to keep you safely contained somewhere?

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Originally posted by SuperSulo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Soddball:

Wow. That was needlessly offensive.

Was it? Was it more offensive than "Good plan. I second this motion. I think that BFC should, whilst they're doing this, spend some time snowboarding in hell. :rolleyes: "? In that case I apologize, I was aiming for slightly less, so things wouldn't escalate.

Originally posted by Soddball:

1) Interface. All the extra options, the 'complete freedom' of viewing angles, unit roster, and (although it's not mentioned) full battle replay. That's "change the way the game works";

Ok, semantics. To you that is "change the way the game works", to me, the game stays the same, but the interface gets even better and more accessible, to more people. And that's a good thing, right? I never mentioned any full battle replay, don't put words in my mouth. Sure, I would like it for the computer version (who wouldn't?), but I don't think it would be possible on a console, with their limited resources.

Originally posted by Soddball:

2) Graphics: You're asking for a total engine rewrite to obtain directional lighting and light effects for guns and explosions. That's "change all the graphics".

Total engine rewrite, sure. And that's what we will get it in CMII anyway. They could keep all the textures though. That's some 900+ MB of graphics that wouldn't have to change... That's why I objected to your claim.

Originally posted by Soddball:

3) Campaign mode: A complete campaign mode for campaigns against the AI would entirely change the combat system. Units would be able to gain experience, I assume, and you would be able to improve their strength, etc? That's "change the combat system".

Uhm, not in my opinion. That would be adding a complete new part to the game, the "combat system" would stay exactly as it is. The single scenarios would still be there, of course. Yes, units would gain experience in the campaign mode, just as they did in the real war. Improve strength, etc? If you mean they would gain physical strength, dexterity and such, making it into some kind of WWII RPG, that would be pushing it, that wouldn't be needed to make it a big console game. So, "combat system", ie how the battles are fought, stays the same.

Originally posted by Soddball:

4) Retail: BFC haven't changed their ethos. They want to make great games that they love playing. Mass market isn't about that, it's about feeding profit margins for big business. That's "change the company ethos".

They have already gone retail! In Europe the publisher CDV sells some of BFC's games in retail. In their first manifesto, they said they would never go retail. Enter CDV, with a very good deal, and BFC does the smart thing and takes it. That's what I ment with my reply "yes. And they already have, in a way... CDV?". The "no retail" clause is gone from the ethos. So IF an American "CDV" came along, offering to take the XBox version into retail in the US, BFC wouldn't have to "change the company ethos", they have already done the smart thing. Never say never, you never know what the future holds.

Originally posted by Soddball:

So, yes, by and large my paraphrase was what you were saying.

As stated above, I disagree.

Of all the things you seemed to complain about, I bet we will get most of them in the next engine of CM. Everything under "1. Graphics" besides maybe tread marks. Everything under "2. Interface". "3. Campaign mode"... hmm maybe, maybe, BFC haven't said yes or no, but I sure hope so. "4. Retail" I don't think this will happen in the US. Not for the next version, at least. I'm sure many distributors would love to get their hands on the next version, especially after TWO critically acclaimed versions (that is rare in this business), but they all probably wants a too big cut of the cake for BFC to be interested.

So, if those things do appear in the next version, you wont be buying it?

Originally posted by Soddball:

Before you got on your frisky horse, I was merely torpedoing any suggestion that the idea of CM:BB on a console might be feasible. If you really want to take it personally, then do so and be damned to you.

Frisky horse? So I started this "argument" by objecting to your "torpedoing"? Again, I apologize for my behavior. But I think you were firing duds, I didn't feel the explosions. I still think it could be feasible. Probably wont happen (as I said in my original post), but certainly possible.

Why did you feel the need to "torpedoing" in the first place? What is so horrible with other platforms? Not just you, I have seen a lot of name calling, ridiculing, etc, towards "other people" (console owners, FPS players, RTS players) on this forum. I think that is immature. We are not better than them, we just prefer a different type of game. In fact, it's possible to enjoy many types of games.

And yes, I did take it personally. With what you said, with the "snowboarding in hell" and the rolling eyes, it sounded as you were calling me a moron. That kinda shocked me, as I'm not used to that. Now that you explained it wasn't personal, just "torpedoing", I feel a bit better, and I wont "be damned to me".

As for my needlessly offensive first reply, I really didn't mean to be that offensive. I just didn't think you actually read all of my first post, just the "it would be great to have CM-II on the XBox", as I thought I was pretty clear in it. I suggested you read it again, sometime it helps me to go through a text a second time, especially if it's in a different language than I grew up with. Or, as it was in this case, the writer is of a different language. The "did I say that?" part came because (in my mind), you completely misunderstood what I was saying, suggesting again that you would read it one more time.

And the last part I put there just for information, I did put the disclaimer there so no one would roll their eyes at me (call me a moron), and that did fail.

I doubt anyone is still reading this, but if you are Soddball, I hope I've explained my original post and followup so there wont be any more misunderstandings. Yes, I was a bit upset when I started writing this, with your hell, rolling eyes and "damned to you". But as it takes so long for me to write, and being a mellow guy, it has passed, but I wont go up and edit, as I want you to see my original feelings, as I think YOU were needlessly offensive, not I.</font>

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Originally posted by Priest:

I believe I never mentioned CMBB, only CM-II, "next version", CMXX, etc. Doesn't anyone read my posts? Is it my high member number? I don't get it...

Since the first of your "Reality" has nothing to do with what I posted, I'll just ignore it, and chalk that one up on the "I didn't read or understood the first post"-account.

The second one, why XBox, and not PS2 or GC, is simply because it would require the least work. It's basicly a PC. It also has a HDD, so people can download new scenarios and such, more easily than on the PS2 and GC. Also, GC has a much different target audience than the PS2 and especially the XBox, I don't think CM would sell on that system.

The third "Reality", alienate their core audience on a poor venture anyway... I don't understand this. So if the next CM has exactly the changes/feature I described in my first post, in addition to all the juicy stuff BFC has in store for us, like multi-multi-player, Borgless, units with memories (no more/much less) "dance-of-death", BUT it also appeared for XBox, their "core audience" would be alienated, and not buy it? Is their "core audience" really THAT stupid? In that case, good riddance I say. I'm sure BFC could survive even if they did lose the bigot audience.

Fourth "Reality", stirring the pot on a subject that is totally unrealistic, is not happening, and could not happen regardless. I had no idea this would stir up so strong feelings, or that there even were something to stir up to begin with. I can't even imagine why it does. Well I know one possible reason, but that puts you and your fellow men-at-arms in a rather bad light, so that can't be the reason... All I was saying was that I wouldn't mind if BFC could reach out to more people, so more than us could enjoy these wonderful games. I then stated 4 issues that if fixed, could make CM a HUGE success on a console platform. I said I doubted it would happen, but I do think it COULD happen.

And as for your "finishing touch", why are you so rude? (BTW, inane is spelt with only one 'n'. Yes, I had to look it up, I had no idea what it ment) How do you know it is never ever ever ever ever going to happen? Have you bought BFC and BTS? I must have missed that press release...

BFC is moving up the ladder in the games business. If a small, independant company produces TWO top-notch games, people tend to take notice. They are getting BIG. It doesn't matter that you doesn't like that, or even if BFC doesn't like that, it's inevitable, if they keep this up (making GREAT games), it will happen. And what happens when someone gets bigger? They get better and better offers. What if an american "CDV" approaches them some time in the future, with a great offer to put a console version (made by an outside company, with BFC in a good overwatch position) on the shelves? As it IS a company, with one goal being to make the owners some hard cash so they can buy tanks and what not, it would be STUPID to reject, even if it would drive off the bigots. And so far, BFC does appear to be a pretty clever bunch of people. Steve is actually one of the people I have the greatest respect for. I haven't got a good grasp on Charles brain and the rest of the gang, but if Steve works with them, they must be good people. And hey, they did CMBO and CMBB, they must have some power in their skulls.

But then, maybe they doesn't want to get loads of money. It would be a lot more work. Money isn't everything. It's hard work being successful. Not everyone is cut out for it. If they take the "safe" way, I wouldn't blame them, that's for sure. As long as they keep making these games for PC, I'm happy. But I wouldn't say it is never ever ever ever ever going to happen.

Oh, and where can I find that clue?

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It is a company whose goal is to make quality games, make money while doing it and do all this without selling out to the system.

Read the manifesto.

The XBOX just is a computer, you are right, and in two years it will just be an old computer, are you suggesting that they limit themselves in this way?

And the title says CMBB, I was responding to the entire thread.

You thoughts have no basis and they have been discussed before and shot down before. This has all been said before, laughed at before, and rejected before.

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I usually don't butt into stuff like this around here, mostly because it has been confirmed by many that my opinion is worth the same as about a pile of gravel. Not the good, expensive kind either, the real cheap stuff. But I think some people are getting a little too defensive about a game I think I can safely say, we all love and adore.

I, as well as most others here, know that BFC will probably (most definitely) never sell out to Microsoft or some other corporate giant. I took this thread as a sort of speculative discussion. But this sort of behavior, acting out in a really (I hate to say it because I respect MOST everyone on these forums)... immature way is a little upsetting.

Is suggesting transferring CMBB, or any of it's future variants, over to a console really such a sin? Especially since, as stated before, we know it will probably (again, most definitely) never happen. Sure, it may have been discussed before, but, come on. Cut the guy some slack. If we all started behaving this way when a previously covered topic was rehashed, well, we'd probably all stop coming here.

These forums have gained a reputation of being a place of civility and maturity. And, although it may sound cheesy, and I may not exactly be the most upstanding, informative guy, I feel quite proud of being part of this community.

I don't know, perhaps I'm being a little too sentimental here. I'm almost certain most of you have stopped reading this post by now. However, for those who by some chance still happen to be reading this, my simple plea is "lighten up a little. Go play a QB against the AI or something."

Oh yeah, and CM on a console? Pfftt. No way, man. tongue.gif

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