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One Flew Over the PENG CHALLENGE Thread

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Guest PondScum

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Ah Hah! My mind games are successful already.<hr></blockquote>

If you're trying mind games on mon petite general, you've already lost.

Squir[rel]ly update:

Following a brief exchange of smoke shells, Berli has managed to advance one of his Shermans onto the battlefield with its turret pointing backwards. After recovering from their laughing fits, my men will commence poking large unfriendly holes in the Sherman, "to let the smoke and flames out".

KnockNeedAThon and I are meanwhile "enjoying" the fruits of Berli's SollieVille scenario. My French is rusty, but if Ville means "cute little town" then Sollie must surely mean "someone is about to drop a ****load of artillery on this". In deference to Persephone I have refrained from bombarding Donkey's paddock in the middle of town. Goddam French FO's can't get a shell within a mile of it...

AirborneRinger87's waffle about "maneuvering" has degenerated into a flag rush with lots of infantry all shooting each other on the run. And that was just the first turn. I have high hopes for a complete bloodbath.

Last and definitely least, Nobut confused me with someone called David who's apparently having a VERY interesting battle in Vienna. With no contact to speak of, my French halftrack drivers are amusing themselves doing donuts in the forest clearings.


"If you can just keep Madmatt sedated, it should all go well" -- Wild Bill Wilder

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

Peng's name can only be won back by an Olde One™ in a CM match.<hr></blockquote>

Interesting logic there wussl. By that logic you could not win Peng's name in the first place. Come to think of it, and I will defer to Joe's judgement on this, I do believe that any action which might have an effect on an Olde One would require the consent of at least two Olde Ones. Now I know I never agreed to you getting Peng's name, and I'm fairly certain that Seanachai hasn't gotten that drunk. That would mean that you only have the consent of Peng (one Olde One)

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram_Sedai:

need a smoke

got to have a smoke

who here has a smoke?

how about the Raunchmeister?

no, not that kind of smoke

need a smoke

you just don't understand

got to have a smoke<hr></blockquote>

I fell your pain... well, no, I don't *takes a long drag*

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Originally posted by Berli

<blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I'm...in....drag.... <hr></blockquote>

Persephone!!!! Please fix or do somefink! I just puked all over the keyboard and monitor and I haven't even been drinking yet. Bad picture, bad man, go away, go away. I just keep wondering if it's the "naughty succubus" outfit.....


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Well, meeting [bHakku Icku [/b[ in person is a treat, and no he is not as dumb as he looks in his pictures. He said Andreas is a wanker and went to bed early. Still, you wouldn't know it from his posting personality, but he is not all that bad.

Next thing I will find out is that Sean is an interesting conversationalist and Joe Shaw is not a pedant. Will wonders never cease?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

Next thing I will find out is that Sean is an interesting conversationalist and Joe Shaw is not a pedant. Will wonders never cease?<hr></blockquote>

Perhaps you will discover that <font size="-2">brian</font> is not a weiner...

Nah, what was I thinking

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Sledge59:

You're absolutely right, Wildman. By the way, you may want to edit again. Let me explain: your is a possessive pronoun; you're is a contraction of you are. Get it straight, man! People read this stuff.<hr></blockquote>


I'm not caught up, so I don't know if he's bespoken, but I'm taking this one on.

I think he understands what we're all about.

SHAW! (you pillock) is this one a serf? Is he Squire to aught? I claim this one, oh Justicar, for my Squire.

If he's not yet a Serf, then please expedite the paperwork and get him declared a useless sack of ****e, head and shoulders above the even more useless sacks of ****e, so that I can take him on as Squire.

If he's already a Squire to aught, then you're all a bunch of diseased Dingo dangly bits, and here, snip-snip, comes the nacker man.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

By that logic you could not win Peng's name in the first place.<hr></blockquote>

the former Peng is the oldest of the Olde Ones™, and lost his name of his own free will That is, if you think there is free will. It may also have been predestined, but since it's basically unknowable, it doesn't really matter. The Gates Slut had every right to lose his own name, but if you want it back you have to win it in a battle. Not with some sort of vote of cess covered loons.

[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:


Happy Australia Day!!!<hr></blockquote>

This one's for Seanachai:

<font size = "+2"> Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!!!</font>


[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

the former Peng is the oldest of the Olde Ones™, and lost his name of his own free will That is, if you think there is free will.

[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: chrisl ]<hr></blockquote>

Actually, you f'ing pillock, the Eldest of us is Berli, who raged against heaven, and went to Hell for it.

The next eldest is Peng, who had the sense to grumble about what a hell of a thing Hell is, and why more people weren't interned there every day.

And the most recent of us is myself, who wondered if a Challenge and a jolly sing-song wouldn't make a trip through Hell seem more entertaining.

Now, all that said, you silly ****e, how about a return on the Challenge for Peng's Name?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Wildman:

Have your despised and delapidated second send it to my former liege Sir Marlow. Whiel I have serious doubts about his tactical ability, I implicitly trust his honor.


You may want to rethink that last statement. Just a thought.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

This one's for Seanachai:

<font size = "+2"> Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!!!</font>


[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote>

(falls in exasperated heap)

...oh gawd, ANOTHER Nobbit, does this one come from the East Nostril or the West Nostril? Excruciating.


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Mace:

This one's for Seanachai:

<font size = "+2"> Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!!!</font>


[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Mace ]<hr></blockquote>

Bugger all, and I hate them the way your average, useless Methodist hates fun, but I'll have a go:

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!

Actually, that didn't feel so bad. In fact, I felt a strange tingle at the base of my proto-brain. You know, the one that we used when we still had tails, and couldn't remember if we bore live young...

Let me give that another, heady try.


Oh my Gods, the spectacular rush of near brainless excitement!!!


gasp...gasp A People of many...faces

shudder, and sigh you will meet them in many...places.

It's not enough. I demand that every right thinking individual do everything in their power to destroy Australians.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moriarty:

Good point, your Oldness, how about a return on that setup?<hr></blockquote>

He tasks me, he tasks me...


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Guest PondScum

Berli's back on the weed, Hanns is puking up, Lars is from Iceland, Slapdragon has been defeated by UBB, Mace is chanting gibberish, and Seanachi is adopting a new squire. Ahh, there's nothing like a Friday night in the Cess to bring the drunkards to the fore. May you all suffer the hangover of a thousand sparrows crapping on your tongue.

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.....carefully parting the bushes, he places an eyeball into the gap. He sees...a paddock. Sparsly populated with ragged tufts of grass, and profusely populated with donkey doo-doos ! Phew !

The buzzing of millions of flies fills the air, all acting like it is a holiday camp. Over on the left, a fetid pond. Over on the right...the object of his search. A dilapidated donkey. He notes the dappled fur tufts scraggedly hanging from the wizened shell of a body. He notes the bulging belly, hanging monstrously under the bent back. The tail...stuck on with a band-aid ?!

The head is an ugly sight. Tattered ears over a brow splattered with spittle, obviously does it into the wind. Idiot. The eyes under lank lids, glazed and unfocussed. The nostrils, flared slightly as the withered lungs draw in another gasp of putrid air...soon to be it's last ? The jaw, working slowly on a piece of thistle, saliva falling to the ground creating a damp patch for the flies to swarm over.

Moving carefully closer, he spies some other unusual things. The feet are not like a donkey...they have boots ! The coat looks like..a coat ! A painted coat of old leather. The mane looks rather like an old brush....

Just then a movement. The head turns slightly to one side. The body swells then tightens from an exertion, a slight pause and a hind leg lifts away from the ground as the tail is blown, horizontal in the fetid blast of disgusting air.

Baaaaarrrrrpppp rips the air as he ducks back into the bushes. That was close !

Looking at his watch, he realises that time has beaten him in his quest to find the truth. He has just enough time to get back to the stenographers...err courtroom. With a quick look over his shoulder confirming that he hasn't been spotted, he hurries away.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Noba:

.....carefully parting the bushes, he places an eyeball into the gap. He sees...a paddock<hr></blockquote>

...and if Nobbits came in pairs, I wouldn't be surprised; one to get lost, the other to find the wretch... pathetic


[ 01-26-2002: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]</p>

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....stealing one last glance over his shoulder, our intrepid explorer stops, listens, and ponders the writing he saw on the wretched beasts forehead. Of course. It was backwards for a reason....that way the animal can read its name in the mirror....

Off to the meeting house. No time to lose..much more important than than the poxy paddock pony.

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