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I Offer Grog Dorosh the Peng Challenge, And He Be Man Enough

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Well, I imagine it's difficult for them to fight their way through a sea of empty, crushed Foster's cans to find their way to the keyboard. And they're so easily distracted. A bright, shiny piece of tinfoil, a rainbow in the spilled beer puddle on the hard packed dirt floor of the living room. Perhaps a herd of sheep outside the window facilitates a romantic revery. These are a simple folk...sort of like "Ma & Pa Kettle Go Slumming." Perhaps as if the Walton's had been a bit more inbred.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

... These are a simple folk ...

And there you have it, as succinct a description of Australians as I ever hope to see.

Berli if you're not willing to take the word of The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread then perhaps you could set yet another quest for your Squire. Have HIM sort through all the incarnations of the MBT and find the evidence (posted here in the form of a URL of course) that I DID say it. After all, he has them all to hand and let's face it, anything that will keep him from posting here is a GOOD thing and should be encouraged.

Finally I must announce that my presence will be scarce until Thursday as I'm out of town yet again. I'm afraid that you'll all just have to get along as best you can without me for a few days ... buck up lads, I've trained you well (except for the SSNs and some recently appointed Squires who keep piddling on the carpet ... mind it's mostly in the Australian corner so no one really notices a great difference.)


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Our story so far...

It appears Yeknodathon or Donkeython or Brit-Git or whatever his name is, is finally back from vacation, or as they say in the UK, holiday. The first move in our game has been sent off. Everything seems to be going swimmingly in the dog's breakfast that was dreamed up for us except no one's told me how to get off the damn mountain!

Shlock Monkey appears to be trying and end run around my right flank with his Ignernt 'Mericans, but I have a little surprise cooked up for him. (I have figured out how to add code to introduce a line of Vegas showgirls into the game and as they distract his men, I will stomp on him with my jackbooted thugs.)

Ozymandias Jeff (Look upon my works oh ye mighty, point and laugh)and his feeble Volksgummers are busy tripping over their own walkers out there in the dark. They missed their "early bird" suppers and it's WAY past their bedtimes. They're cranky and they want their jello! How sad.

And that's the name of that tune.

Tune in tomorrow. Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!

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Originally posted by Bastables:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It is disturbingly similar to an already used MBT thread name. I don't often read this thread, but I do get a chuckle everytime I read whatever nugget of gold has been selected as the title - since its invariably witty and always at the top of the pile.

But this....gahhhh....it's just sad. You DO have the ability to edit it.....

Look an outsider, BURN HIM!</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Bastables:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

It is disturbingly similar to an already used MBT thread name. I don't often read this thread, but I do get a chuckle everytime I read whatever nugget of gold has been selected as the title - since its invariably witty and always at the top of the pile.

But this....gahhhh....it's just sad. You DO have the ability to edit it.....

Look an outsider, BURN HIM!</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli if you're not willing to take the word of The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread then perhaps you could set yet another quest for your Squire. Have HIM sort through all the incarnations of the MBT and find the evidence (posted here in the form of a URL of course) that I DID say it.

The Justicar does have a point... off you go AussieJeff
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Its very mean spirited of Elvis to let his nasty krauts 'splode 4 of my tin thingeys in the space of one turn.

How am I supposed to get oodles of squishy Polacks across no-man land now hmmm?

I think I may have to borrow the Croda/Hiram baseball bat to learn that nasty Elvis some manners.

BTW, just what is Pawbroom keeping in those wonderdaks of his? Bauhaus, this is your department, what do you make of it?

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Originally posted by Speedy:

Awfully sorry old man, but honestly I couldn't be bothered.

These are words that shall live in Infamy (which is a suburb of Houston)

Speedy, I had thought better of you.

Do you really want to spend eternity in Texas, you pillock?

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Originally posted by Persephone:


YK2 and PawBroon on holiday at the beach.


They are a handsome couple.

The heads, not the bodies. I mean, the bodies belong to some sort of beach movie backlot.

But the countenances, they belong to the Fair Emma and Marcel, The French.

I'm not completely sure what the piece of heavy equipment hanging off of Emma's arm is all about.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli if you're not willing to take the word of The Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread then perhaps you could set yet another quest for your Squire. Have HIM sort through all the incarnations of the MBT and find the evidence (posted here in the form of a URL of course) that I DID say it.

The Justicar does have a point... off you go AussieJeff</font>
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I have noted the use of the word "lame" in the past to descibe the quality, or lack of it, in a thread title. In this case to do so would be an insult to the capabilities of the handicapped. For are not the lame endowed with at least a rudimentary capability to ambulate. No, this one is entirely moribund, bereft of originality, devoid of a single redeeming feature. The only point of possible interest is that if the author is not 'Sleepy' which one of Snow White's little friends is he.

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Originally posted by Simon Fox:

I have noted the use of the word "lame" in the past to descibe the quality, or lack of it, in a thread title. In this case to do so would be an insult to the capabilities of the handicapped. For are not the lame endowed with at least a rudimentary capability to ambulate. No, this one is entirely moribund, bereft of originality, devoid of a single redeeming feature. The only point of possible interest is that if the author is not 'Sleepy' which one of Snow White's little friends is he.

Perhaps the Gits of the Pool could

a) come up, by consensus, with something more...apropo


B) teach Mr. Tamrourine Man how to edit the damn thing?????

The Outerboard is dying with anticipation....

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I imagine it's difficult for them to fight their way through a sea of empty, crushed Foster's cans to find their way to the keyboard.

I'd just like to point out yet again that we as a nation do not drink Fosters. We do however ship it overseas and sell it as a joke on the rest of the world.


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

a) come up, by consensus, with something more...apropo

Now I'm no legal eagle but I do believe there's precedence not to do this. The main one being that you, Michael, have the status here as a GROG SSN, and we can't go against convention and actually do something suggested by your type.

The Outerboard is dying with anticipation....
We can only hope.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

"Your Honor, Sir Berli, I would claim that the claimant Joe's OFFICIAL Cesspool Rules Clause IX as passed before the eyes of the Court of Kangaroo's pretty well absolves me from the accuser's terrible "crime" supposition. Or does the claimant Justiciar retract his very own written in blood rule that "thou SHALT give false testimony about thy fellow Cesspoolers"?

My Evil Lord Berli and other members of this auspicious Jury, I stand accused of a heinous "crime" in this place, but methinks the Justicar has been justly hoist on his own petard just this once?

It would seem that my <font size="+1">*KICK*</font> squire has out flanked our goodly Justicar. I find it rather amusing that the set of rules that I loath the most was the instrument of his undoing. Nicely done AussieJeff...

<font size="+1">*KICK*</font>

Just in case your head swells

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