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Worth getting?

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Hello Everyone,

I have been reading some of the posts and am considering buying this game sometime this week, but 1 thread has kinda got me in a tizz a bit, the one about some games reviewer and his comments etc...whilst you all seem to say its a great game I am now a little unsure still, typical me actually! lol

Is the game good, very good, excellent, or just plain awesome!?

My system is: P3 850MHZ


GeForce 3 Ti 200 128MB DDR

Soundblaster PCI 128

I would have thought my system would be ok, although I nearly always get jerky gameplay for some reason! :(

Any prefferably persuasive comments to purchase this game would be gratefully received, as I could do with a long challenge over the coming Winter months!! lol

So I need impressing, what I do worry about though is the point that was made by this certain reviewer that once you've made your choices etc..... you just sit back and have no control, I have played games where this has indeed been the case, so what sort of control do you have then? as I don't care for games that you can only do so much and then have to sit back and do nothing.

Any help comments etc would be appreciated

Thank you


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Heh, this game is the micromanagers dream. Every 60 seconds you can fiddle with every one of your units, laboriously plotting every single order if you wish. Now, if you want to be clicking every single second (several times a second?), Warcraft 3 or other RTS is more your game. CMBB is a 'sit back and think' game. Much more like chess. Except the pieces blow up, burn, scream, cower in fear, bog down in the mud, etc.

You need this game.


edit: btw your system is fine. however this game is a hog so you won't see liquid smooth huge battles like you are used to with most FPS games. The small-medium ones should be very smooth for you though.

[ October 21, 2002, 05:38 PM: Message edited by: Renaud ]

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Well I must say what a friendly bunch of people you are, as I've been to other games forums asking similar questions and not even 1 reply!, so many many thanks!

I will get it then as I do like Chess for one thing, even though I'm totally useless at it lol

But I have alway's liked War Games and can't wait to get my hands on it, shame that I won't get smooth large scale battles as I love that type of thing hence buying (Medieval Total War) and that was quite smooth but still you can't have everything I guess! this was a toss up between CMBB and Battlefield 1942, totally different I know but both War games, having played the demo of BF1942 I rapidly changed my focus to this game as BF was impossible to play.

I only have dial up so downloading the demo would take 2 to 3 day's LOL

Cheers guys

Chris (Eyelevel)

[ October 21, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: eyelevel ]

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I would suggest playing both the CMBO and the CMBB demo's...the scenario's in the CMBO demo have (IMHO) more "charm", are more fun...etc. The CMBB demo shows what leaps and bounds have been taken by BFC since then...CMBO is wonderful...CMBB is much better :D

While waiting for your download to complete, why not whet your appetite with this reiview of CMBO from SimHq smile.gif

Expect a CMBB review anytime soon.

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Originally posted by eyelevel:

Are you able to move soldiers etc...one by one or are they grouped together?


The basic unit of manouver in the game is the Squad (around 10 men). It is represented graphically as 3 soldiers in a group. There is also a sub unit - the team. All support weapons (HMG's, mortars etc) are crewed by teams (1-6 men). A squad can be spit into 2 teams.
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Righty ho guys, many thanks I'll download the demos in the morning, cheers

One final question for now, sorry!

Er are there Naval Units in the game?

I will return once I have bought this game as I am seriously tempted!!! especially after reading that thread

Chris ;)

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Originally posted by eyelevel:

Er are there Naval Units in the game?

Well there are assault boats. CMBO had a loverly mod done with a couple of fish in the bottom, salmon I believe :D

Then again you had 15 inch naval guns controlled by a Forward Observer. They did make everything fall down and go boom! Really ruined your plans when they hit!

[ October 21, 2002, 07:56 PM: Message edited by: jdmorse ]

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CMBB is a fine game...personally I have always wished for the "perfect strategy wargame", one where I don't have to worry about building bases out of thin air, commandos that shoot plasma rifles, or games where tankrushing is the key to victory.

Being a major flightsim fan (especially during the WWI and WWII eras), you may call me a dork (which if you knew me personally, I am not) but I have always put realisim, education, and strategic fun before graphics and popularity and until I got CMBO a few months ago, there was no other way to get that balance.

Well Combat Mission is a GREAT game...I mean hundreds of REAL units, a HUGE fanbase, nice graphics, especially when you MOD them up...even my dad, who is an army vet was amazed and gave me many tips on how to defeat the suburb AI (don't let the hardcore CMer's frighten you, the AI is way better than your average game).

If you want eyelevel, go to http://www.gamerankings.com/ and do a search for Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord (not many reviews for CMBB yet, except for a positive user review you may want to read)...you will be amazed on the amount of positive reviews the game has, and it's ranking is #1 under "Wargames". Oh, and don't let the Gamezone review from the other thread scare you, I've read many of their reviews and they have a habit of giving GREAT sleeper hits BAD scores and the mega-blockbuster "average" games VERY good scores, it's obvious CMBB isn't this under this reviewer's genre.

Oh, and you can't move squadmembers individually (unless they are special units such as mortar, bazookas, etc...), there's been a lot of debate over that and it really isn't a big deal when you have a game of such large scale.

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Going on your system specs, I do not imagine that you will experience too much (if any) slow down in games performance at the larger sized battles. The actual gameplay definitely doesnt get "jerky" like some FPS when the graphics get a bit too intense. You will see more slowdown on MTW and BF1942 than in CM. If the game does get choppy, it will most likely be when you are trying to scroll around large maps.

Lt Bull

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welcome eyelevel. i have to say that while it may seem that everyone here is a hardcore wargamer, i suspect that's not completely true. i started off wargaming back in the 70s with board games and table top miniatures, but soon moved on to computer games. i fell in love with rts games when c&c and warcraft2 came out and thought i'd never go back to turn based games again. when i saw the ad for cmbo 2 years ago i yawned. not interested i thought. then a friend bought it and brought it over one day. i fell in love with it instantly. now i enjoy being able to take my time and plan out my strategy, then watching it all unfold before my eyes, whether for good or bad. the fact that you can't manipulate your forces during the action phase is what makes the game tense and exciting. and besides, it's not realistic to be able to instantaneously change orders in mid stream once the battle starts.

anyway, sounds like you're leaning toward getting the game. that's good. i think you'll enjoy it immensely. i know i do and so do most of the guys here. i would say all of them, but a few have posted their disgust about one thing or the other which just won't let them enjoy the game. oh well, that's their problem. as for me, if they never patch the game at all, i would still love it.

by the way, if you do get the game, be sure and download the many mods and scenarios that lovers of the game have done. they really add to the enjoyment of the game a lot.

good luck and good hunting!

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I'm not a hardcore wargamer. So from a "gamer's" perspective all I can say is CM is the best gaming money I have ever spent. Period. I strives for historical realism while staying away from the elements that can make many "sims" boring. It's thrilling to watch a platoon of you men throw grenade bundels at that T-34 mowing them down with it's MGs and canister shots. It's nerve racking to sit and be able to do nothing for 60 seconds as that King Tiger rolls so ever close to your anti-tank gun laying in quite wait. It's frustraiting to watch a well layed plan go to hell when your artillery spotter drops his smoke off target and your human wave of troops runs out into the open only to be cut to shreds by dug in HMGs. It's as exciting as watching the game winning touchdown as your fighter bomber dispatches the last of those menacing Tiger tanks that have been pounding your men.

Buy it. You will save tons of gaming cash as you will need to play little else. :cool:

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I have played CMBO almost EVERY day for TWO YEARS.

My dad and I always have 2-3 e-mail games going on and I try and get at least one move off every day.

I buy a lot of computer games of all types, and I mean a lot (more than two or three a week.) Most sit on my shelf. Hey, some people collect books, I end up with the computer games.

The only game I have always come back to is CMBO and now CMBB.


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Well thank you all very much for your input into my questions!, its very much appreciated and I am now certain to get this game and even the original too, but I have to wait until Friday sadly! still it will come round soon enough.

Once I have played a fair few games against the PC I would love to play against some of you if that's alright by you, only I have never played another human being at a Computer Game, I've always been stuck with the AI.

I'm not a very experienced gamer and do struggle and know that by reading some of the posts on here that most of you if not all of you are very experienced so I expect to be slaughtered each time, if my offer of playing you comes true.lol

Many many thanks again for all the friendly advice etc...and I shall be back once I have the game/s in my collection.


(Eyelevel) Chris ;)

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Originally posted by eyelevel:

Well thank you all very much for your input into my questions!, its very much appreciated and I am now certain to get this game and even the original too, but I have to wait until Friday sadly! still it will come round soon enough.

Once I have played a fair few games against the PC I would love to play against some of you if that's alright by you, only I have never played another human being at a Computer Game, I've always been stuck with the AI.

I'm not a very experienced gamer and do struggle and know that by reading some of the posts on here that most of you if not all of you are very experienced so I expect to be slaughtered each time, if my offer of playing you comes true.lol

Many many thanks again for all the friendly advice etc...and I shall be back once I have the game/s in my collection.


(Eyelevel) Chris ;)

Hi Chris, we are not all experts, I am far from being anywhere near an expert, so when you're ready for a PBEM game, give me a shout, and then get ready to enjoy the sheer pleasure of playing this fab game against another human!
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Originally posted by eyelevel:

Well thank you all very much for your input into my questions!, its very much appreciated and I am now certain to get this game and even the original too, but I have to wait until Friday sadly! still it will come round soon enough.

Once I have played a fair few games against the PC I would love to play against some of you if that's alright by you, only I have never played another human being at a Computer Game, I've always been stuck with the AI.

I'm not a very experienced gamer and do struggle and know that by reading some of the posts on here that most of you if not all of you are very experienced so I expect to be slaughtered each time, if my offer of playing you comes true.lol

Many many thanks again for all the friendly advice etc...and I shall be back once I have the game/s in my collection.


(Eyelevel) Chris ;)

Normally you should have no problems finding pbem opponents. As you have seem, most of the nutcases in this forum play this game nearly everyday (like me) :D Have fun!
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If you are going to buy one game this year, and you want to be playing this game still a year from now, get CMBB. Sure you could get some other 'big' name game, but it will be loved for a month, and then forgotton afterwards. Get CMBB, get into multiplayer games/modding/scenario work, and you will be playing for years to come.

Best $50 you can spend.


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My personal rating: simply EXCELLENT.

Best battlefield simulation ever (and for the next 2-3 years).

And don't be worried about discussions in here:

even in the best program, you'll always find a few things that could be improved (in your opinion).

When reading suggestions or critical posts in here, keep in mind, that they are ment to make the best of the best even better and not to improve bad things.

Nothing is perfect.

If you are keen on historically accurate tactical wargaming, CM's level compared to anything else, is superior in all aspects.

Words are not enough to describe.

Even after 6 months of playing CMBO quite intensively, i'm still encountering surprises.

It's attraction is lying deep in the game itself and not in it's graphics.

Therefore i would dare to compare it to the gratest game of all times: chess.

You need to play chess yourself, to understand it's fascination.

Same with CM.

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Hi Guys,

Many thanks again for all you've said etc, and I shall take any offers up for play by email etc...

I do love war games always have done and earlier someone mentioned that other games can be bought and played for a month or two and then no more, whereas this can be played and played and played with differing gameplay each time, just for me then!! as I have only a handful of games and it has to be said that I never really play them, not because I don't want to but because I guess I'm looking for something a bit special, thant will keep me hooked and it would have to be a very very top game to do that.......so roll on Friday!

Chris ;)

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