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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

...an' hae scoffed aet doon aen a picque, at baen whooped naer tae deeth aen oer last exceetin' encoonta'! Aye, at weer a reel Hoots, mon!!! Ah canna' weet fer a'noother oppertunaety tae doo ye agin'...rant, rant...

First your attempts at German, and now this.

Is there any bloody language or accent you can make an actual stab at?

I call for a Peng Challenge Thread vote:

Should AussieJeff be enjoined against any and all further attempts at posting in any parody of another accent, dialect, language, or patois other than his own native Australian?

Vote now. Vote: No More AussieJeff attempts at posting outside Aussie. Vote for the good of all mankind.</font>

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Oh that was good...real good. Gotta love the Asdic, almost as creepy as that music that plays when Jaws comes swimmin' by. You know (musing) I never realized until tonight, that the eerie opening of Pink Floyd's Echoes is an Asdic ping! Wow.

Persephone you cut me to the quick. OF COURSE I would rather be involved in the tickle-fight, but alas, the rules are: no panties, not allowed. So, rather than spend (yet another) night fantasizing about what goes on at "Girls Nite Out!" I choose to watch a movie about guts, glory, splody things, and the all-powerful ASDIC PING (not to be confused with our local Asthmic Peng.

Oh, as for cmplayer I remember his entry well: "Pardon me fellows, might I share a game with a right-jolly chap?" and "Hi, my name is cmplayer, I am friendly, love cats, like taking long walks at sunset, and play CM. If interested, drop me a line."

Well, since I like cats TOO, I offered to take him to wing, of sorts. That's when our resident skald informed me that in the course of my own tutelage, certain 'benefits' were found lacking, and I bereft of the ability to spawn. After that, I don't know what happened to our happy swedekin, but lo and anon, a month later he pops up with a voice grovelly with disillusionment and a big shiny belt buckle that reads "I been Knighted by the Cess". No idea how, think it might have been a lizard though... Or perhaps that hippy Dalem.

Incidentally, does anyone else get this weird feeling that Dalem is a hippy? Every time he posts, I read it in the voice of that father on Dharma and Greg (horrid little show) - I don't know why, but I think its him.

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I have been chosen: So, Joe, please do your best to mediate between Goanna, Eldest Australian, and CMplayer (most juniour 'I can't believe the pseduo-Swedish halfwit is even a Knight. Who took him as Squire, again?) in their disagreement over Squireship.
You misunderstand me sir, I was campaigning for black ball authority over the appointment of all Squires. In the case you mentioned, however, the issue I'm to mediate is only about WHICH Knight he belongs to ... since I dispute that he should ever have been ANYONE'S Squire I am in a bit of a quandry. However, I shall soldier on manfully.

I see the need for something quick and dirty, not unlike my choice of a date for the big game dance in High School. I shall create a map in the CM editor, a small map with character. I shall then grant a total of, say, 500 points each to the contestants. Each shall then review the map (I'll post a screen shot here for the edification of everyone) and purchase forces for a meeting engagement.

NO BATTLE WILL BE FOUGHT! The purpose of the exercise is to (x) buy the gamiest force possible with the points and (Momma Told Me Not To Come) post their rationale here in as amusing and clever a manner possible. Since one is from Australia and the other from Sweden we shouldn't be expecting too much. I shall be the final judge and shall award the dubious prize to the loser, no, Sorry, I MEANT to say the winner, obviously the Squire The_Capt shall be awarded to the winner, not the loser.

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

like asking the Pontiff to rule on whether cats have souls.

They do. All cats go to heaven (don't want those useless bastards in Hell

But, to more important matters...

Who here can vouch for CMPlayer (not bolded because I seriously doubt he's a knight) being a knight? Let his knight step forth and claim him. If no one steps forward, we will know that Seanachai and I have the right of it and all may put the *BOOT* in ta the usurping little ****e</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I call for a Peng Challenge Thread vote:

Should AussieJeff be enjoined against any and all further attempts at posting in any parody of another accent, dialect, language, or patois other than his own native Australian?

Vote now. Vote: No More AussieJeff attempts at posting outside Aussie. Vote for the good of all mankind.

Och, I vote naye.

If'n he's a bin a weee bit annoooyin' with his uncanna langwage then hoot mon, thas fin by me!

If'n it annoooys Seanachai a wee bit morrrre, thas even bedda!

Mace (ach, I loook aftarrrr me Berrrrli kin)

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

I call for a Peng Challenge Thread vote:

Och, I vote naye.

If'n he's a bin a weee bit annoooyin' with his uncanna langwage then hoot mon, thas fin by me!

If'n it annoooys Seanachai a wee bit morrrre, thas even bedda!

Mace (ach, I loook aftarrrr me Berrrrli kin)</font>

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Originally posted by Mace:

Och, I vote naye.

If'n he's a bin a weee bit annoooyin' with his uncanna langwage then hoot mon, thas fin by me!

If'n it annoooys Seanachai a wee bit morrrre, thas even bedda!

Mace (ach, I loook aftarrrr me Berrrrli kin)

And after I acknowledged your Seniour Knight status.

The bells of hell go ting-aling-aling-aling, for thee, but not for me, Mace.

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Originally posted by Noba:

Boo, you long suffering pillock. Go to bed, you need large amounts of beauty sleep. When that doesn't work, don't call us, we'll call you. Maybe.

As far as morons go - you havn't gone far enough. Stop prattling around like Dalem's Dog.

You forget, you lost to me.


Okay, squidling. You have invoked my name in two successive posts. You are not worthy of the stomping you richly deserve, but since I am squireless at the present, and in a very good mood because in case no one noticed, THE DETROIT RED WINGS SMASHED THE HATED COLORADO AVALANCHE THROUGH THE ICE TONIGHT 7-0, THAT'S RIGHT, 7-0, WITH 6 OF THOSE POINTS BEING BLASTED PAST PATRICK ROY, THE GREATEST GOALIE EVER, AND ARE ON THEIR WAY TO WINNING THE STANLEY CUP AGAIN, you will be granted a game.

Scenario or QB, I care not. <= 1500 pts. Anything else is up to you.

I think there is something wrong with these Oreos. They are very powdery.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The bells of hell go ting-aling-aling-aling, for thee, but not for me, Mace.

That's sounds like a nice sing-a-long, regardless I'm clan Berli dontcha know!

I mean, he's going to end up with me eventually so why should I try to resist fate? *shrugs*

Panzer Leader, be a nice nong and go off and watch your movie, there's a good little AFV commander.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I call for a Peng Challenge Thread vote:

Should AussieJeff be enjoined against any and all further attempts at posting in any parody of another accent, dialect, language, or patois other than his own native Australian?

Vote now. Vote: No More AussieJeff attempts at posting outside Aussie. Vote for the good of all mankind.

So voted.

I will commemorate my vote with some brief verse:

(to the tune of "Old MacDonald")

Old Crodzilla had a game

How I hate him so

And in that game he kicked my butt

How I hate him so

With a boom-boom here

And a crack-crack there

Here a boom, there a crack

Everywhere a Die-a-Lot

Old Crodzilla had a game

How I hate him so

Wow. That was so much fun, here's another about my game with the evil Son of Crodzilla, otherwise known as Boo...

(to the tune of the opening music to the old TV show Batman)

Nananananananananananananananana Boo lost!

Nananananananananananananananana Boo lost!

Nananananananananananananananana Boo lost!

Nananananananananananananananana Boo lost!

Boo lost! (Crack!)

Boo lost! (Bif!)

Boo lost! (Boff!)

Nanananananananananananana, BOO LOST!

Thank you!!!

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Originally posted by dalem:

I will commemorate my vote with some brief verse:

...cut in the interest of protecting future generations...

Thank you!!!

Urggh. Didn't we already pass some sort of resolution that forbade Dalem from versifying?

I'm off to be sick, now...

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Incidentally, does anyone else get this weird feeling that Dalem is a hippy? Every time he posts, I read it in the voice of that father on Dharma and Greg (horrid little show) - I don't know why, but I think its him.

Oh HO, so there you were, splayed on your pleather couch, wearing your little German Uboat Captain's hat, covered with spilled microwave popcorn and stale RC, and you suddenly had a flash of insight as to what could offend me more than, say, ANYTHING ELSE?

ME, a hippie? It is to laugh! Let me explain something to you, little ASDIC:

Hippies are dirty.

Hippies are stoned.

Hippies are unclean.

Hippies keep ferrets.

Hippies have no money.

Hippies want MY money.

Hippies twitch feebly to The Dead.

Hippies think macrame is suitable for wearing.

Hippies are frikkin' filthy.

Hippies want to help everyone.

Hippies can't even help themselves.

The only thing more annoying than being a hippie is being constantly mistaken for a hippie. I know, I know, have long hair, live in a hippie town, hang out with hippies for awhile, and everyone assumes you're a hippie. But the GOOD thing about it is the look of shocked horror that slowly dawns in their crusty, red-veined eyes when they take you in their confidence and realize for the first time that you are in fact, not one of them, that you, in fact, do NOT want to buy the world a Coke. THAT'S entertainment.

So, PL you have somehow, purely by accident you myalin-deficient protozoid, taunted me in a most successful fashion. I am wounded, and first blood is to you. A devious blow, to be applauded for its audacity and power. Now I demand satisfaction.

A battle, Sir. A battle that I request assistance with. Since my normal second Pondscum has failed to bribe the border guards and is CMless at the moment, I request a small byte-sized fracas from some one of the Olde or Seniour set. Some one who can really make it sing.

"Hippie" indeed.

[ June 01, 2002, 02:39 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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Scenario or QB, I care not. <= 1500 pts. Anything else is up to you.
Yes, my Knightship. Everything you say, my Knightship.

Do I get a piece of your dog if I win ? ( Or can I kick Boo, instead ?)

On second thoughts...who wants to beat a down-and-out Hippy ?


ps. Loved the singing. More please.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Talking to you leads me to believe that on the bottom of all bottles in Sweden is actually printed the phrase, "Apnas pa andra sidan."

Were you reading backwards through the glass? In Swedish it should say 'Nadis ardna ap sanpa' which means, 'Glass: may shatter in the teeth of Finns'. It's a way of warding off potential lawsuits.

Which reminds me, when you go ice fishing up there, how much ice do you actually catch? Is there a legal limit?

Ouch! I'm stung to the quick. Duel! Now! Put a 300 pointer into my mailbox, and make sure I'm the Alloids.

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Joe Shaw has made repeated queries about my lineage, so to spare him the trouble of a few mouseclicks (wouldn't want to aggravate his tennis elbow) I'll lay it out here as a matter of public record. Before I made Knight I was the faithful Squire of Sir Marlow. As things turned out, however, M was something of a deadbeat liege and I grew up wild as the grass, despising the temple, and running with the urchins, leaving little piles of steaming greetings about these hallowed halls. An Olde One would come hurrying in the chill dawn air, hastily arranging his toga and fingering his rattan cane, but arrive only in time to hear the last echos of lephrachaun laughter and trod with his sandaled foot in our greeting card.

In the event I have grown from those inauspicious beginnings to become a knight of willowy stature, equipped with streetsmarts parsecs beyond those of the latest crop of rent-a-squires and knights (Boring Boo, Anal Aussie, Lacklustre Lurker, Ingrate Idjit etc). So while I admit I have no talent, nor ever will have, and evoke at best a bemused sense of pity in a few hearts, I do possess a grudge and lust for destruction which is not ever appeased. No amount of yoga, meditation or green tea will ever dissolve the hatred coagulated in my heart. Only the sight of 240mm rabbit pellets, raining upon my nemesis' hapless troopettes will restore balance to my farce.

DIE GOANNA DIE! You bastard daughter of an apothecary's incestuous humpbacked whale carcase. Er. Damn. Try again. Umm...fetch your pbem-helper Goanna cause you're going to be needing it! Trying to steal my lump of love! Hmmm... Well whatever. Taunts have never been my strong suit. But the hatred is real REAL REAL, and seething. Seeing you severed will be soothing.

I accept Joe's proposal for a Grand Battle of Gamey Setups, with commentaries and subcommentaries provided in the form of powerpoint presentations (coffee break every 90 minute) and lunch at, oh I dunno, Denny's maybe? Now if you'll excuse me I have to go pet my bunnies now.

[ June 01, 2002, 05:26 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

<font size="-2">Before I made Knight I was the faithful Squire of Sir Marlow. As things turned out, however,</font> M was something of a deadbeat liege and I grew up wild as the grass, <font size="-2">despising the temple, and running with the urchins, leaving little piles of steaming greetings about these hallowed halls....</font>

So, Marlow is to blame for you being a squire, but that a knight does not make. I do not recall Marlow raising you up, nor the Lorak. Certainly none of the Olde Ones took pity upon you (pity, what the Hell is that). As it stands, it seems that we have a squire in knightly garb. Who shall step forward to claim bestowing belt and spurs upon this knave (don't mind the leveled crossbows).

Joe! at trial!

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Err, Great One Lorak.

I wish you to record two things.

#1. I am Squire to Slapdragon.

#2. I count myself for 4 losses playing around with denizens of the 'pool. Please update your records.



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I wish to report that the gamey bastiche known as Harv has crushed me in our meeting engagement by using the gamiest ploys I have ever witnessed—things like "covering flanks" and "using infantry to support tanks" and "providing overwatch." He kept using this thing, tractik? tankic? TACTICS! Yes, that's it, he used tactics in a most unsportsmanlike manner. If I didn't know better, I'd suspect he was a closet grog.

Or I might have screwed up...nah!

Anyway, if anyone in heaven or on earth cares, mark me down for a crippling loss. Autosurrender on turn 26 of 30.

Major Allied Victory

25 to 75

Now I have to buy new frocks for all those transvestite lumberjack Canadians who survived...


Squire to Boo_Radley

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

<font size="-2">Before I made Knight I was the faithful Squire of Sir Marlow. As things turned out, however,</font> M was something of a deadbeat liege and I grew up wild as the grass, <font size="-2">despising the temple, and running with the urchins, leaving little piles of steaming greetings about these hallowed halls....</font>

So, Marlow is to blame for you being a squire, but that a knight does not make. I do not recall Marlow raising you up, nor the Lorak. Certainly none of the Olde Ones took pity upon you (pity, what the Hell is that). As it stands, it seems that we have a squire in knightly garb. Who shall step forward to claim bestowing belt and spurs upon this knave (don't mind the leveled crossbows).

Joe! at trial!</font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

Boo, you long suffering pillock. Go to bed, you need large amounts of beauty sleep. When that doesn't work, don't call us, we'll call you. Maybe.

As far as morons go - you havn't gone far enough. Stop prattling around like Dalem's Dog.

You forget, you lost to me.


You going somewhere with this, Missy?

Yep, I lost one game to you, Noba-D-Knows-The-Trouble-I-Seen. If you think that means I will forever stand in awe of you, or fear you in any way, you don't know me very well, do you?

Tell ya what, Punkin'. Why don't you strap on a big old pair, send me a set-up, and I'll deflate them for you.

[ June 01, 2002, 10:10 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Talking to you leads me to believe that on the bottom of all bottles in Sweden is actually printed the phrase, "Apnas pa andra sidan."

Were you reading backwards through the glass? In Swedish it should say 'Nadis ardna ap sanpa' which means, 'Glass: may shatter in the teeth of Finns'. It's a way of warding off potential lawsuits.

Which reminds me, when you go ice fishing up there, how much ice do you actually catch? Is there a legal limit?

Ouch! I'm stung to the quick. Duel! Now! Put a 300 pointer into my mailbox, and make sure I'm the Alloids.</font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

No doubt Mace is still in his cups but we can hope that by Monday his time he'll have gained some semblance of sobriety and will be able to reply.

Reply to what?

Does this mean I actually have to go back and read all your posts? Bugger!


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