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Originally posted by PondScum:

Papa Khann, if those paramedics haven't left yet I think you should sic 'em on our petite liege and master - he's clearly hallucinating again.

PS Having fun with those tin cans?

Well, the one sort of left via the window. I don't think he'll be available for some time (poor Akronite sod). I can send the other over if you like.


I like tin cans. They make big "whooshie" noises when they blow up.

Originally posted by Lars:

Why don't you get back into your minivan and go chase the Soccer Moms, Papa?

Then you wouldn't have to be such an expert at the slap shot, playing the crease and high sticking in Pocket Hockey.

Bit of hostility there, Lard (between the ears, that is), bit of hostility indeed. All I was trying to do was point out the error in your statement regarding hockey. (And also to point out that you are obviously a dolt of enormous proportions. But that is another matter.) And this is how you repay me?

And hey, some of those Soccer Moms are cute.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem we make you a Squire, but you learn not. We make you a Knight, but you learn not. We GIVE you a Squire of your own, but HE learns better than you.Joe

Oh yeah, Joe, almost forgot. I was never a Squire and I took my first Squire of my own volition. Am I not now a Senior Knight, and therefore exemplary in my Pooligantsi conduct?
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Lars please stop abusing the elders. I think that your talk about soccer Moms has encouraged Papa to renew his Viagra prescription.

What you sould be doing is carefully positioning your doomed soldiers in the setup I sent you.

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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

dalem we make you a Squire, but you learn not. We make you a Knight, but you learn not. We GIVE you a Squire of your own, but HE learns better than you.Joe

Oh yeah, Joe, almost forgot. I was never a Squire and I took my first Squire of my own volition. Am I not now a Senior Knight, and therefore exemplary in my Pooligantsi conduct?</font>
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Leeo hae snatched abject defeat from tha' snarlin' jaws o' victory an' collapsed aintae a pile o' glistenin' fraish weasel droppins'. Hae managed tae scrape oop 24 points, an' Ah amassed tha staggerin' accumulation o' 76 feckin' points. An' Ah played as tha Brits.

Ah'm sae guid. An' ye're a collective fert ain a lift (elevatorrr fer tha ootsiders). Tha wee lassies o' tha Pond excaipted o' course.

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Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Lars please stop abusing the elders. I think that your talk about soccer Moms has encouraged Papa to renew his Viagra prescription.

What you sould be doing is carefully positioning your doomed soldiers in the setup I sent you.

0 bytes.

What would be the clue that the setup you sent wasn't going to work?

Maybe you should try a scenario.

Arty Fest '45 perhaps?

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More to the point, I was away for a few days so it'll take at least {insert length of time here} to read the...ummmm....stuff you idiots allowed your snot to type while I was away.

Insults and lame excuses for winning/losing/no turns/no setups to follow. Please commence holding your breath in anticipation....now.

Obligatory <big>Squire to SIR JOE SHAW</big>

[ July 03, 2002, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: Harv ]

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Originally posted by something what call itself Lard:

Please take note that there was no denial of the minivan.

I believe the appropriate phrase for me at this point is "I do not immediately recall" owning a minivan.

Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

Lars please stop abusing the elders. I think that your talk about soccer Moms has encouraged Papa to renew his Viagra prescription.

snippage of mindless drivel about putting down their teen magazines long enough to conclude a single turn of CM, or some such

Since when do I need encouragement from either one of you two knuckleheads?

Furthermore, should I find the good fortune to both meet a soccer mom AND have a bottle of Viagra on hand, at least I'm old enough to stay out with her past 10 p.m. And without parental supervision.

Now what would either of you two snot nosed whelps do with a soccer mom? Or for that matter, any member of the fairer sex old enough to have a drivers license? Come to think of it, ANY female that exists outside your sordid imaginations?


[ July 03, 2002, 01:44 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Each and every one of you pathetic surrender monkeys owes me a turn.

OK, maybe not all of you, but I still hate each and every one of you anyway.

Now can one of you sweaty circle-jerking marines (uncapitalised to show proper disdainfor their ilk) please put a bullet in this crappy cricket playing SSN, Khan. He's a bloody serial posting twit.

Now if you want to talk about bonza cricket teams, you need look no further than Australia. I could go on for days . . .

. . .no really, tempt me.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Now if you want to talk about bonza cricket teams, you need look no further than Australia. I could go on for days . . .

. . .no really, tempt me.

Please do.

Don't forget, as Australians it's our <diety of choice> given right to annoy as many cesspoolers as possible.


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Goanna:

Now if you want to talk about bonza cricket teams, you need look no further than Australia. I could go on for days . . .

. . .no really, tempt me.

Please do.

Don't forget, as Australians it's our <diety of choice> given right to annoy as many cesspoolers as possible.


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...Joe Blow was forced to retire hurt when he went to pull a short ball delivered by the wily medium pacer Noba but received a shooter instead that hit him an awful low blow in his unprotected groin and ko'd the poor bugger)".

Pausing thoughtfully down at fine leg after that last magnificent over, the Wily Medium Pacer goes over that excellent ball that removed Joe, literally. Coming in close to the stumps with his left arm brushing the umpire as he moved past, the bowler deceived the batsman with line and the swerving last minute straightening, that "did" him good and proper !! The ball pitched on off stump and continued it's inswing to cut inside the groping bat to find the mark beautifully.

The sound of a 'Kookaburra' hitting unprotected flesh is a joy to be replayed, for ever.

Ahhh. Cricket season.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:


(All sorts of complete gibberish SNIPPED because it was complete gibberish.)

So, this "Cricket" game of yours. You just make up the words and rules as you go along, right? Sort of like when Tom West and I in 10th grade made up LaFong! A card game where at random intermittent intervals you would pound your fist on the table and shout "King George!" for no apparent reason.

Cricket's like that then, eh?


TRANSMISSION TO BE CONTINUED............(if I can get this blasted crystal radio set working again, that is!!)


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Once again, a trap door springs open in the Cesspool, and a lone dark figure, holding the scroll of NDA appears to the unwashed masses...

"I have permission of the entire BFC team to tell you that the only thing more boring the watching Golf, is listening or watching cricket. To put this completely over the top, is an Aussie [Oi Oi Oi] cricket match. So, if this does not cease and desist, I will have no option but to delay CMBB and point to this thread. Choose wisely..."

The lone figure turns, and opens the trap door once more. He slowly starts down the ladder, but pauses to speak before the trapdoor shuts...

"If the Gods allow...and I am waiting to hear from them...there MAY be a sneak preview tomorrow at Casa de Rune for anyone if the Chicago area. Short notice will be supplied, but I do have Pilsner, Spatan, and for any Aussies that may be nearby, Fosters...."

With that, the trap door clangs shut...and the sound of a lock begin...well...err....locked


SOS was/is/and shall ever be creamed chip beef on toast

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So, this "Cricket" game of yours. You just make up the words and rules as you go along, right?

Ah, Boo! I take it then that you missed reading my revelatory piece about the Real Australia (posted here in the 'Pool some time ago), in which I discussed that day to day language use amongst Australians is comprised completely of words that they make up on the spot, but their universal and constant consumption of beer gives them a sort of 'empathic' animal sense that allows them to interpret what other Aussies are saying.

Say the word, Boo, and I will email you this very informative, if somewhat lengthy essay that exposes the true shame of this marsupial ridden hell-hole.

[ July 03, 2002, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Now look you here you Australian lot! We'll have no more of THAT filth on this thread. Not only were you clearly and distinctly talking ABOUT your pair (I think so ... well what the hell else COOULD it have been about ... no, not heads or tails frankly but it SOUNDED dirty) but it was, well it just wasn't ON!

Now that we've settled that I'd like to point out that the Dallas Cowboys (bolded because, well, they're the five time World Champion Dallas Cowboys after all) will be going into camp shortly and there's every indication that their Sam Will Blitz will be trashing the O line and allowing the secondary to play the deep zones without fear of play action passes.

TWO can play at this game gentlemen!


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Say the word, Boo, and I will email you this very informative, if somewhat lengthy essay that exposes the true shame of this marsupial ridden hell-hole.

Sure, why not? I've been having trouble getting to sleep in this heat without imbibing mass quantities of alchohol. At least my liver may thank you.
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