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I Offer Grog Dorosh the Peng Challenge, And He Be Man Enough

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Just another quick postcard from Sweden.


Proof that we really do have fun up here. (not that it was ever in doubt) (edit: if the picture is broken try back later, it's just such a cool site you probably couldn't connect)

I haven't got time to talk, still too busy. But okay, by popular demand here's a pictorial riddle:

Why do these Japanese tourists look so stupid? (Hint, it has to do with my great moose-ridden nation). (Suggestion, do not scroll down to the answer until you have your guess ready)


Yes of course, the answer is:


Not to be consumed without protective clothing.



Hope all these pics break the thread, crash the server or at least slow down all of you nards with dialup connections.

[ March 23, 2002, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Now the title of the thread is crap.


No, the title's okay, but I'm almost sure I've used a variation on it before.

Help me, Peng! They're trying to crucify me!</font>

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Why do these Japanese tourists look so stupid? (Hint, it has to do with my great moose-ridden nation). (Suggestion, do not scroll down to the answer until you have your guess ready)

I thought it was the standard Swedish full body condoms they are wearing.
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Originally posted by Bastables:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

Now the title of the thread is crap.


No, the title's okay, but I'm almost sure I've used a variation on it before.

Help me, Peng! They're trying to crucify me!</font>

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Ahem. Excuse me my Evil Liege, but a totally reliable and informed source has advised moi that the Dutch language was in fact derived in greater part thereof from the Hun dialect. Ergo, this SSN pillock should have no trouble recognising the meaning.

<font size="+2">*KICK*</font> Hun ain't a dialect boy-o! <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> Bavarian would be a dialect. <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> Hun is a bloody language. <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> Dutch is a different bloody language. <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> English is yet another bloody language. <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> They all come from the same Germanic roots. <font size="+2">*KICK*</font> So, by your logic you should understand Hun.

Oh, and in case I forgot <font size="+3">*KICK*</font>

(THINKS: I'll just go and stock up that nuclear proof bunker in my backyard...)
Won't do you a bit of good

[ March 23, 2002, 09:55 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Blast, damn and hell, page two before I get a chance to drop in with a hearty SOD OFF to the SSNs.

I blame AT&T ... right about 9 AMish or so everything that was AT&T in the whole blooming house packed it in at once. That included AT&T Cable TV (didn't get to see the new episode of Terry Bradshaw's "The Competition" damnit), AT&T Telephone (didn't get to make a call to the scrap metal dealer to have him come by and pick up that lovely rusting V8 engine my adorable former Marine son left) and ... horror of horrors (no Bauhaus I said HORRORS, not ... no I'm quite sure ... yes I promise that if it ever IS the other I'll let you know ... yes, you can count on me lad, now DO sit down) AT&T Broadband CABLE MODEM!

I've been a nervous wreck all day and then to come here and see this ... abortion of a title, well, I never thought I'D see the day when Seanachai flubbed one up THAT badly let me tell you. Still, could have been worse, could have been another Australian title.

Finally I must apologize to Peng for ALSO standing him up last night. First the potentially lovely and talented Allison and then my own humble self. Still our excuses were much the same, showing a commonality of purpose ... I had a headache.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Transmission begins


Transmission ends

Go figure.




Ah yes, another wry half-witticism by our own Flossing Mess. You are a person (alleged) who defies categorization. Do you make me actively nauseaus or just headachey and a little sad? I'm curious, do you find yourself explaining everything around you to yourself out loud? "I like toaster waffles, so I'm going to make some for myself right now." It's OK, Sparky, so you're a few fries short of a happy meal. So what? Embrace your inner idiot and let go!


"The universe strives for balance in all things. Take Australia...please.



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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

<font size="+2">*KICK*</font> So, by your logic you should understand Hun.

Oh, and in case I forgot <font size="+3">*KICK*</font>


Ich verstehe, Erarbeite





"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."<FONT COLOR = BLACK>

Joe Shaw

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"I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it." Joe Shaw
Right then, this goes TOO DAMNED FAR! Berli KINDLY inform your stupid, bloody, ill-mannered and less well-informed than a retarded kangaroo SQUIRE that he does NOT have my permission to use my lines in HIS bloody sig! ESPECIALLY SINCE I NEVER SAID IT!

Now if he insists on his childish practice of changing the quotes of other people since he hasn't the native wit to use their own words against them that's one thing ... ONCE! But to use it in a SIG LINE is simply unacceptable.

Others have chosen to use my phrases in their sig lines, but they didn't alter them. That's perfectly acceptable, HE DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION. And before some clown suggests it, I choose NOT to play AussieJeff for HIS sig line thank you very much.

There are standards to be applied in the CessPool and I'm standing firm on this one!


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

[QB] </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Go figure.




Ah yes, another wry half-witticism by our own Flossing Mess. You are a person (alleged) who defies categorization. Do you make me actively nauseaus or just headachey and a little sad? I'm curious, do you find yourself explaining everything around you to yourself out loud? "I like toaster waffles, so I'm going to make some for myself right now." It's OK, Sparky, so you're a few fries short of a happy meal. So what? Embrace your inner idiot and let go!


"The universe strives for balance in all things. Take Australia...please.


B :eek: :eek: _Radley</font>

<FONT COLOR = BLACK>So, <SMALL><SMALL>Boo-hoo.<BIG><BIG>You didn't indicate in your profile (how does a ghost cast a profile anyway?) that you are a *gag* Psychoatrist did you? Tell us, what sort of simple complex does hiding your REAL occupation relate to?

How about extending your mind to do a bit of analysis for the venerable PENG. He's feeling a little depressed and may need your worthwhile assistants as we speak.

Otherwise, back to the couch for you then, to ponder this:

"A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen as you are toss'd with."





"Some mornings, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." <FONT COLOR = BLACK>


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I blame AT&T ... right about 9 AMish or so everything that was AT&T in the whole blooming house packed it in at once.

Hmmm, do I detect a hint of competition with our our very own Telstra to see who can provide the worst service at the most expensive price?


[ March 23, 2002, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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The Beach continued

Hiram thought it would be a fun idea to bury each other in the sand. Hiram told Croda that he could go first which made him feel very special...but poor Croda didn't notice that Hiram had brought his Louisville Slugger along...


to be continued...

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Originally posted by AussieJeff

So, <SMALL><SMALL>Boo-hoo.<BIG><BIG>You didn't indicate in your profile (how does a ghost cast a profile anyway?) that you are a *gag* Psychoatrist did you? Tell us, what sort of simple complex does hiding your REAL occupation relate to?

How about extending your mind to do a bit of analysis for the venerable PENG. He's feeling a little depressed and may need your worthwhile assistants as we speak.

Otherwise, back to the couch for you then, to ponder this:

"A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen as you are toss'd with."



Wow. This guy is good. All I can say is that he must sit up alone, late at night with an I.V. full of Jolt Cola in his arm dreaming this stuff up.

You know AussieJeff (and I use your real name out of the untold respect I hold you in, and I ended that sentence fragment with a preposition so I give myself -5 pts. off), if you're ever in the states, I really want you to drop by. I've got something real special planned for you. Ever see the movie, "Fargo"? Well ... I don't have a wood chipper, but I do have a coffee grinder and a lot of patience.

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What part of "you just got slapped senseless by the French - AGAIN" didn't you understand? Your armor losses of ten to one? Your infantry losses of three to one? You're the legless armless squire, spouting blood and shouting "Coward! Come back here, I'll bite your legs off!" If you want to be punished that badly, I suggest asking your liege for a damn good kicking. Alternatively, try insulting the Old Ones - that did it for me......


.....And since neither of these bottom-feeders has yet lost to me, they're both two losses ahead of Noba, who is AT THE BACK OF THE QUEUE, and always will be.

And you don't want to try for three in a row ? Obviously you want to defend your gamey 2-0 win ratio forever. What you fail to mention, is that these were two games you foisted upon me. Not a real test at all. A 1500pt QB is the only way to satisfy who is really best. Two flukes do not a champion make.

I really enjoy losing to you, gives me a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling all over. Still, you're obviously to busy.

Mind the kids don't drain the pond in the meantime.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, this goes TOO DAMNED FAR! Berli KINDLY inform your stupid, bloody, ill-mannered and less well-informed than a retarded kangaroo SQUIRE that he does NOT have my permission to use my lines in HIS bloody sig! ESPECIALLY SINCE I NEVER SAID IT!

I'll be glad to put the boot in for you Joe, however, I do need one thing... do you have any proof that you did not say that?
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And again we see the sloth and general incompetence of the Australians. Given the task of keeping the Muthah Beautiful Thread on the top of the first page, they have failed utterly. Luckily, one of us proud 'merkins was here to save the day.

Useless wankers, the Australians.

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