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Tutorial embarrasment!

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I gave up on that scenerio after 5 turns. It was hopeless. Half of the troops routed, two tanks dead. Forget it. Very frustrating to play that one. I realize that "that's how it was" but still, not fun to play IMHO. It's alsmost like having NO control over the units.

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Hey folks! Got a total Russian victory on my first time out for the tutorial. Total fog of war, no German bonuses though.

Possible spoilers below, I dunno...








Anyhoo, I started my forces in the left, and gradually sort of shuffled them into the center of the map, massing in that large clump of trees. The tanks remained left of this. As they got closer to the German held tree line, that 37mm PaK opened up on my command tank, and both T-34s returned fire. Their first 3 rounds each overshot, probably killing some hapless Fritz chewing on a sausage safe behind the lines.

My command tank was hit perhaps 5 times, 2 or 3 did penetrate the turret, but did no damage. The other hits all ricocheted off of the lower hull. Finally someone found the range and KOed the gun.

After that I skated my tanks over so they were on the left and right sides of the tree clump, I brought my support units into position, and then began advancing the infantry squads forward using foxholes for cover. This is when the Kraut infantry opened up. I advanced my tanks with my infantry, and they kept the German troops pinned for the most part. At this point, my troops were still in a sort of line stretching across the field of craters...now I split them and had them run 45 degrees away from the objective flag, and into the woods.

As this happened, I advanced my tanks to the tree line, and then ordered the infantry to assault or advance to contact until resistance was met. By now my Maxims and the mortar were out of range, so I began bringing them up, but they missed out on the rest of the battle.

Fighting never got hand to hand, after my squads made contact in the woods, they'd lob a few grenades and finish off whatever the tanks hadn't already liquified.

I suffered 5 casualties, 2 KIA. One perforated tank, but a crew with some 37mm souvineers rather than emotonal trauma. The Germans had 5 men escape if I recall right. The rest were either casualties or captured.

Thoughts on the game: Wow. Utterly Wow. I think the biggest "Oh my God" factor was when I realized that the trees were swaying in the wind.

Side question: Anyone had any success running CMBB or even CMBO on Mac OS X? When the game field opens, the screen just stays blank. If I restart the computer in OS 9.2.2, it works fine.

Great work Battlefront!

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Started the tutorial, totally ignored the tutorial document and decided to try out some of the cool new commands (and by 'cool' I mean... etc.), by turn 7 all my infantry was pinned, one T-34 was doing a scrap metal impersonation and the other had fled off the map, no doubt terrified of my inept leadership, so I abandoned it and tried following the instructions and won 97-3. Remind me never to play Moon in a PBEM.

[ September 01, 2002, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Firefly ]

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First impression - love the sound and the tracers! I'd swear that some of those sounds are straight out of SPR, but it was way cool to hear both the 37mm Pak reloading and the Maxim bullets bouncing off the gun shield. Lots of bullet hits as well. Great vocals with the human wave!

Won the tutorial as the Russians, 76-24. I lost my HQ tank, and got to see tank morale in action - the other tank took several non-penetrating hits, panicked, then reversed out of LOS. After he had calmed down and the mortar had taken care of the Pak, I ordered him back forward for fire support - which he did with a 90 second delay! Tres cool!

I think I've exceeded my allotment of exclamation points... tongue.gif

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That tutorial was a lot of fun. I kept telling my wife "just 5 more minutes". I had a similar experience to busboy, the germs weren't able to take out my armor and were punished for it. Looking forward to the other two maps. Looks good BTS.

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Originally posted by Gyrene:

I beat the Germans 96 to 4 on the default settings. The tutorial was very easy.

Citadel as the Russians has proven to be harder than I thought...


Yeah... me too... all I had to do was run my infantry up the left side and go in through the flank of the trees.

I havnt tried it as germans yet tho...

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i played the tutorial with some success largely coz i gave the russkies 25% more resources.

a couple of things to note (potential spoilers):

- the german troops starts out taking cover for a couple of turns, hence it would seem that russian troop movements is best during this time to go undetected. Fast Move among bushes.

- conscript/green russian troops have tendancy to panic fairly quickly. I use the company commander to charge the positions together with troops.

A couple of questions I have though:

- It is too dang hard to play Germans as-is without additional resources. Any tips ?

- The light anti-tank guns, how effective are they against the T-34s ? it took ages to immobilise one.


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Originally posted by Phoenix:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Epée:

Got a Total Victory as the russians in Citadel Schwerpoint, with extreme FOW and +50% to the axis. It's all a matter of knowing where to ambush. Sweet.

Did you use the default positions for all your units????</font>
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Originally posted by laxx:

- It is too dang hard to play Germans as-is without additional resources. Any tips ?

As long as you guess the route the Russians will use then it is do able. smile.gif

I would alternate the units I had firing. One turn I would have the platoon HQ and a squad fire. The next turn I hid them and had the other HQ and squad fire. I just tried to pin the Russian troops. After the tanks were chased off I used the AT gun on the MGs. I ran out of ammo with 5+ turns left so I was lucky to have routed most of the Russians before then.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hehe... our Evil Plan was to make sure that anybody with a Member Number under 2000 had to sweat or at least swear more than normal. And if the Tutorial managed to do that... ehhhhhhhxcellent!


I was playing the German version (I only had german in college!), and so I didnt read the briefing and picked the germans.

I thought I was doing good, and then a T34 rolled up and introduced my entire company HQ and an entire squad to one shell of canister shot! That was the end for them and I was quickly moped up by the supporting infantry. Embarasing . . .


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after playing the two scenarios as germans on standard settings, the first word which came to mind - particularly after yelnia stare - was 'sobering.'














so i fire up yelnia stare and move the units around a bit, one platoon per wood patch, left, right, center. one 37at is right on the n edge of the left wood patch... turn 1 and the 37 opens up at faraway t34s and gets smoked... arghhh

and still turn 1 and the fos let off their rounds harmlessly in the middle of the map... was that some sort of registered fire or somefink?... it apparently had just a 1-second delay...

needless to say the 3 platoons end up getting thrashed, especially the right and center ones in that order. no t34s smoked, both 37ats out... major defeat...

then i fire up citadel schwerpunkt.... ok... this is more my style... 15 tanks... so i take the two wing platoons and 'stack' them behind the pzivs... then move out on fast.... after a minute or 2 on pziv is ambushed by some infantry dug in in the center of the board... arghhh

after heavier contact, both with one of the kvs and with several guns, the two pziii platoons break right and left respectively as the pzivs keep pushing the center... i'm thinking, 'you know the pzivs should be following, not leading here... the iiis should be taking the fire.'

but i digress. by the end of the game the board is pretty much swept of russians; certainly all their guns and 2 kvs are knocked out.

i'm impressed by the ability of the pziii and pziv to hold up to heavy 45mm fire - i mean assuming that's what that was... i love the pziii... i mean not such a big gun but certainly a gun which fires quickly, and 50mm is better than 37...

that for me is the highlight of the demo... seeing the pziii... somehow the t34/40 and kvis don't quite do it for me... perhaps it was just the context...

anyway i get a tactical victory...

then i go back to yelnia stare... concentrate 2 platoons on left and one in the center, then set up the mg34s and 37ats more 'intelligently,' on the 'inside' of the left wood patch, awaiting crossways fire for any t34s which move up too quickly. here i meet much greater success. the center platoon is chewed but the 2 platoons on the left keep the russian infantry charge at bay while the 37ats get 3 t34s...

that 'death clock' thing was in full effect... turret penetration after turret penetration... i came away impressed by the 37at at close range against the t34/40... i don't imagine they would have as great of success against the 41?... is that right?... certainly not against kvs...

i can't wait for the full game and the myriad of available vehicles... what about that maxim gun?... is it 12.7mm or somefink?...

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Ah, the sound of birdsong, trees blowing in the wind, bullets pinging off a T-34, the dulcet tones of Russian conscrpts shouting "OOORAAAHH", followed shortly thereafter by what I think must be Russian for "Oh Sh*T!" ...

GREAT job BTS. I've never been much of an Eastern Front fan, but this may change my mind. Big thumbs up for extreme fog of war and more realistic troop behavior too.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Hehe... our Evil Plan was to make sure that anybody with a Member Number under 2000 had to sweat or at least swear more than normal. And if the Tutorial managed to do that... ehhhhhhhxcellent!


Hate to disappoint you, Steve, but I had a total victory the first playing. And I don't count myself a very good player, either.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I played my first two games with a friend over TCP/IP.

First we played the tutorial. The Germans were able to get a minor victory (I was the Russians!).

Then we played "Stare" and I played the Germans and recieved a Total Victory over my friend.

I love this game.

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Yelnia - First Attempt as Allies.

Total Allied Victory with 31(!) casualties suffered!

After winning the long-range gun duel there is no need to even move own infantry in this scenario (apart from mopping up in the last turns)! Tankers life is that much easier without Panzerschrecks!

Thank you very much!


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