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Originally posted by Stuka:

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a certain Cesspooler (who shall remain anonymous to protect his/her image) your old Unca Stukey is now flush with the necessary readies and has ordered CMBB.

Hmm, if you're worth a copy of CMBB, I must be worth a air ticket to the USA.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a certain Cesspooler (who shall remain anonymous to protect his/her image) your old Unca Stukey is now flush with the necessary readies and has ordered CMBB.

Hmm, if you're worth a copy of CMBB, I must be worth a air ticket to the USA.


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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of a certain Cesspooler (who shall remain anonymous to protect his/her image) your old Unca Stukey is now flush with the necessary readies and has ordered CMBB.

Hmm, if you're worth a copy of CMBB, I must be worth a air ticket to the USA.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

The Statue of Liberty does NOT say, "Give me your tired, your poor, your sheep shaggers, your huddled masses yearning to be free"

Why the Hell not?!!

That's descrimination, that is!!


[ October 03, 2002, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

No, we don't discriminate against Australians and their ilk (Got Ilk?).

I'm getting this really shuddery vision of Boo with Australian all over his upper lip...

[ October 03, 2002, 10:01 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Lars:

In other news,

In a bitterly fought battle, full of cries of “how many guns did you buy?, you gamey bastard!”, “aren’t you out of arty yet?” and “that was my only tank!” (oops, that was me), the forces of the not-so-good have prevailed.

Allies – 36

Axis - 55

Axis Minor Victory

Buzzsaw has plucked the wings off of Victory and gone down in flaming defeat.[/QB]

I guess I have to own up to this. I didn't manage to take a single one of the 5 objective flags. One stinking enemy HQ, paniced and reduced to one man managed to keep my main objective contested. This brings my Cesspool record to an unimpressive 0-2-1.

Terence, if you haven't taken done everyone a favor and jumped off a bridge since I was last here, we are overdue so a match. I wont have CMBB for awhile, so it would have to be a CMBO classic.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

No, we don't discriminate against Australians and their ilk (Got Ilk?).

I'm getting this really shuddery vision of Boo with Australian all over his upper lip...</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Discrimination too I expect.

No, we don't discriminate against Australians and their ilk (Got Ilk?).

We just let them settle in places like Texas or Arkansas. Less of a culture shock for them.</font>

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Don't cry for me CDV Version...!

A beautiful melody thrums in my ears. Yes, the birds are chirping, the Australians are dropping like flies and the Europeans are up in arms against those pesky Germans.

"Quitcher whining!"

"Quitcher anti-whining whining"

"Quitcher Anti-diswhiningarianism."

"Quitcher Anti-diswhiningarianism whining."

Me, I think a week in scunthorpe's finest paddocks will have them all welcoming the "German Good Taste, English and French as a Second-rate language, and better Efficiency=Less Reading" clause in the BTS contract.




****Sabot Moment****

****Y'all are a bunch of sissy sympathizers! Yo, sympathize with this (shows red ass) I was a gunner on an M1a2/773 moedl xx784-55-210 w/rep Eq. and I know you'd look better with a 995/m/s/ uraniam core HEAP round stickin' out yo ass, dawg! Y'all are Comfag Missionary-style (WTF?) players, playa!

Gamey Updates!

Jawohl Schloss is a truly useless pillock of a man(questionable) who rarely sends turns, leaves his cesspool duties unfinished, and I think he's getting a bit old, too. After all, Ja when was the last time you "took on" a squire, eh? When was the last time you FINISHED A FECKING SET-UP FOR YOUR OLD SQUIRE!!

Agua Perdido and I are still in our respective corners. Blood will flow freely soon.

Michael Dorosh has never been knighted, never been a squire, and has no title to speak of. Why is he here?

Gaylord Focker has driven his men into a mine-field, lost his platoon of tanks, drove his tanks rear-first into the combat zone, and is generally making a muddle of things. Oh, I spent my whole allotment on a single KV-2 and that beast has his whole force huddled cowering in a corner. I call my tank "Robert DiNerovski."

Leeo is preparing to die. It might be valiant, but it will definitely be quick.

Boo Radly is resting on the laurels of the HUGE FECKING PRIMORDIAL FOREST I have to cross before assaulting his positions.

Berli is as Berli does.

Now, all at once SEND A FECKING TURN, OUT!

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

It's not pink, it's 'salmon'.


Who'd have thought that the East-German 'bunker chic' revival would be launched from such a cultural backwater. Nice!

I assume the pink (ok, Radioactive Salmon) door is to assist the Bard's entrance to the building when drunk - the ground floor occupants being unable to tolerate his occasional late-night window entry to their abodes (and the puddles, howling and 'splatter' art that accompanied each visit) any longer. No, that can't be right, the windows are too high for Seniamoment aren't they.

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Originally posted by Speedy:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Discrimination too I expect.

No, we don't discriminate against Australians and their ilk (Got Ilk?).

We just let them settle in places like Texas or Arkansas. Less of a culture shock for them.</font>

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Let's see if I can make this clear (fat chance, after all I'm trying to make something clear to Panzer Leader)!

I am the second to Agua Perdido, Seanachai is YOUR second. It is HIS responsibilty to create the map. THIS HE HAS NOT YET DONE!

Until I have a map I cannot purchase or place troops for my principal ... NOW CAN I?

Talk to your second lad, the ball is in his court.


p.s. My tooth still hurts damnit, and no relief until 2:00 PM when my dentist will grant me the boon of actually seeing him.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

If an Australian were to come to Ohio, he would think that he had transcended this earthy plane and entered Valhalla. He would stand, mouth agape (like that's anything new, I know) as he gazed in rapture at the Pro Football (the REAL football) Hall of Fame in Canton. Stare in awe at the Goodyear Blimp Hanger in Akron, which is so large that it has it's own internal weather and could fit 22 football (the REAL football) fields on it's floor.

Then it's off to Cleveland to visit the Rock & Roll (The REAL Rock...err, sorry) Hall of Fame, which still doesn't host the yearly awards because...well, it's Cleveland.

Then down to Dayton to visit Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Museum, with a side trip to Orville and Wilbur Wright's bicycle shop, or perhaps to Toledo to catch a game being hosted by the Toledo Mud Hens, Cpl. Klinger's hometown team. Maybe stop off in Steubanville (aka Stupidville), Dean Martin's hometown or Wappakonetta, Neil Armstrong's hometown, or even Milan, Thomas Edison's hometown, or Ashland...MY hometown...sniff.

It's all just so beautiful, man.

All this and you can't mention the only Ohioican worth a damn? Hint, he has his house in a place called Muirfield Village, and his name is Jack. He likes to play golf.

I'm getting this really shuddery vision of Boo with Australian all over his upper lip...

I think he went through a phase like that in college. Just a little experimentation. He'll grow out of it eventually.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am the second to Agua Perdido, Seanachai is YOUR second. It is HIS responsibilty to create the map. THIS HE HAS NOT YET DONE!

Until I have a map I cannot purchase or place troops for my principal ... NOW CAN I?

Talk to your second lad, the ball is in his court.


Clearly the combination of pain, and the excessive medication he is taking for it, have completely unhinged Joe.

I mean to say, what are the chances that I would not have already created the map and sent it on to Joe? That I would leave Panzer Leader endlessly hanging? That I would put him in a position to whinge and moan and posture about Agua Perdido's non-response, when, in fact, it was simply that Agua did not have the setup yet?

I mean, what are the chances?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I am the second to Agua Perdido, Seanachai is YOUR second. It is HIS responsibilty to create the map. THIS HE HAS NOT YET DONE!

Until I have a map I cannot purchase or place troops for my principal ... NOW CAN I?

Talk to your second lad, the ball is in his court.


Clearly the combination of pain, and the excessive medication he is taking for it, have completely unhinged Joe.

I mean to say, what are the chances that I would not have already created the map and sent it on to Joe? That I would leave Panzer Leader endlessly hanging? That I would put him in a position to whinge and moan and posture about Agua Perdido's non-response, when, in fact, it was simply that Agua did not have the setup yet?

I mean, what are the chances?</font>

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Unbelievable! Simply unbelievable. Believing, no KNOWING my own liege to be the height of decency and responsibility, I call out Joe as the fool he is (and still is, though for separate reasons) because there is NO WAY Seanachai would let down his most loyal of squires.

You know Seanachai many people know of the dead dog in the trunk of your car, but who helped you bury it??

You two are surely a questionable pair. I know I don't have it. I assume Agua Perdido doesn't have it (though I wouldn't be surprised if he did, the lily-livered swine) so WHO HAS IT?!?!

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

<font size=-1>I know I don't have it. I assume Agua Perdido doesn't have it (though I wouldn't be surprised if he did, the lily-livered swine) so WHO HAS IT?!?!</font>

Are we back to The Quest for Mouse's Yarble again? I do love a story with an unhappy ending.
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