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The NEW Peng Challenge ... Available Before Sept. 20th

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Posted by brainless chook:

So as I Crow Out my Challenge to GOANNA GOANNA GOANNA I will bid farewell til the morrow...

No one cares except CmPlayer, and he was half hearted...(some say half-witted, but I wouldn't go that far).

So, no one person wants to see your pathetic posturing anymore. It's a good job that Terminal Dribbler - Boo, hasn't seen your posts, he would be blathering forever.

Tomorrow is too early. Don't bother posting again.

Just Sod Off.


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Posted by Goanna :

Sorry Noba but I am still working my way through the longer standing members, members; and found your proposition to be no proposition at all. Now had you agreed to do anything other than sit there with the sheep skin on and make dew eyes at Mace we might have been in business.
Ahhh. I see. A bit of a slip of the tongue (forked, no doubt) there O Scaly One . You pecadillos (pecadildos ??) are showing. It's ok, I understand. Your secret is safe.

BTW. Mace likes the eye contact...he uses a mirror.


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It is my solemn duty to report that I have now finished a PBEM against a Mister Speedbump. It ended in a DRAW.

He had every flag on the map and murderized a huge amount of my conscript troops with his regulars. Somehow, it was a draw. His artillery was exact and precise, yet...it was a draw. He had superior tactics, strategy, force selection and numbers. Say it with me...it was a draw. Oh, the magic of terrain and placement!!

Yes, I got a good chuckle out of the final tally.

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

Dalem,the Rooster will Crow three times on the morrow and you will still HATE. So as I Crow Out my Challenge to GOANNA GOANNA GOANNA I will bid farewell til the morrow...

Boy oh boy, are you gonna get your ass kicked in a short while. Meanwhile, just..................SOD OFF.
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Hear Ye!! Hear Ye!!

To all rank and file Ozziephiles, please be advised that 666.6 FM (better known around these parts as Floss FM will be closing down for a well deserved R&R of approx. four (4) days WA Earth Time.

I realise this may cause severe panic attacks and related psychological withdrawal symptoms among many of my fanatical accolytes, but fear not you lot - I shall return anon with tales of ADVENTURE and WOE in far orf places (and if you actually believe that, you can duly SOD OFF!!)

So, until my eagerly awaited return, I bid thee all fair <BIG>*BOOT*</BIG>

Sir Flamin' AJ

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:


Mistake number one.

Since it has been almost a year since I last posted in PC Thread I thought I would test my nw signature.

Mistake number two.

You all probaly remember that the last time I posted here I challenged all of our membership to a PBEM and All of you did not show up at the same time. Only like one or two of you. So now I challenge just one of you to step up to plate.

I will only play the best you have in this PC thread.

Mistake number three. OK, now I'm awake.

BTW who is the Best player in CMBO?

I do not mean the Best Trash Talker, I mean the best tactition on the battlefield.

Who the hell IS this guy, anyway? Does he even know where he is?

For those of you that do not know me by my new forum name I used to be GonzoAttacker, Rooster in CMMC, also known as Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez.

This is cute. He's giving us his bio as if we could give a rat's hinder. Before I look further, is there a paragraph where he goes into his "turn-ons" and "turn-offs"?

So are you ready to present the Best Your PC Thread has to a match in CMBO.

"PC Thread"??? Personal Computer Thread? Ohhh. He means Peng Challenge Thread, doesn't he. Guess he's a might bit too thick to realize it's the MBT aka Mutha Beautiful Thread. I don't know about you guys, but I think that's innexcusable.

I am shaking in my desk chair as I wait to Kick the **s of your best player!

That's nice.

Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez

My dear Punky Brewster,

Sod off.

But don't sod off in any old way. I'd like you to sod off with great gusto and verve. I want you to sod off in Homeric fashion. I want to be able to sonnet you sonnets about the style and grace of your sodding off.

I would like you to sod off in such a fashion as to make angels weep.

And as you're sodding off with such beauty as to even make the Russian judges give you a 10, I want you to think on this.

Z) We aren't laddery types.

2) We are SO anti-ladder, we'd probably have OGSF's wee span'l play you just for grins.

A) Get the name right, this is the MBT you extremely vacuuous git.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Lars as carryin' on wi' half o' wha hae started wi' after ploughin' aintae a beautiful ambush. Raminds mae o' Stirlin' Bridge!


Speedy as slapped mah poor wee lads aboot sumthin' awful. Ah'm decidin' whether tae surrender or let tha AI di at fer mae.
And here we have the secret of OGSF's success. He lets the AI make all decisions. Maybe we can get it to post for him too.
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CMplayer French are CROWING loudly and the HENS are waiting to watch the show. 300pts it is and the computer picks. Look for incoming French Roosters coming in to Cock Fight to the Death! May your Blockbuster Hampstertruppen be ready for a dirty fight. MAY the PC thread(Hiccup),MBT (MAMA's BOYS Thumbsuckers)be beholden that the Challenge is accepted!

You and only you, CMplayer! Call me MR Gonzo!

GOANNA GOANNA GOANNA Where are you sissy, skirt wearing Gypsy! It is you that makes this COCK Crow!

BOO For some one that writes sonnets your words really hurt. :rolleyes: Wow so impressive.

SOD OFF you say! The only SOD I see is the RUG on your Head, and it is only a piece of dried up Rye Grass that has gone to seed! :D

Berlichtingen you CM Forum oldtimer calling me a moron, humbles me. To be assigned such a nickname in a Cesspool full of morons is an honor! :cool:

Noba you lowly Dragon boot licking squire i must say you are a bold servenat to even speak out to a challenger. I must say to you be careful where you put your tongue.

The Rooster

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

CMplayer French are CROWING loudly and the HENS are waiting to watch the show. 300pts it is and the computer picks. Look for incoming French Roosters coming in to Cock Fight to the Death! May your Blockbuster Hampstertruppen be ready for a dirty fight. MAY the PC thread(Hiccup),MBT (MAMA's BOYS Thumbsuckers)be beholden that the Challenge is accepted!

You and only you, CMplayer! Call me MR Gonzo!

GOANNA GOANNA GOANNA Where are you sissy, skirt wearing Gypsy! It is you that makes this COCK Crow!

BOO For some one that writes sonnets your words really hurt. :rolleyes: Wow so impressive.

SOD OFF you say! The only SOD I see is the RUG on your Head, and it is only a piece of dried up Rye Grass that has gone to seed! :D

Berlichtingen you CM Forum oldtimer calling me a moron, humbles me. To be assigned such a nickname in a Cesspool full of morons is an honor! :cool:

Noba you lowly Dragon boot licking squire i must say you are a bold servenat to even speak out to a challenger. I must say to you be careful where you put your tongue.

The Rooster

The man has spunk........now sod off before you REALLY get your ass kicked!
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Alright, lads and lassies, I'm once again attempting to re-immerse myself in the Thread of threads.

After returning completely exhausted from the Winnipeg Folk Festival, shy several pints of blood from the flying vampire bats that Canadians humourously refer to as 'mosquitoes' (their attacks would have made Russian human wave attacks look limp and weak willed), and still slightly bemused from spending 9 hours a day sitting in bright sun and 90 degree heat, I was welcomed back by my family and relations with demands to spend all my free time and little remaining strength on construction projects.

So no turns have gone out, and posting here has been spotty, at best.

But that shall now change.

First, let me tell you that while attending that great Canadian music festival, I underwent spiritual rebirth. So profound was the experience that I was moved to write a song celebrating this apotheosis, that I shall share with you now in a jolly spiritual sing-song.

Now some men pray to gods

And some sacrifice to devils

And some folk go to church

And some to satanic revels

Some place faith only in science

While others worship money

But my god’s greatest of all, although you might find him funny

Refrain: There’s a Power watching over me

And I even know his name

He’s a great, white polar bear named Fred

He loves me and he guides me

Comforts me and chides me

And he’s promised that he’ll eat me when I’m dead

Well I used to walk alone,

And I often walked in darkness

Through a spiritual landscape

Filled with ugliness and starkness

But now aurora borealis

Flames all around my head

‘Cause a great white bear will eat me when I’m dead

You can talk about your heavens

You can talk about your hells

You can ponder and debate

About where your soul will dwell

But when I’m dead and gone

And Fred’s taken that last bite

I will spend eternity, as a pile of frozen ****e


Don’t fill me with embalming fluid

Let’s skip that old cremation

I want to return all that I was and am

And be at one with all creation

So when I’m dead and gone

And shuffled off this mortal coil

Passing through great Fred’s intestines, will be my final toil

Now Fred performs no miracles

Except that of digestion

To punish sinners, raise up saints

That’s just out of the question

No temples have been raised to him

Except the mound there’ll be

When he’s finally digested, and excreted me


If you believe in my polar bear

Then he’ll believe in you

And when you’re dead and gone my friend

Great Fred will eat you too

And we’ll make our merry way

Through the bowels of another species

To be immortalized forever, as polar bear feces

There you have it, my friends. The first hymn in the Church of Great Fred, or Psalm 1, as it were.

More this evening, when I return to my home computer and finish catching up with all your little natterings while I was gone.

[ July 18, 2002, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by the bloodless gnome:

I shall share with you now in a jolly spiritual sing-song.

...Deleted for the sake of humanity...

You swine. I'm bleeding from the ears again.
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athkatla if you notce I left you off my previous post yet you continue to sound off. I say with hand in your face GO STUFF IT! you bottom dwelling piece of scum. You are but a lowly SERF that seems to Know IT ALL and yet writes very little and quotes too too much.

IF you quote at all you should never look up, only look down where you scrape Your Knight's smelly manure off the ground!

The Rooster

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Try not to show your ignorance too much old chap, I may be a "lowly" serf, but that places me in a far more exalted position than you can ever hope to achieve. Now to quote a mate of mine, "Get your arse out of here before you get a smack in the gob", which in our case would be beneficial, as then we wouldn't have to listen to this mindless drivel that vomits from your biggest orifice, due to a severe case of fist in mouth. Oh, and don't think this petty taunting will result in me challenging you, as you are WAY below my level. I would rather play a tick off a dog's arse than stoop so low as to respond to any challenge from a whimpering attention seeker like yourself.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I thought it was Meeks who got hisself et by that polar bear? Now Seanachai too?

You are not paying attention. I have not been eaten by a polar bear. I will be eaten by a polar bear after my death. This Great Fred has promised me, his name be praised.
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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

BOO For some one that writes sonnets your words really hurt. Wow so impressive.

SOD OFF you say! The only SOD I see is the RUG on your Head, and it is only a piece of dried up Rye Grass that has gone to seed!

The Rooster

Dear HennyPenny,

Sod? Rug? Rye grass? Sorry, I recognize the words as being English, but the way you've strung them together doesn't really make a whole lot of sense. Well, you are a Californian, so I guess that's to be expected.

On to other news:

Just finished my first game with Athman. Let me tell you what a supremely gamey bastiche he is.

Q) He tells me where he is in the fog so I can target my arty on him, but he really was someplace else!

E) He poked his head out of the fog with little split squads, making me chase after him and then he meets me with Ht's, tanks and about a bazillion French weenies who shoot me full of holes.

D) He whittles away my troops until all I'm left with are a few retired saurbrat salesmen, and then he sends his bazillion Poof-boys in to mow me down!

Result? A draw, merely because he didn't bother with one whole side of the map.

He's a git, too. Did I mention that?

Oh Sackajaweenie? I put the question to the Olde Ones concerning the elevation of my squire Lurker. After you've had a transfusion or two, could you please address this? Thank you.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Oh Sackajaweenie? I put the question to the Olde Ones concerning the elevation of my squire Lurker. After you've had a transfusion or two, could you please address this? Thank you.

Will he accept Great Fred as his personal saviour?

Not that that's required, of course, I'm just interested.

I say, Lurkur has shown himself...well, not 'worthy', as such, but certainly less worthless than many others. And he even took time to try and lead this rather lackwitted 'Rooster' fellow back on to the path of righteousness (hard to tell if it had any profound effect).

I'd say make him a Knight. What sayeth Berli? How speaketh Peng? Someone call the Justicar at poolside (you know how he loves it when a uniformed hotel employee has to carry the silver phone out to poolside on the special long cord, and stand there and hold it while the Justicar handles business), any reason why young Lurkur shouldn't get the nod, Old Foul Joe?

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Seanachi wrote:

Will he accept Great Fred as his personal saviour?

Sorry, Got one already. (No offence, Berli!)

However, Fred is welcome to my mortal frame once I am done with it.

Mr. Gomez the Chicken at least seems to have grasped the concept of challenging an individual. How I live for the moment of recognition. When you see the light of comprehension dawning in the eyes of a lower life form it really is a special moment. Evolution in the making, as it were.

I have to believe his comment about his er, "emu eggs", because they're obviously putting severe pressure on his brains (Which must be located just aft of the afore-mentioned "eggs").

It's a pity that he has no willy to go with the set.

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