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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Croda shud bae put ain a broon bag, set afire, an' laift on some bastarrrd's door staip after ringin' tha stinkin' door bell.

So, what's it going to be, SirMacUmpaLoompaUmaThurmanBabeTheBigBlueOx?

Do you apologize, or do I have to put the boot so far in, your breath smells like shoe polish? (Which would be a vast improvement, btw.)</font>

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Are we at the top of the page again?

Doesn't everyone know that is the real purpose of the Mutha Beautiful Thread? Aren't we to act as a background noise of noisome posting to which competing threads must rise above to maintain some intrest by the general mouth-breathing public?

Or sumfink like that.

The following folks will be in my transmissions of hate for the immediate future:

Panzer Leader, because, well, isn't it obvious?

Boo_Radley because he has thrown himself in to having his communique's filtered through gatesian channels.

OGSF because he is running his clankety things all over my squishy things.

Aussie Jeff because he has confused my attackers with that off-tune buzzing that sounds alarmingly like human speech.

I hate MrSpkr, because really, who can't get behind hating a lawyer. You don't even have to put the effort into hating them individually (which when considered in that manner, most of them have been alamingly good chaps), you can hate them as an entire class!

I hate Deke Fenkle because he came back. I'd hoped I could avoid breaking my losing streak against him, bu NOOooooo, he had to come back to finish the last game we started. He's a right bastige, and no mistake.

Moriarty is on my spit-list because he is slower at sending turns than I am.

I'd love to hate you all, but really, that's giving more power than vermin like you deserve.

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Originally posted by Elvis:


"Malakas" is Greek for "wanker". Now if I didn't know "wankers" was your trademark, I'd be impressed.


Originally posted by Pack Kuma:

Snarker, you appear to have something caught in your teeth.

Yes, it's thread from the seat of a pair of pants. Freshly chewed from your trousers once you get your game and send me a setup.

See? I knew you understood the rules. Oh, except that sub-rule **SOD OFF** politely requests you refrain from using annoying smilies in the MBT.

[ November 10, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Well, ah'll kiss mah spotty arrrse ah' weel! Ah haen't saint mah' blasted tur-r-rn tae Sir Aussiejeff th' GREAT an' HONORABLE KANIGGET!

Hoots mon! Ah'll slap mah'self stoopid aroond mah' spagnum-filled haid wi' a' deed stankin' kippah' til ah' cry lak a wee bairn wi' colic.

Ah'm a' deed dingo's dongerrr, tha's fer surrr!

Ain't it the truth!



OGSF's Prime Nemesis

PS: I sent the friggin' turn OVER just in case yer poxy ISP threw up again...

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Originally posted by Stuka:

One exam down and another to go this saturday morning at 9am, then I'll be open to offers of pbems from Kniggety types only.

No SSN need apply.

(and even if you are a kniggetty type, its still no guarantee of a game so just watch it, roight?)

Here's hoping for the very best of luck to you on your upcoming exam ... don't forget to turn your head and cough when you hear the glove snap.


p.s. Send a setup you Australian goof. Something smallish to match your IQ.

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Listen up you snivelling bunch or real world rejects - there's an imposter out there.

Some Johny-come-lately (as opposed to ewe Macey) has decided to call himself by my name - sans proppa gramma of course.

Accept no imitations - heck you're all to stoopid to even accept the original so I dont' really know whay I bother....no doubt some lackwit will provide a reason.

Right - that's all - normal drivel is now restored - go on - shoo - get outta here and go about your normal sloppy business......

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

Right - that's all - normal drivel is now restored - go on - shoo - get outta here and go about your normal sloppy business......

Hey, Organic dude. You talk to yourself often?

Weird, man.



Official 'Pool Hippie {not to be confused with that Unofficial 'Pool Hippie Dalem - actually he's more of a Zippie, but we won't go there shall we..?}

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm a REAL AMERICAN bubba, and I don't go for that there ferriner, sissy, wussy game.

No, you play golf instead don't you? *snicker*

Tuck your pants into your socks too do you? *guffaw*

Wow Joe, you are hard core.

I'm underwhelmed.

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Originally posted by Stuka:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I'm a REAL AMERICAN bubba, and I don't go for that there ferriner, sissy, wussy game.

No, you play golf instead don't you? *snicker*

Tuck your pants into your socks too do you? *guffaw*

Wow Joe, you are hard core.

I'm underwhelmed.</font>

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One handicap is that Joe cannot feck'in READ!

My post clearly stated that I have my final exam for this semester on S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y, today is M.O.N.D.A.Y.

ergo NO games until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y when I will have time to create setups.

Of course you may send moi a setup sweet Joey, but don't expect a reply until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y.

Same goes for you too Leeo. You didn't go to school with Joe did you?

(actually saturday might be a little ambitious, the exam will finish around midday, then I'm getting fairly and squarely 'on the piss' with a mate around 2pm which may go on until we decide to invade poland sometime in the wee small hours of S.U.N.D.A.Y)

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Originally posted by Stuka:

One handicap is that Joe cannot feck'in READ!

My post clearly stated that I have my final exam for this semester on S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y, today is M.O.N.D.A.Y.

ergo NO games until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y when I will have time to create setups.

Of course you may send moi a setup sweet Joey, but don't expect a reply until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y.

Same goes for you too Leeo. You didn't go to school with Joe did you?

(actually saturday might be a little ambitious, the exam will finish around midday, then I'm getting fairly and squarely 'on the piss' with a mate around 2pm which may go on until we decide to invade poland sometime in the wee small hours of S.U.N.D.A.Y)

I forgot to wish you good luck in the exam, mate. That's the Doctorate in Gyneacology isn't it? What's involved in the prac. section of the test this year?


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Aussie Jeff, bollocks lad, you were leg before.


I protest! You can't be out LBW if the ball hits the meat of the bat and sails over the fence!! Tell ya' what - let's call for the third umpire, Noba then. You must know what "third umpire" means, don't you? What's that? Oh, no, no! Nothing like a "fifth columnist", I assure you.


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Originally posted by Pack Kuma:


Boku wa "Member" des!


Anata no Baka desu!! Wakarimasu ka? Anata no ikimasu yo, "Sod Off" ne?

Edited for Gamey Updates Announcements:

Listed alaphabetically, so that no one will infer favoritism;

Abbot: Offered me a cease fire, because in his dimwitted world he thinks that loading his forces with assault guns is going to frighten me into submission, he may be right after all.

AJ: We are still locked in mortal combat amid the trenches he has created. 50m separates our two forces, a short distance for my shock infantry to cross in order to crush him. Now I know why they call him, Gamey Jeff

Boo_Radley: After going on and on about MSN he has finally stopped crying long enough to send a turn, he also will lose.

Gaylord Focker: Has disappeared, and can now be found posting on outerboard threads under the sig: Panty Waist , he is also losing badly.

Malakovski: Is now singing the blues because apparently he cannot play without King Tiger tanks on his side, he is losing.

Nestor: Has just begun to lose.

Noba: Has just discovered my battalion of flamethrowers, the hills are alive with the sounds of burning Ivans.

Speedy: I am watching my SUs exploded one by one, in a scenario that said, "the Germans have no armor support" I find it difficult to imagine how he managed to aquire 12 Tiger tanks, very gamey indeed.

[ November 11, 2002, 07:45 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ye'd better smear some lard on ya liver-like rubbery lips an' pucker oop, ye bastarrrd...cos ye kin kiss mah spotty arrrse! Saind a setoop an' Ah'll slap ye aroond ye spagnum-filled haid wi' at 'til ye cry lak a wee bairn wi' colic.

Ye Croda sprog.

Expect it tonight or tomorrow, you lackwitted, Welsh wannabe sniffer of used dress shields.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

One handicap is that Joe cannot feck'in READ!

My post clearly stated that I have my final exam for this semester on S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y, today is M.O.N.D.A.Y.

ergo NO games until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y when I will have time to create setups.

Of course you may send moi a setup sweet Joey, but don't expect a reply until S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y.

Same goes for you too Leeo. You didn't go to school with Joe did you?

(actually saturday might be a little ambitious, the exam will finish around midday, then I'm getting fairly and squarely 'on the piss' with a mate around 2pm which may go on until we decide to invade poland sometime in the wee small hours of S.U.N.D.A.Y)

Let's see if I can assist here Stuka. There is a tool which may well be unkown in Australia called a calendar. You refer in your post to some of the elements involved in the use of a calendar but you are clearly unfamiliar with the actual use of one.

I don't recall, IIRC, that I specified a particular day or date upon which you were to send a setup. It was, in fact, an open ended statement on my part with no termination date specified. Therefore you may or may not, at your leisure and or convenience, send or not send said setup.

As to MY sending a setup, that would imply that I not only WISHED to play you again but that I was in fact ANXIOUS to play you again. Since we all recall the result of the last game between us in which I was bored to tears and had to do little more than click on GO each turn to nullify your fumbling attempts at a defense, I can hardly be accused of WANTING to play you again.

One does what one must, and in this case I took pity on you. Surely you run into that a lot, your wife married you didn't she?


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Odsay Offsay!BOO! Why are you addressing this *thingy* WOT HAS NO E-MAIL ADDY? Have you no respect for THE RULEZ!!!???

Aussie, please, more respect when using the term thingy. It is a term of what is holy and good. I am the Saint of the Immaculate Thingy and to refer to a piece of poo as a thingy, well, is......unholy. Shame!!!!</font>

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